/******************************************************************************* viiper 0.1 By Tobias Girstmair, 2018 ./viiper 40x25 (see ./viiper -h for full list of options) KEYBINDINGS: - hjkl to move - p to pause and resume - r to restart - q to quit - (see `./minesviiper -h' for all keybindings) GNU GPL v3, see LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt *******************************************************************************/ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 /*for getopt, sigaction in c99*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "schemes.h" #define MIN(a,b) (a>b?b:a) #define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b) #define CLAMP(a,m,M) (aM?M:a)) #define printm(n, s) for (int _loop = 0; _loop < n; _loop++) fputs (s, stdout) #define print(str) fputs (str?str:"", stdout) #define CTRL_ 0x1F & #define COL_OFFSET 1 #define LINE_OFFSET 1 #define LINES_AFTER 1 #define CW 2 /* cell width */ #define SHORTHELP "%s [OPTIONS] [FIELDSIZE]\n" #define LONGHELP \ "OPTIONS:\n" \ " -h(elp)\n" \ "FIELDSIZE:\n" \ " WxH (width 'x' height)\n" \ " defaults to 30x20\n" \ "\n" \ "Keybindings:\n" \ " hjkl: move left/down/up/right\n" \ " p: pause / unpause\n" \ " r: start a new game\n" \ " q: quit\n" struct snake { int r; /* row */ int c; /* column */ struct snake* next; /* points to tail */ }; struct item { //TODO: make it more abstract (type should encode glyph, points, etc) int r; /* row */ int c; /* column */ int t; /* type */ int s; /* spawn time (for bonus) */ char* g; /* glyph */ struct item* prev; struct item* next; }; enum direction { NONE, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, }; enum item_type { NO_ITEM, FOOD, BONUS, }; struct game { int w; /* field width */ int h; /* field height */ struct snake* s; /* snek */ struct item* i; /* items (food, boni) */ int d; /* direction the snake is looking */ int n;/* direction to move on next tick */ int t; /* time of game start */ int p; /* score */ } g; struct opt { struct scheme* scheme; int l; /* initial snake length */ int s; //TODO: initial snake speed } op; int viiper(void); void snake_advance (void); void spawn_item (int type); void consume_item (struct item* i); void show_playfield (void); void snake_append (struct snake* s, int row, int col); void init_snake(); void quit (void); int getctrlseq (void); void move_ph (int line, int col); void clamp_fieldsize (void); void timer_setup (int enable); void signal_setup (void); void signal_handler (int signum); void screen_setup (int enable); void raw_mode(int enable); enum event { /* for getctrlseq() */ CTRSEQ_NULL = 0, CTRSEQ_EOF = -1, CTRSEQ_INVALID = -2, CTRSEQ_MOUSE = -3, CTRSEQ_CURSOR_LEFT = -7, CTRSEQ_CURSOR_DOWN = -8, CTRSEQ_CURSOR_UP = -9, CTRSEQ_CURSOR_RIGHT = -10, }; int main (int argc, char** argv) { /* defaults: */ g.w = 30; //two-char-width g.h = 20; op.l = 10; op.scheme = &unic0de; //TODO: expose to getopt() int optget; opterr = 0; /* don't print message on unrecognized option */ while ((optget = getopt (argc, argv, "+h")) != -1) { switch (optget) { case 'h': default: fprintf (stderr, SHORTHELP LONGHELP, argv[0]); return !(optget=='h'); } } if (optind < argc) { /* parse Fieldspec */ } srand(time(0)); signal_setup(); screen_setup(1); atexit (*quit); //TODO: call viiper() in a game loop viiper(); quit: return 0; } int viiper(void) { init_snake(); show_playfield (); g.d = g.n = EAST; timer_setup(1); spawn_item(FOOD); for(;;) { switch (getctrlseq()) { case 'h': if (g.d != EAST) g.n = WEST; break; case 'j': if (g.d != NORTH) g.n = SOUTH; break; case 'k': if (g.d != SOUTH) g.n = NORTH; break; case 'l': if (g.d != WEST) g.n = EAST; break; case 'r': /*TODO:restart*/ return 0; case 'q': return 0; case CTRL_'L': screen_setup(1); show_playfield(); break; } print ("\033[H\033[J"); show_playfield ();//TODO: only redraw diff } } void snake_advance (void) { g.d = g.n; int new_row = g.s->r +(g.d==SOUTH) -(g.d==NORTH); int new_col = g.s->c +(g.d==EAST) -(g.d==WEST); //TODO: detect food hit and spawn a new food. for (struct item* i = g.i; i; i = i->next) { if (i->r == new_row && i->c == new_col) { consume_item (i); spawn_item(FOOD); } } if (new_row >= g.h || new_col >= g.w || new_row < 0 || new_col < 0) exit(1); //TODO: longjump? struct snake* new_head; struct snake* new_tail; /* former second-to-last element */ for (new_tail = g.s; new_tail->next->next; new_tail = new_tail->next) /* use the opportunity of looping to check if we eat ourselves*/ if(new_tail->next->r == new_row && new_tail->next->c == new_col) exit(1); new_head = new_tail->next; /* reuse element instead of malloc() */ new_tail->next = NULL; new_head->r = new_row; new_head->c = new_col; new_head->next = g.s; g.s = new_head; } void spawn_item (int type) { int row, col; try_again: row = rand() % g.h; col = rand() % g.w; /* loop through snake to check if we aren't on it */ //TODO: inefficient as snake gets longer; near impossible in the end for (struct snake* s = g.s; s; s = s->next) if (s->r == row && s->c == col) goto try_again; //3. get item from category TODO struct item* new_item = malloc (sizeof(struct item)); new_item->g = "🍎"; new_item->r = row; new_item->c = col; new_item->t = type; new_item->s = time(0); if (g.i) g.i->prev = new_item; new_item->next = g.i; g.i = new_item; } void consume_item (struct item* i) { struct item* predecessor = i->prev; struct item* successor = i->next; switch (i->t) { case FOOD: g.p+=10; //TODO: multiple types for different points? snake_append(g.s, 0,0); /* position doesn't matter, as item */ break; /* will be reused as the head before it is drawn */ case BONUS: //handle bonus break; } if (predecessor == NULL) { g.i = successor; if (successor) successor->prev = NULL; } else { predecessor->next = successor; successor->prev = predecessor; } free (i); } void show_playfield (void) { /* top border */ print(BORDER(T,L)); printm (g.w/2-4/2, BORDER(T,C)); //TODO: i bet this breaks in dec mode printf ("%s %04d %s", BORDER(S,L), g.p, BORDER(S,R)); printm(g.w/2-4/2, BORDER(T,C)); printf ("%s\n", BORDER(T,R)); /* main area */ for (int row = 0; row < g.h; row++) printf ("%s%*s%s\n", BORDER(C,L), CW*g.w, "", BORDER(C,R)); /* bottom border */ print(BORDER(B,L)); printm (g.w, BORDER(B,C)); print (BORDER(B,R)); /* print snake */ struct snake* last = NULL; for (struct snake* s = g.s; s; s = s->next) { move_ph (s->r+COL_OFFSET, s->c*CW+LINE_OFFSET); int predecessor = (last==NULL)?NONE: (last->r < s->r) ? NORTH: (last->r > s->r) ? SOUTH: (last->c > s->c) ? EAST: (last->c < s->c) ? WEST:NONE; int successor = (s->next == NULL)?NONE: (s->next->r < s->r) ? NORTH: (s->next->r > s->r) ? SOUTH: (s->next->c > s->c) ? EAST: (s->next->c < s->c) ? WEST:NONE; print (op.scheme->snake[predecessor][successor]); last = s; } /* print item queue */ for (struct item* i = g.i; i; i = i->next) { move_ph (i->r+LINE_OFFSET, i->c*CW+COL_OFFSET); print (i->g); } } void snake_append (struct snake* s, int row, int col) { struct snake* new = malloc (sizeof(struct snake)); new->r = row; new->c = col; new->next = NULL; struct snake* p = s; while (p->next) p = p->next; p->next = new; } void init_snake() { g.s = malloc (sizeof(struct snake)); g.s->r = g.h/2; g.s->c = g.w/2; g.s->next=NULL; for (int i = 1; i < op.l; i++) snake_append(g.s, g.h/2, g.w/2-i); } void quit (void) { screen_setup(0); for (struct snake* s = g.s; s;) { struct snake* tmp = s->next; free (s); s = tmp; } for (struct item* i = g.i; i;) { struct item* tmp = i->next; free (i); i = tmp; } } enum esc_states { START, ESC_SENT, CSI_SENT, MOUSE_EVENT, }; int getctrlseq (void) { int c; int state = START; int offset = 0x20; /* never sends control chars as data */ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) { switch (state) { case START: switch (c) { case '\033': state=ESC_SENT; break; default: return c; } break; case ESC_SENT: switch (c) { case '[': state=CSI_SENT; break; default: return CTRSEQ_INVALID; } break; case CSI_SENT: switch (c) { case 'A': return CTRSEQ_CURSOR_UP; case 'B': return CTRSEQ_CURSOR_DOWN; case 'C': return CTRSEQ_CURSOR_RIGHT; case 'D': return CTRSEQ_CURSOR_LEFT; default: return CTRSEQ_INVALID; } break; default: return CTRSEQ_INVALID; } } return 2; } void move_ph (int line, int col) { /* move printhead to zero-indexed position */ printf ("\033[%d;%dH", line+1, col+1); } void clamp_fieldsize (void) { /* clamp field size to terminal size and mouse maximum: */ struct winsize w; ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); if (g.w < 1) g.w = 1; if (g.h < 1) g.h = 1; if (COL_OFFSET + g.w*CW + COL_OFFSET > w.ws_col) g.w = (w.ws_col - COL_OFFSET - COL_OFFSET)/CW; //TODO: does not work in `-d' (in xterm) if (LINE_OFFSET + g.h + LINES_AFTER > w.ws_row) g.h = w.ws_row - (LINE_OFFSET+LINES_AFTER); } void timer_setup (int enable) { static struct itimerval tbuf; tbuf.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;//TODO: make configurable, TODO: speed up tbuf.it_interval.tv_usec = 300000; if (enable) { g.t = time(NULL); tbuf.it_value.tv_sec = tbuf.it_interval.tv_sec; tbuf.it_value.tv_usec = tbuf.it_interval.tv_usec; if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tbuf, NULL) == -1) { perror("setitimer"); exit(1); } } else { tbuf.it_value.tv_sec = 0; tbuf.it_value.tv_usec = 0; if ( setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tbuf, NULL) == -1 ) { perror("setitimer"); exit(1); } } } void signal_setup (void) { struct sigaction saction; saction.sa_handler = signal_handler; sigemptyset(&saction.sa_mask); saction.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGALRM, &saction, NULL) < 0 ) { perror("SIGALRM"); exit(1); } if (sigaction(SIGINT, &saction, NULL) < 0 ) { perror ("SIGINT"); exit (1); } } void signal_handler (int signum) { //int dtime; switch (signum) { case SIGALRM: //dtime = difftime (time(NULL), g.t); //move_ph (1, g.w*CW-(CW%2)-3-(dtime>999)); //printf ("[%03d]", g.t?dtime:0); snake_advance(); break; case SIGINT: exit(128+SIGINT); } } void screen_setup (int enable) { if (enable) { raw_mode(1); printf ("\033[s\033[?47h"); /* save cursor, alternate screen */ printf ("\033[H\033[J"); /* reset cursor, clear screen */ printf ("\033[?25l"); /* hide cursor */ //print (op.scheme->init_seq); /* swich charset, if necessary */ } else { //print (op.scheme->reset_seq); /* reset charset, if necessary */ printf ("\033[?25h"); /* show cursor */ printf ("\033[?47l\033[u"); /* primary screen, restore cursor */ raw_mode(0); } } /* http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~phatalsk/357/lectures/code/sigalrm.c */ void raw_mode(int enable) { static struct termios saved_term_mode; struct termios raw_term_mode; if (enable) { tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &saved_term_mode); raw_term_mode = saved_term_mode; raw_term_mode.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); raw_term_mode.c_cc[VMIN] = 1 ; raw_term_mode.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &raw_term_mode); } else { tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &saved_term_mode); } }