From 4f8e1e1d40cccd9d53a6a2d9ba0b383d8c346f0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: girst Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2017 16:44:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] board design work --- kicad/hardpass-pcb/_saved_hardpass-pcb.sch | 1503 +++++++++++++++++ kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.bak | 39 +- kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb | 269 ++- kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb-bak | 299 ++-- kicad/hardpass-pcb/ | 490 +++--- kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.sch | 4 +- 6 files changed, 1988 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-) create mode 100644 kicad/hardpass-pcb/_saved_hardpass-pcb.sch diff --git a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/_saved_hardpass-pcb.sch b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/_saved_hardpass-pcb.sch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a07448c --- /dev/null +++ b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/_saved_hardpass-pcb.sch @@ -0,0 +1,1503 @@ +EESchema Schematic File Version 2 +LIBS:power +LIBS:device +LIBS:transistors +LIBS:conn +LIBS:linear +LIBS:regul +LIBS:74xx +LIBS:cmos4000 +LIBS:adc-dac +LIBS:memory +LIBS:xilinx +LIBS:microcontrollers +LIBS:dsp +LIBS:microchip +LIBS:analog_switches +LIBS:motorola +LIBS:texas +LIBS:intel +LIBS:audio +LIBS:interface +LIBS:digital-audio +LIBS:philips +LIBS:display +LIBS:cypress +LIBS:siliconi +LIBS:opto +LIBS:atmel +LIBS:contrib +LIBS:valves +LIBS:ESP8266 +LIBS:hardpass-pcb-cache +EELAYER 25 0 +EELAYER END +$Descr A4 11693 8268 +encoding utf-8 +Sheet 1 1 +Title "Hardpass PCB" +Date "2016-04-27" +Rev "1" +Comp "" +Comment1 "" +Comment2 "" +Comment3 "" +Comment4 "" +$EndDescr +$Comp +L CONN_02X20 P1 +U 1 1 57211855 +P 2000 2050 +F 0 "P1" H 2000 3100 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "Pi_Zero" V 2000 2050 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:Pin_Header_Mirrored-NoHoles_centered_2x20" H 2000 700 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2000 1100 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2000 2050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 1750 1200 0 60 Input ~ 0 +OLED_SDA +Text GLabel 1750 1300 0 60 Input ~ 0 +OLED_SCL +Text GLabel 1750 1400 0 60 Input ~ 0 +ESP_CHPD +Text GLabel 1750 1600 0 60 Input ~ 0 +SHUTDOWN +Text GLabel 1750 1700 0 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D3 +Text GLabel 1750 1800 0 60 Input ~ 0 +ESP_CLK +Text GLabel 1750 2500 0 60 Input ~ 0 +COL_1 +Text GLabel 1750 2600 0 60 Input ~ 0 +COL_2 +Text GLabel 1750 2700 0 60 Input ~ 0 +COL_3 +Text GLabel 1750 2900 0 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D2 +NoConn ~ 1750 2400 +NoConn ~ 2250 2400 +Text GLabel 2250 1400 2 60 Input ~ 0 +UART_TX +Text GLabel 2250 1500 2 60 Input ~ 0 +UART_RX +Text GLabel 2250 1800 2 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_CMD +Text GLabel 2250 1900 2 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D0 +Text GLabel 2250 2600 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_1 +Text GLabel 2250 2800 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_2 +Text GLabel 2250 2900 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_3 +Text GLabel 2250 3000 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_4 +$Comp +L GND #PWR01 +U 1 1 57211ADA +P 1000 3100 +F 0 "#PWR01" H 1000 2850 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 1000 2950 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 1000 3100 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 1000 3100 50 0000 C CNN + 1 1000 3100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +3.3V #PWR02 +U 1 1 57211B7B +P 1050 950 +F 0 "#PWR02" H 1050 800 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+3.3V" H 1050 1090 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 1050 950 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 1050 950 50 0000 C CNN + 1 1050 950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 2250 2100 2 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D1 +$Comp +L GND #PWR03 +U 1 1 5723909B +P 3000 3100 +F 0 "#PWR03" H 3000 2850 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 3000 2950 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 3000 3100 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 3000 3100 50 0000 C CNN + 1 3000 3100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW1 +U 1 1 572BCA0F +P 1900 5000 +F 0 "SW1" H 2050 5110 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "1" H 1900 4950 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 2500 3550 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 1900 5000 50 0000 C CNN + 1 1900 5000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW2 +U 1 1 572BCB0D +P 2350 5000 +F 0 "SW2" H 2500 5110 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "2" H 2350 4950 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 5350 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2350 5000 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2350 5000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW3 +U 1 1 572BCC13 +P 2800 5000 +F 0 "SW3" H 2950 5110 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "3" H 2800 4950 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 5250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2800 5000 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2800 5000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW4 +U 1 1 572BCDB9 +P 1900 5400 +F 0 "SW4" H 2050 5510 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "4" H 1900 5350 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 5950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 1900 5400 50 0000 C CNN + 1 1900 5400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW5 +U 1 1 572BCFBE +P 2350 5400 +F 0 "SW5" H 2500 5510 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "5" H 2350 5350 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 5850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2350 5400 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2350 5400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW6 +U 1 1 572BD09D +P 2800 5400 +F 0 "SW6" H 2950 5510 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "6" H 2800 5350 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 5750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2800 5400 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2800 5400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW7 +U 1 1 572BD274 +P 1900 5800 +F 0 "SW7" H 2050 5910 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "7" H 1900 5750 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 6450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 1900 5800 50 0000 C CNN + 1 1900 5800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW8 +U 1 1 572BD343 +P 2350 5800 +F 0 "SW8" H 2500 5910 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "8" H 2350 5750 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 6350 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2350 5800 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2350 5800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW9 +U 1 1 572BD459 +P 2800 5800 +F 0 "SW9" H 2950 5910 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "9" H 2800 5750 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 6250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2800 5800 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2800 5800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW10 +U 1 1 572BD528 +P 1900 6200 +F 0 "SW10" H 2050 6310 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "C/UP" H 1800 6150 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 6950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 1900 6200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 1900 6200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW11 +U 1 1 572BD6CB +P 2350 6200 +F 0 "SW11" H 2500 6310 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "0/OK" H 2250 6150 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 6850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2350 6200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2350 6200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW12 +U 1 1 572BD811 +P 2800 6200 +F 0 "SW12" H 2950 6310 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "OK/DN" H 2700 6150 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:SW_SPST_PTS645_nosilk" H 4650 6750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2800 6200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2800 6200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 1800 4600 1 60 Input ~ 0 +COL_1 +Text GLabel 2250 4600 1 60 Input ~ 0 +COL_2 +Text GLabel 2700 4600 1 60 Input ~ 0 +COL_3 +Text GLabel 3300 5100 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_1 +Text GLabel 3300 5500 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_2 +Text GLabel 3300 5900 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_3 +Text GLabel 3300 6300 2 60 Input ~ 0 +ROW_4 +$Comp +L C_Small C6 +U 1 1 576AB858 +P 5150 1150 +F 0 "C6" V 5200 1200 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1µF" H 5150 1000 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 5000 400 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 1150 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 1150 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C5 +U 1 1 576AB9B6 +P 5150 1350 +F 0 "C5" V 5200 1400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1µF" H 5150 1200 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 5150 2850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 1350 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 1350 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C2 +U 1 1 576ABF65 +P 4600 1850 +F 0 "C2" V 4650 1900 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1µF" V 4550 1650 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 4600 -200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4600 1850 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4600 1850 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C3 +U 1 1 576AC79A +P 5150 3750 +F 0 "C3" V 5200 3800 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "2.2µF" V 5200 3500 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 5150 5250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 3750 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 3750 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C4 +U 1 1 576ACF95 +P 5150 3650 +F 0 "C4" V 5200 3700 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "4.7µF" V 5200 3400 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 5150 5150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 3650 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 3650 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R1 +U 1 1 576AE193 +P 5150 3550 +F 0 "R1" V 5200 3650 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "390k" V 5200 3300 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 5150 5050 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 3550 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 3550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR04 +U 1 1 576AFDF4 +P 5150 900 +F 0 "#PWR04" H 5150 650 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 5150 750 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 5150 900 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 900 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 900 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 4650 2850 0 60 Input ~ 0 +OLED_SDA +Text GLabel 4650 2750 0 60 Input ~ 0 +OLED_SCL +$Comp +L +3.3V #PWR05 +U 1 1 576B9B60 +P 4850 2650 +F 0 "#PWR05" H 4850 2500 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+3.3V" H 4850 2790 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4850 2650 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4850 2650 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4850 2650 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR06 +U 1 1 576B9D6C +P 4950 3950 +F 0 "#PWR06" H 4950 3700 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 4950 3800 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4950 3950 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4950 3950 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4950 3950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R11 +U 1 1 576BAD7F +P 5050 2800 +F 0 "R11" V 5050 2900 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" V 5050 2550 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 5050 4400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5050 2800 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5050 2800 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R10 +U 1 1 576BB1ED +P 5050 2700 +F 0 "R10" V 5050 2800 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" V 5050 2450 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 3450 2050 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5050 2700 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5050 2700 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH SW13 +U 1 1 57715A24 +P 3500 7050 +F 0 "SW13" H 3650 7160 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "SHUTDN" H 3500 6970 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 3500 7050 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 3500 7050 50 0000 C CNN + 1 3500 7050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 3200 7050 0 60 Input ~ 0 +SHUTDOWN +$Comp +L GND #PWR07 +U 1 1 57716417 +P 3800 7050 +F 0 "#PWR07" H 3800 6800 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 3800 6900 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 3800 7050 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 3800 7050 50 0000 C CNN + 1 3800 7050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 500 1450 0 60 ~ 0 +Wifi Pants: \n pin 27--> +$Comp +L GND #PWR08 +U 1 1 58333C64 +P 4500 1850 +F 0 "#PWR08" H 4500 1600 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 4500 1700 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4500 1850 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4500 1850 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4500 1850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +3.3V #PWR09 +U 1 1 58333EC0 +P 4700 1850 +F 0 "#PWR09" H 4700 1700 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+3.3V" H 4700 1990 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4700 1850 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4700 1850 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4700 1850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C7 +U 1 1 58337245 +P 4550 2450 +F 0 "C7" H 4600 2400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "0.1µF" H 4300 2400 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 7150 2450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4550 2450 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4550 2450 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R2 +U 1 1 583372D3 +P 4550 2250 +F 0 "R2" V 4450 2200 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "100k" V 4650 2150 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" H 1950 2250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4550 2250 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4550 2250 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R3 +U 1 1 58337469 +P 4800 2350 +F 0 "R3" V 4900 2350 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "100k" V 4700 2300 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 4800 4700 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4800 2350 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4800 2350 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +3.3V #PWR010 +U 1 1 58337E9C +P 4550 2150 +F 0 "#PWR010" H 4550 2000 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+3.3V" H 4550 2290 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4550 2150 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4550 2150 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4550 2150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR011 +U 1 1 58337F0D +P 4550 2550 +F 0 "#PWR011" H 4550 2300 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 4550 2400 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4550 2550 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4550 2550 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4550 2550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 5950 6400 3 60 Input ~ 0 +ESP_CLK +Text GLabel 5850 6400 3 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D1 +Text GLabel 5750 6400 3 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D3 +Text GLabel 5650 6400 3 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D2 +Text GLabel 5550 6400 3 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_D0 +Text GLabel 5450 6400 3 60 Input ~ 0 +SD_CMD +$Comp +L R_Small R12 +U 1 1 57B87105 +P 5450 6300 +F 0 "R12" H 5400 6400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "33" V 5450 6250 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 4750 6200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5450 6300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5450 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R13 +U 1 1 57B88365 +P 5550 6300 +F 0 "R13" H 5500 6400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "33" V 5550 6250 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 4850 6200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5550 6300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5550 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R14 +U 1 1 57B88405 +P 5650 6300 +F 0 "R14" H 5600 6400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "33" V 5650 6250 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 4950 6200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5650 6300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5650 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R15 +U 1 1 57B884A8 +P 5750 6300 +F 0 "R15" H 5700 6400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "33" V 5750 6250 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 5050 6200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5750 6300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5750 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R16 +U 1 1 57B8854E +P 5850 6300 +F 0 "R16" H 5800 6400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "33" V 5850 6250 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 5150 6200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5850 6300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5850 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R17 +U 1 1 57B885F7 +P 5950 6300 +F 0 "R17" H 5900 6400 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "33" V 5950 6250 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 5250 6200 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5950 6300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5950 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 6600 5500 +$Comp +L GND #PWR012 +U 1 1 57B89D14 +P 6600 5700 +F 0 "#PWR012" H 6600 5450 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 6600 5550 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 6600 5700 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 6600 5700 50 0000 C CNN + 1 6600 5700 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 6600 5600 +NoConn ~ 6600 5400 +NoConn ~ 6600 5300 +NoConn ~ 6600 5000 +NoConn ~ 6600 5200 +NoConn ~ 6600 5100 +NoConn ~ 4800 5100 +$Comp +L +3V3 #PWR013 +U 1 1 57B89D90 +P 4600 5700 +F 0 "#PWR013" H 4600 5550 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+3V3" H 4600 5840 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4600 5700 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4600 5700 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4600 5700 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 4800 5600 +NoConn ~ 4800 5500 +NoConn ~ 4800 5400 +NoConn ~ 4800 5300 +NoConn ~ 4800 5000 +Text GLabel 4800 5200 0 60 Input ~ 0 +ESP_CHPD +$Comp +L ESP-12E U2 +U 1 1 57B86D32 +P 5700 5300 +F 0 "U2" H 5700 5200 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "ESP-12E" H 5700 5400 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:ESP-12E_smd" H 5700 5300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5700 5300 50 0001 C CNN + 1 5700 5300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L CONN_01X30 P2 +U 1 1 58700E5C +P 5450 2500 +F 0 "P2" H 5450 4050 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "OLED_I2C" V 5550 2500 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "adafruit-oled:UG-2864HSWEG01_0.96IN_WRAPAROUND" V 5650 2500 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5450 2500 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5450 2500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C1 +U 1 1 58702958 +P 4600 1550 +F 0 "C1" V 4650 1600 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1µF" V 4550 1350 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 4600 -500 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4600 1550 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4600 1550 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR014 +U 1 1 5870295E +P 4500 1550 +F 0 "#PWR014" H 4500 1300 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 4500 1400 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4500 1550 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4500 1550 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4500 1550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +3.3V #PWR015 +U 1 1 58702964 +P 4700 1550 +F 0 "#PWR015" H 4700 1400 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+3.3V" H 4700 1690 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 4700 1550 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 4700 1550 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4700 1550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 5250 1650 +$Comp +L GND #PWR016 +U 1 1 58702A61 +P 5000 2000 +F 0 "#PWR016" H 5000 1750 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 5000 1850 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 5000 2000 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5000 2000 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5000 2000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +3.3V #PWR017 +U 1 1 58702DF8 +P 5150 2100 +F 0 "#PWR017" H 5150 1950 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+3.3V" H 5150 2240 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 5150 2100 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 2100 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 2100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR018 +U 1 1 58702F8A +P 5150 1700 +F 0 "#PWR018" H 5150 1450 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 5150 1550 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 5150 1700 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 1700 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 1700 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR019 +U 1 1 58705FA1 +P 5150 2450 +F 0 "#PWR019" H 5150 2200 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 5150 2300 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 5150 2450 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5150 2450 50 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 2450 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 4250 3350 0 60 ~ 0 +Switching to SPI4:\n - pull 11 down\n - disconnect 20 +$Comp +L C_Small C20 +U 1 1 5880B4CE +P 10500 3150 +F 0 "C20" H 10510 3220 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "220nF" H 10510 3070 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 10600 4850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10500 3150 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10500 3150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C21 +U 1 1 5880B97A +P 10750 3150 +F 0 "C21" H 10760 3220 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "220nF" H 10760 3070 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 10600 4750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10750 3150 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10750 3150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C18 +U 1 1 5880BA0C +P 10100 3800 +F 0 "C18" H 10110 3870 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "100nF" V 10000 3650 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 10100 3800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10100 3800 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10100 3800 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C19 +U 1 1 5880BB0F +P 10100 4000 +F 0 "C19" H 10110 4070 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10µF" V 10200 3850 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 10100 4000 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10100 4000 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10100 4000 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C16 +U 1 1 5880BBA9 +P 9700 3600 +F 0 "C16" H 9710 3670 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "220nF" H 9710 3520 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 9700 3600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9700 3600 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9700 3600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C8 +U 1 1 5880BE78 +P 7650 3400 +F 0 "C8" H 7660 3470 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "220nF" H 7660 3320 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 7650 3400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 7650 3400 50 0000 C CNN + 1 7650 3400 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C13 +U 1 1 5880C0C1 +P 8700 2700 +F 0 "C13" V 8750 2750 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22nF" V 8750 2450 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 7350 4600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8700 2700 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8700 2700 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C12 +U 1 1 5880C189 +P 8450 2200 +F 0 "C12" H 8460 2270 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "100nF" V 8350 2100 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 9400 50 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8450 2200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8450 2200 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C11 +U 1 1 5880C234 +P 8450 1950 +F 0 "C11" H 8460 2020 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10µF" V 8350 1850 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" V 9250 -200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8450 1950 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8450 1950 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 9400 1700 1 60 Input ~ 0 +CARD_TX +Text GLabel 9300 1700 1 60 Input ~ 0 +CARD_RX +NoConn ~ 9500 1700 +NoConn ~ 9600 1700 +$Comp +L GND #PWR020 +U 1 1 5880D50E +P 10150 1700 +F 0 "#PWR020" H 10150 1450 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 10150 1550 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 10150 1700 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10150 1700 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10150 1700 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR021 +U 1 1 5881377E +P 10900 2600 +F 0 "#PWR021" H 10900 2350 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 10900 2450 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 10900 2600 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10900 2600 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10900 2600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR022 +U 1 1 5881836B +P 9700 3700 +F 0 "#PWR022" H 9700 3450 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 9700 3550 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 9700 3700 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9700 3700 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9700 3700 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR023 +U 1 1 5881F197 +P 8450 2550 +F 0 "#PWR023" H 8450 2300 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 8450 2400 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8450 2550 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8450 2550 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8450 2550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 10500 2300 +NoConn ~ 10500 2400 +NoConn ~ 8750 2300 +NoConn ~ 10550 2200 +$Comp +L ISO7816 U1 +U 1 1 58821579 +P 7050 3150 +F 0 "U1" H 7050 3550 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "ISO7816" H 7050 2750 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:CAF99-08153-S132" H 7050 3250 60 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 7050 3250 60 0001 C CNN + 1 7050 3150 + 1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 7450 3100 +NoConn ~ 6650 3100 +$Comp +L R_Small R5 +U 1 1 58823E8F +P 8200 2800 +F 0 "R5" H 8230 2820 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "180" H 8230 2760 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" H 8200 2800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8200 2800 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8200 2800 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C14 +U 1 1 588317FD +P 8850 3600 +F 0 "C14" H 8860 3670 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "100pF" H 8860 3520 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 8850 3600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8850 3600 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8850 3600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR024 +U 1 1 58833208 +P 10000 4200 +F 0 "#PWR024" H 10000 3950 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 10000 4050 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 10000 4200 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10000 4200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10000 4200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 6250 1250 0 60 ~ 0 +\n\n +Text Notes 7000 2000 0 60 ~ 0 +TODO: less Caps? +$Comp +L GND #PWR025 +U 1 1 58839D11 +P 9300 3400 +F 0 "#PWR025" H 9300 3150 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 9300 3250 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 9300 3400 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9300 3400 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9300 3400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Crystal Y1 +U 1 1 58839E8A +P 9850 1300 +F 0 "Y1" H 9850 1450 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "14.745MHz" H 9850 1150 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Crystals:Crystal_HC49-U_Vertical" H 9850 1300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9850 1300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9850 1300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C17 +U 1 1 5883A764 +P 10000 1200 +F 0 "C17" H 10010 1270 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22pF" H 10010 1120 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 10600 1350 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10000 1200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10000 1200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C_Small C15 +U 1 1 5883A85B +P 9700 1200 +F 0 "C15" H 9710 1270 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22pF" H 9710 1120 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 8800 1450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9700 1200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9700 1200 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR026 +U 1 1 5883AC0F +P 9850 900 +F 0 "#PWR026" H 9850 650 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 9850 750 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 9850 900 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9850 900 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9850 900 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR027 +U 1 1 5883C802 +P 10650 2800 +F 0 "#PWR027" H 10650 2550 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 10650 2650 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 10650 2800 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10650 2800 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10650 2800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SW_PUSH_SMALL SW14 +U 1 1 5883F21C +P 9600 1600 +F 0 "SW14" H 9550 1600 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "SW_PUSH_SMALL" H 9600 1521 50 0001 C CNN +F 2 "" H 9600 1600 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9600 1600 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9600 1600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L TDA8029 U3 +U 1 1 5880AAA0 +P 9650 2550 +F 0 "U3" H 9650 2450 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "TDA8029" H 9650 2650 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Housings_QFP:LQFP-32_7x7mm_Pitch0.8mm" H 9650 2550 60 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9650 2550 60 0001 C CNN + 1 9650 2550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R_Small R4 +U 1 1 5884B8AE +P 7700 3200 +F 0 "R4" H 7730 3220 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "100" H 7730 3160 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" H 7700 3200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 7700 3200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 7700 3200 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Text Notes 6250 800 0 60 ~ 0 +No Place on main PCB - has to go on another one +Text Notes 6250 950 0 60 ~ 0 +possible driver: +$Comp +L +5V #PWR028 +U 1 1 588108E7 +P 8600 1950 +F 0 "#PWR028" H 8600 1800 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+5V" H 8600 2090 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8600 1950 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8600 1950 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8600 1950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +5V #PWR029 +U 1 1 58810991 +P 8800 2200 +F 0 "#PWR029" H 8800 2050 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+5V" H 8800 2340 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8800 2200 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8800 2200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8800 2200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +5V #PWR030 +U 1 1 58810A71 +P 10650 2500 +F 0 "#PWR030" H 10650 2350 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+5V" H 10650 2640 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 10650 2500 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10650 2500 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10650 2500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +5V #PWR031 +U 1 1 58810B51 +P 10200 3400 +F 0 "#PWR031" H 10200 3250 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+5V" H 10200 3540 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 10200 3400 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 10200 3400 50 0000 C CNN + 1 10200 3400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +5V #PWR032 +U 1 1 588110F4 +P 9500 1500 +F 0 "#PWR032" H 9500 1350 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+5V" H 9500 1640 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 9500 1500 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9500 1500 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9500 1500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +5V #PWR033 +U 1 1 588119E7 +P 7550 2900 +F 0 "#PWR033" H 7550 2750 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+5V" H 7550 3040 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 7550 2900 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 7550 2900 50 0000 C CNN + 1 7550 2900 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 6250 1550 0 60 ~ 0 +\ne08f128a-897a-4361-86f3-81b7a41ba7d4\n'sim card samsung i9000 n7000' +$Comp +L CONN_02X20 P3 +U 1 1 5881588C +P 8800 5250 +F 0 "P3" H 8800 6300 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "Pi_Zero" V 8800 5250 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "hardpass:Pin_Header_Straight_2x20_Pitch2.54mm_centered" H 8800 3900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8800 4300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8800 5250 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L +5V #PWR034 +U 1 1 58817164 +P 9150 4300 +F 0 "#PWR034" H 9150 4150 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "+5V" H 9150 4440 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 9150 4300 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9150 4300 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9150 4300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR035 +U 1 1 5881733E +P 8450 6200 +F 0 "#PWR035" H 8450 5950 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 8450 6050 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 8450 6200 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8450 6200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8450 6200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR036 +U 1 1 588173EB +P 9150 6200 +F 0 "#PWR036" H 9150 5950 50 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 9150 6050 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "" H 9150 6200 50 0000 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9150 6200 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9150 6200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 9050 4600 2 60 Input ~ 0 +CARD_RX +Text GLabel 9050 4700 2 60 Input ~ 0 +CARD_TX +Connection ~ 8750 2400 +Wire Wire Line + 8750 2600 8750 2400 +Wire Wire Line + 8800 2600 8750 2600 +Connection ~ 7450 3000 +Connection ~ 7450 2900 +Wire Wire Line + 7150 3000 7150 2900 +Wire Notes Line + 6150 650 6150 4250 +Wire Notes Line + 11100 6500 11100 4450 +Wire Notes Line + 8100 6500 11100 6500 +Wire Notes Line + 8100 4250 8100 6500 +Wire Notes Line + 6150 4250 8100 4250 +Wire Wire Line + 9150 4500 9150 6200 +Wire Wire Line + 8450 6200 8450 4700 +Wire Wire Line + 9150 4400 9150 4300 +Wire Wire Line + 9050 4400 9150 4400 +Wire Wire Line + 9050 4300 9150 4300 +Connection ~ 9150 5900 +Wire Wire Line + 9050 5900 9150 5900 +Connection ~ 9150 5700 +Wire Wire Line + 9050 5700 9150 5700 +Connection ~ 9150 5200 +Wire Wire Line + 9050 5200 9150 5200 +Connection ~ 9150 4900 +Wire 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2800 50 0000 C CNN 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp -L C_Small C9 -U 1 1 5882B77E -P 8050 3200 -F 0 "C9" H 8060 3270 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "33pF" H 8060 3120 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_1206" H 8050 3200 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 8050 3200 50 0000 C CNN - 1 8050 3200 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp L C_Small C14 U 1 1 588317FD P 8850 3600 @@ -1159,9 +1137,6 @@ F 3 "" H 9150 6200 50 0000 C CNN 1 9150 6200 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp -Connection ~ 8150 3400 -Wire Wire Line - 8150 3200 8150 3400 Wire Wire Line 7750 3850 7750 3400 Wire Wire Line @@ -1403,12 +1378,6 @@ Wire Wire Line 4700 2350 4550 2350 Wire Wire Line 4600 5700 4800 5700 -Wire Wire Line - 8350 3700 8350 3850 -Connection ~ 8350 3850 -Wire Wire Line - 8350 3500 8350 3400 -Connection ~ 8350 3400 Wire Wire Line 8850 3500 8850 3400 Connection ~ 8850 3400 @@ -1454,9 +1423,6 @@ Connection ~ 8600 2200 Connection ~ 8300 2200 Connection ~ 8300 2500 Connection ~ 8600 2500 -Wire Wire Line - 8800 2600 8600 2600 -Connection ~ 8600 2600 Wire Wire Line 7150 2900 7550 2900 Wire Wire Line @@ -1529,4 +1495,9 @@ Wire Wire Line 7150 3000 7150 2900 Connection ~ 7450 2900 Connection ~ 7450 3000 +Wire Wire Line + 8800 2600 8750 2600 +Wire Wire Line + 8750 2600 8750 2400 +Connection ~ 8750 2400 $EndSCHEMATC diff --git a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb index 10d60aa..40dfb64 100644 --- a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb +++ b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ (kicad_pcb (version 4) (host pcbnew 4.0.5-e0-6337~49~ubuntu16.04.1) (general - (links 167) - (no_connects 14) + (links 0) + (no_connects 12) (area -0.050001 -0.050001 80.050001 65.050001) (thickness 1.6) (drawings 26) - (tracks 717) + (tracks 722) (zones 0) - (modules 61) + (modules 59) (nets 123) ) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ (mod_edge_width 0.15) (mod_text_size 1 1) (mod_text_width 0.15) - (pad_size 1.2 0.6) + (pad_size 1.9 3) (pad_drill 0) (pad_to_mask_clearance 0) (aux_axis_origin 0 0) @@ -354,8 +354,41 @@ (add_net "Net-(C14-Pad2)") ) + (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EA93) + (at 75.5 31 180) + (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") + (tags "capacitor 1206") + (path /5880BE78) + (attr smd) + (fp_text reference C8 (at 0 -2.3 180) (layer F.SilkS) + (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) + ) + (fp_text value 220nF (at 0 2.3 180) (layer F.Fab) + (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) + ) + (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) + (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) + (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (net 69 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")) + (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl + (at (xyz 0 0 0)) + (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) + (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) + ) + ) + (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EAF3) - (at 75.5 26 180) + (at 75.5 28.5 180) (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") (tags "capacitor 1206") (path /588317FD) @@ -1755,72 +1788,6 @@ (net 1 GND)) ) - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EA93) - (at 75.5 28.5 180) - (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") - (tags "capacitor 1206") - (path /5880BE78) - (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C8 (at 0 -2.3 180) (layer F.SilkS) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_text value 220nF (at 0 2.3 180) (layer F.Fab) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 1 GND)) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 69 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")) - (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl - (at (xyz 0 0 0)) - (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) - (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) - ) - ) - - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EAA3) - (at 75.5 31) - (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") - (tags "capacitor 1206") - (path /5882B77E) - (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C9 (at 0 -2.3) (layer F.SilkS) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_text value 33pF (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 70 "Net-(C9-Pad1)")) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 1 GND)) - (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl - (at (xyz 0 0 0)) - (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) - (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) - ) - ) - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EAC3) (at 75.5 41.75 180) (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") @@ -2053,15 +2020,15 @@ ) (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EB43) - (at 88 40) + (at 58.75 34.75 270) (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") (tags "capacitor 1206") (path /5880BB0F) (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C19 (at 0 -2.3) (layer F.SilkS) + (fp_text reference C19 (at 0 -2.3 270) (layer F.SilkS) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) ) - (fp_text value 10µF (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab) + (fp_text value 10µF (at 0 2.3 270) (layer F.Fab) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) ) (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) @@ -2074,9 +2041,9 @@ (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0 270) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (net 72 +5V)) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0 270) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (net 1 GND)) (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl (at (xyz 0 0 0)) @@ -2217,7 +2184,7 @@ ) ) - (module hardpass:CAF99-08153-S132 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5880D421) (tstamp 5880EB98) + (module hardpass:CAF99-08153-S132 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 58837C4A) (tstamp 5880EB98) (at 66.25 16 180) (path /58821579) (fp_text reference U1 (at 0 0.5 180) (layer F.SilkS) @@ -2247,10 +2214,14 @@ (net 82 "Net-(R5-Pad1)")) (pad 8 smd rect (at 3.81 8.375 180) (size 1.3 1.2) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (net 85 "Net-(U1-Pad8)")) - (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) - (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) - (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) - (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) + (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) ) (module Housings_QFP:LQFP-32_7x7mm_Pitch0.8mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54130A77) (tstamp 5880EBCF) @@ -2509,39 +2480,6 @@ ) ) - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5881312C) - (at 88.25 31.75) - (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") - (tags "capacitor 1206") - (path /5880BC62) - (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C10 (at 0 -2.3) (layer F.SilkS) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_text value 100pF (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 1 GND)) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 71 "Net-(C10-Pad2)")) - (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl - (at (xyz 0 0 0)) - (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) - (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) - ) - ) - (gr_line (start 30 62) (end 50 62) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1)) (gr_line (start 50 60.75) (end 30 60.75) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1)) (gr_line (start 77 0) (end 53 0) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1) (tstamp 5880E2F1)) @@ -2573,14 +2511,14 @@ (gr_arc (start 27 3) (end 27 0) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1)) (gr_arc (start 3 3) (end 0 3) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1)) - (via (at 74.4 19.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 0)) - (via (at 74.4 14.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 0)) - (via (at 58.1 19.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 0)) - (via (at 58.1 14.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 0)) - (via (at 59.25 42) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 74.4 19.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 74.4 14.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 58.1 19.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 58.1 14.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 58.75 36.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 77 31) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 77 28.5) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) - (via (at 77 26) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) - (via (at 77 30.75) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 59.25 42) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 76.5 39) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 77 44.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 77 41.75) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) @@ -3160,6 +3098,7 @@ (segment (start 20.99 40.25) (end 20.99 39.6) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 46)) (segment (start 20.99 39.6) (end 22.5 38.09) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 46)) (segment (start 22.5 38.09) (end 22.5 37.45) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 46)) + (segment (start 74 28.5) (end 74 31) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 70.06 23.975) (end 70.06 10.115) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 70.06 10.115) (end 67.57 7.625) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 67.57 7.625) (end 67.52 7.625) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) @@ -3173,9 +3112,6 @@ (segment (start 68.875011 31.724989) (end 68.2 32.4) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 68.2 32.4) (end 68.2 33.25) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 70.45 27.25) (end 70.45 27.65) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) - (segment (start 70.45 27.65) (end 73.55 30.75) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) - (segment (start 73.55 30.75) (end 74 30.75) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) - (segment (start 71.8 29) (end 70.45 27.65) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) (segment (start 70.45 27.65) (end 69.375021 28.724979) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) (segment (start 69 32.4) (end 69 33.25) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) (segment (start 69.375021 28.724979) (end 69.375021 32.024979) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) @@ -3185,6 +3121,13 @@ (segment (start 68.375001 31.424999) (end 67.4 32.4) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 71)) (segment (start 68.375001 25.680001) (end 68.375001 31.424999) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 71)) (segment (start 67.4 32.4) (end 67.4 33.25) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 71)) + (segment (start 63.5 32.25) (end 58.9 32.25) (width 0.35) (layer B.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 58.9 32.25) (end 58.75 32.4) (width 0.35) (layer B.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 58.75 32.4) (end 58.75 33.25) (width 0.35) (layer B.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64.2 33.25) (end 64.2 32.95) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64.2 32.95) (end 63.5 32.25) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (via (at 63.5 32.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 72)) + (via (at 58.75 33.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 72)) (segment (start 64.25 40.5) (end 64 40.5) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) (segment (start 64 40.5) (end 62 42.5) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) (segment (start 64.25 40) (end 64.25 40.5) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) @@ -3675,9 +3618,9 @@ (xy 77.635317 34.953162) (xy 77.851441 34.81409) (xy 77.996431 34.60189) (xy 78.04744 34.35) (xy 78.04744 32.65) (xy 78.003162 32.414683) (xy 77.919489 32.284651) (xy 77.951441 32.26409) (xy 78.096431 32.05189) (xy 78.14744 31.8) (xy 78.14744 30.2) (xy 78.103162 29.964683) (xy 77.96409 29.748559) (xy 77.962701 29.74761) (xy 78.096431 29.55189) - (xy 78.14744 29.3) (xy 78.14744 27.7) (xy 78.103162 27.464683) (xy 77.96409 27.248559) (xy 77.962701 27.24761) - (xy 78.096431 27.05189) (xy 78.14744 26.8) (xy 78.14744 25.2) (xy 78.103162 24.964683) (xy 77.96409 24.748559) - (xy 77.75189 24.603569) (xy 77.5 24.55256) (xy 76.5 24.55256) (xy 76.485001 24.555382) (xy 76.485001 11.364999) + (xy 78.14744 29.3) (xy 78.14744 27.7) (xy 78.103162 27.464683) (xy 77.96409 27.248559) (xy 77.75189 27.103569) + (xy 77.5 27.05256) (xy 76.5 27.05256) (xy 76.264683 27.096838) (xy 76.26 27.099851) (xy 76.26 26.064802) + (xy 76.262402 26.0624) (xy 76.427149 25.815839) (xy 76.440245 25.75) (xy 76.485001 25.524999) (xy 76.485001 11.364999) (xy 76.427149 11.07416) (xy 76.262402 10.827598) (xy 71.547402 6.112598) (xy 71.30084 5.947851) (xy 71.010001 5.889999) (xy 66.005001 5.889999) (xy 65.714162 5.947851) (xy 65.4676 6.112598) (xy 65.202638 6.37756) (xy 64.33 6.37756) (xy 64.094683 6.421838) (xy 63.878559 6.56091) (xy 63.733569 6.77311) (xy 63.711007 6.884523) (xy 63.693162 6.789683) @@ -3708,10 +3651,15 @@ (xy 59 26.30256) (xy 58.764683 26.346838) (xy 58.548559 26.48591) (xy 58.403569 26.69811) (xy 58.35256 26.95) (xy 58.35256 28.55) (xy 58.396838 28.785317) (xy 58.53591 29.001441) (xy 58.718769 29.126383) (xy 58.548559 29.23591) (xy 58.403569 29.44811) (xy 58.35256 29.7) (xy 58.35256 31.3) (xy 58.396838 31.535317) (xy 58.53591 31.751441) - (xy 58.74811 31.896431) (xy 59 31.94744) (xy 59.572638 31.94744) (xy 61.642765 34.017567) (xy 61.553569 34.14811) - (xy 61.50256 34.4) (xy 61.50256 34.415002) (xy 61.285127 34.414812) (xy 60.8862 34.579646) (xy 60.580718 34.884595) - (xy 60.415189 35.283233) (xy 60.414812 35.714873) (xy 60.522388 35.975225) (xy 60.381982 36.03324) (xy 60.0765 36.338189) - (xy 59.910971 36.736827) (xy 59.910594 37.168467) (xy 60.075428 37.567394) (xy 60.380377 37.872876) (xy 60.779015 38.038405) + (xy 58.74811 31.896431) (xy 59 31.94744) (xy 59.572638 31.94744) (xy 59.785374 32.160176) (xy 59.67631 32.115) + (xy 59.03575 32.115) (xy 58.877 32.27375) (xy 58.877 33.123) (xy 60.02625 33.123) (xy 60.185 32.96425) + (xy 60.185 32.623691) (xy 60.139824 32.514626) (xy 61.642765 34.017567) (xy 61.553569 34.14811) (xy 61.50256 34.4) + (xy 61.50256 34.415002) (xy 61.285127 34.414812) (xy 60.8862 34.579646) (xy 60.580718 34.884595) (xy 60.415189 35.283233) + (xy 60.414812 35.714873) (xy 60.522388 35.975225) (xy 60.381982 36.03324) (xy 60.19744 36.21746) (xy 60.19744 35.75) + (xy 60.153162 35.514683) (xy 60.01409 35.298559) (xy 59.80189 35.153569) (xy 59.55 35.10256) (xy 57.95 35.10256) + (xy 57.714683 35.146838) (xy 57.498559 35.28591) (xy 57.353569 35.49811) (xy 57.30256 35.75) (xy 57.30256 36.75) + (xy 57.346838 36.985317) (xy 57.48591 37.201441) (xy 57.69811 37.346431) (xy 57.95 37.39744) (xy 59.55 37.39744) + (xy 59.785317 37.353162) (xy 59.944567 37.250687) (xy 60.075428 37.567394) (xy 60.380377 37.872876) (xy 60.779015 38.038405) (xy 61.210655 38.038782) (xy 61.515 37.913029) (xy 61.515 38.027002) (xy 61.636319 38.027002) (xy 61.555573 38.145177) (xy 61.515 38.18575) (xy 61.515 38.32631) (xy 61.516667 38.330335) (xy 61.50256 38.4) (xy 61.50256 39) (xy 61.522067 39.103671) (xy 61.50256 39.2) (xy 61.50256 39.8) (xy 61.522067 39.903671) (xy 61.50256 40) @@ -3745,7 +3693,14 @@ (xy 58.090301 37.961673) (xy 57.911673 38.140302) (xy 57.815 38.373691) (xy 56.18935 38.373691) (xy 56.171054 38.281715) (xy 55.849147 37.799946) (xy 55.519974 37.58) (xy 55.849147 37.360054) (xy 56.171054 36.878285) (xy 56.284093 36.31) (xy 56.171054 35.741715) (xy 55.849147 35.259946) (xy 55.519974 35.04) (xy 55.849147 34.820054) (xy 56.171054 34.338285) - (xy 56.284093 33.77) (xy 56.171054 33.201715) (xy 55.849147 32.719946) (xy 55.519974 32.5) (xy 55.849147 32.280054) + (xy 56.284093 33.77) (xy 56.237498 33.53575) (xy 57.315 33.53575) (xy 57.315 33.876309) (xy 57.411673 34.109698) + (xy 57.590301 34.288327) (xy 57.82369 34.385) (xy 58.46425 34.385) (xy 58.623 34.22625) (xy 58.623 33.377) + (xy 58.877 33.377) (xy 58.877 34.22625) (xy 59.03575 34.385) (xy 59.67631 34.385) (xy 59.909699 34.288327) + (xy 60.088327 34.109698) (xy 60.185 33.876309) (xy 60.185 33.53575) (xy 60.02625 33.377) (xy 58.877 33.377) + (xy 58.623 33.377) (xy 57.47375 33.377) (xy 57.315 33.53575) (xy 56.237498 33.53575) (xy 56.171054 33.201715) + (xy 55.849147 32.719946) (xy 55.705091 32.623691) (xy 57.315 32.623691) (xy 57.315 32.96425) (xy 57.47375 33.123) + (xy 58.623 33.123) (xy 58.623 32.27375) (xy 58.46425 32.115) (xy 57.82369 32.115) (xy 57.590301 32.211673) + (xy 57.411673 32.390302) (xy 57.315 32.623691) (xy 55.705091 32.623691) (xy 55.519974 32.5) (xy 55.849147 32.280054) (xy 56.171054 31.798285) (xy 56.284093 31.23) (xy 56.171054 30.661715) (xy 55.849147 30.179946) (xy 55.519974 29.96) (xy 55.849147 29.740054) (xy 56.171054 29.258285) (xy 56.284093 28.69) (xy 56.171054 28.121715) (xy 55.849147 27.639946) (xy 55.519974 27.42) (xy 55.849147 27.200054) (xy 56.171054 26.718285) (xy 56.284093 26.15) (xy 56.171054 25.581715) @@ -3882,34 +3837,26 @@ (xy 55.519974 40.12) (xy 55.849147 39.900054) (xy 56.171054 39.418285) (xy 56.284093 38.85) (xy 56.171054 38.281715) (xy 55.849147 37.799946) (xy 55.519974 37.58) (xy 55.849147 37.360054) (xy 56.171054 36.878285) (xy 56.284093 36.31) (xy 56.171054 35.741715) (xy 55.849147 35.259946) (xy 55.519974 35.04) (xy 55.849147 34.820054) (xy 56.171054 34.338285) - (xy 56.284093 33.77) (xy 56.171054 33.201715) (xy 55.849147 32.719946) (xy 55.519974 32.5) (xy 55.849147 32.280054) - (xy 56.171054 31.798285) (xy 56.284093 31.23) (xy 56.171054 30.661715) (xy 55.849147 30.179946) (xy 55.519974 29.96) - (xy 55.849147 29.740054) (xy 56.171054 29.258285) (xy 56.284093 28.69) (xy 56.171054 28.121715) (xy 55.849147 27.639946) - (xy 55.508447 27.412298) (xy 55.651358 27.345183) (xy 56.041645 26.916924) (xy 56.211476 26.50689) (xy 56.090155 26.277) - (xy 54.897 26.277) (xy 54.897 26.297) (xy 54.643 26.297) (xy 54.643 26.277) (xy 54.623 26.277) - (xy 54.623 26.023) (xy 54.643 26.023) (xy 54.643 26.003) (xy 54.897 26.003) (xy 54.897 26.023) - (xy 56.090155 26.023) (xy 56.211476 25.79311) (xy 56.041645 25.383076) (xy 55.651358 24.954817) (xy 55.508447 24.887702) - (xy 55.849147 24.660054) (xy 56.171054 24.178285) (xy 56.284093 23.61) (xy 56.171054 23.041715) (xy 55.849147 22.559946) - (xy 55.519974 22.34) (xy 55.849147 22.120054) (xy 56.171054 21.638285) (xy 56.284093 21.07) (xy 56.171054 20.501715) - (xy 55.849147 20.019946) (xy 55.519974 19.8) (xy 55.849147 19.580054) (xy 55.909403 19.489873) (xy 57.014812 19.489873) - (xy 57.179646 19.8888) (xy 57.484595 20.194282) (xy 57.883233 20.359811) (xy 58.314873 20.360188) (xy 58.7138 20.195354) - (xy 59.019282 19.890405) (xy 59.184811 19.491767) (xy 59.184812 19.489873) (xy 73.314812 19.489873) (xy 73.479646 19.8888) - (xy 73.784595 20.194282) (xy 74.183233 20.359811) (xy 74.614873 20.360188) (xy 75.0138 20.195354) (xy 75.319282 19.890405) - (xy 75.484811 19.491767) (xy 75.485188 19.060127) (xy 75.320354 18.6612) (xy 75.015405 18.355718) (xy 74.616767 18.190189) - (xy 74.185127 18.189812) (xy 73.7862 18.354646) (xy 73.480718 18.659595) (xy 73.315189 19.058233) (xy 73.314812 19.489873) - (xy 59.184812 19.489873) (xy 59.185188 19.060127) (xy 59.020354 18.6612) (xy 58.715405 18.355718) (xy 58.316767 18.190189) - (xy 57.885127 18.189812) (xy 57.4862 18.354646) (xy 57.180718 18.659595) (xy 57.015189 19.058233) (xy 57.014812 19.489873) - (xy 55.909403 19.489873) (xy 56.171054 19.098285) (xy 56.284093 18.53) (xy 56.171054 17.961715) (xy 55.849147 17.479946) - (xy 55.519974 17.26) (xy 55.849147 17.040054) (xy 56.171054 16.558285) (xy 56.284093 15.99) (xy 56.171054 15.421715) - (xy 55.849147 14.939946) (xy 55.519974 14.72) (xy 55.849147 14.500054) (xy 55.855949 14.489873) (xy 57.014812 14.489873) - (xy 57.179646 14.8888) (xy 57.484595 15.194282) (xy 57.883233 15.359811) (xy 58.314873 15.360188) (xy 58.7138 15.195354) - (xy 59.019282 14.890405) (xy 59.184811 14.491767) (xy 59.184812 14.489873) (xy 73.314812 14.489873) (xy 73.479646 14.8888) - (xy 73.784595 15.194282) (xy 74.183233 15.359811) (xy 74.614873 15.360188) (xy 75.0138 15.195354) (xy 75.319282 14.890405) - (xy 75.484811 14.491767) (xy 75.485188 14.060127) (xy 75.320354 13.6612) (xy 75.015405 13.355718) (xy 74.616767 13.190189) - (xy 74.185127 13.189812) (xy 73.7862 13.354646) (xy 73.480718 13.659595) (xy 73.315189 14.058233) (xy 73.314812 14.489873) - (xy 59.184812 14.489873) (xy 59.185188 14.060127) (xy 59.020354 13.6612) (xy 58.715405 13.355718) (xy 58.316767 13.190189) - (xy 57.885127 13.189812) (xy 57.4862 13.354646) (xy 57.180718 13.659595) (xy 57.015189 14.058233) (xy 57.014812 14.489873) - (xy 55.855949 14.489873) (xy 56.171054 14.018285) (xy 56.284093 13.45) (xy 56.171054 12.881715) (xy 55.849147 12.399946) + (xy 56.284093 33.77) (xy 56.2234 33.464873) (xy 57.664812 33.464873) (xy 57.829646 33.8638) (xy 58.134595 34.169282) + (xy 58.533233 34.334811) (xy 58.964873 34.335188) (xy 59.3638 34.170354) (xy 59.669282 33.865405) (xy 59.834811 33.466767) + (xy 59.835166 33.06) (xy 62.775504 33.06) (xy 62.884595 33.169282) (xy 63.283233 33.334811) (xy 63.714873 33.335188) + (xy 64.1138 33.170354) (xy 64.419282 32.865405) (xy 64.584811 32.466767) (xy 64.585188 32.035127) (xy 64.420354 31.6362) + (xy 64.115405 31.330718) (xy 63.716767 31.165189) (xy 63.285127 31.164812) (xy 62.8862 31.329646) (xy 62.775653 31.44) + (xy 58.9 31.44) (xy 58.590026 31.501658) (xy 58.48841 31.569556) (xy 58.327243 31.677244) (xy 58.177244 31.827244) + (xy 58.001658 32.090026) (xy 57.94 32.4) (xy 57.94 32.525504) (xy 57.830718 32.634595) (xy 57.665189 33.033233) + (xy 57.664812 33.464873) (xy 56.2234 33.464873) (xy 56.171054 33.201715) (xy 55.849147 32.719946) (xy 55.519974 32.5) + (xy 55.849147 32.280054) (xy 56.171054 31.798285) (xy 56.284093 31.23) (xy 56.171054 30.661715) (xy 55.849147 30.179946) + (xy 55.519974 29.96) (xy 55.849147 29.740054) (xy 56.171054 29.258285) (xy 56.284093 28.69) (xy 56.171054 28.121715) + (xy 55.849147 27.639946) (xy 55.508447 27.412298) (xy 55.651358 27.345183) (xy 56.041645 26.916924) (xy 56.211476 26.50689) + (xy 56.090155 26.277) (xy 54.897 26.277) (xy 54.897 26.297) (xy 54.643 26.297) (xy 54.643 26.277) + (xy 54.623 26.277) (xy 54.623 26.023) (xy 54.643 26.023) (xy 54.643 26.003) (xy 54.897 26.003) + (xy 54.897 26.023) (xy 56.090155 26.023) (xy 56.211476 25.79311) (xy 56.041645 25.383076) (xy 55.651358 24.954817) + (xy 55.508447 24.887702) (xy 55.849147 24.660054) (xy 56.171054 24.178285) (xy 56.284093 23.61) (xy 56.171054 23.041715) + (xy 55.849147 22.559946) (xy 55.519974 22.34) (xy 55.849147 22.120054) (xy 56.171054 21.638285) (xy 56.284093 21.07) + (xy 56.171054 20.501715) (xy 55.849147 20.019946) (xy 55.519974 19.8) (xy 55.849147 19.580054) (xy 56.171054 19.098285) + (xy 56.284093 18.53) (xy 56.171054 17.961715) (xy 55.849147 17.479946) (xy 55.519974 17.26) (xy 55.849147 17.040054) + (xy 56.171054 16.558285) (xy 56.284093 15.99) (xy 56.171054 15.421715) (xy 55.849147 14.939946) (xy 55.519974 14.72) + (xy 55.849147 14.500054) (xy 56.171054 14.018285) (xy 56.284093 13.45) (xy 56.171054 12.881715) (xy 55.849147 12.399946) (xy 55.519974 12.18) (xy 55.849147 11.960054) (xy 56.171054 11.478285) (xy 56.284093 10.91) (xy 56.171054 10.341715) (xy 55.849147 9.859946) (xy 55.508447 9.632298) (xy 55.651358 9.565183) (xy 56.041645 9.136924) (xy 56.211476 8.72689) (xy 56.090155 8.497) (xy 54.897 8.497) (xy 54.897 8.517) (xy 54.643 8.517) (xy 54.643 8.497) diff --git a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb-bak b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb-bak index 63b2768..ca369e6 100644 --- a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb-bak +++ b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.kicad_pcb-bak @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ (kicad_pcb (version 4) (host pcbnew 4.0.5-e0-6337~49~ubuntu16.04.1) (general - (links 167) - (no_connects 14) - (area -0.050001 -0.050001 80.050001 65.050001) + (links 163) + (no_connects 12) + (area -0.666014 -0.573 90.825001 65.655) (thickness 1.6) (drawings 26) - (tracks 712) + (tracks 722) (zones 0) - (modules 61) + (modules 59) (nets 123) ) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ (mod_edge_width 0.15) (mod_text_size 1 1) (mod_text_width 0.15) - (pad_size 1.2 0.6) + (pad_size 1.9 3) (pad_drill 0) (pad_to_mask_clearance 0) (aux_axis_origin 0 0) @@ -354,8 +354,41 @@ (add_net "Net-(C14-Pad2)") ) + (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EA93) + (at 75.5 31 180) + (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") + (tags "capacitor 1206") + (path /5880BE78) + (attr smd) + (fp_text reference C8 (at 0 -2.3 180) (layer F.SilkS) + (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) + ) + (fp_text value 220nF (at 0 2.3 180) (layer F.Fab) + (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) + ) + (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) + (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) + (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) + (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) + (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (net 69 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")) + (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl + (at (xyz 0 0 0)) + (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) + (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) + ) + ) + (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EAF3) - (at 75.5 26 180) + (at 75.5 28.5 180) (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") (tags "capacitor 1206") (path /588317FD) @@ -1755,72 +1788,6 @@ (net 1 GND)) ) - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EA93) - (at 75.5 28.5 180) - (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") - (tags "capacitor 1206") - (path /5880BE78) - (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C8 (at 0 -2.3 180) (layer F.SilkS) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_text value 220nF (at 0 2.3 180) (layer F.Fab) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 1 GND)) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0 180) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 69 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")) - (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl - (at (xyz 0 0 0)) - (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) - (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) - ) - ) - - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EAA3) - (at 75.5 31) - (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") - (tags "capacitor 1206") - (path /5882B77E) - (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C9 (at 0 -2.3) (layer F.SilkS) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_text value 33pF (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 70 "Net-(C9-Pad1)")) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 1 GND)) - (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl - (at (xyz 0 0 0)) - (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) - (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) - ) - ) - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EAC3) (at 75.5 41.75 180) (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") @@ -2053,15 +2020,15 @@ ) (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5880EB43) - (at 88 40) + (at 58.75 34.75 270) (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") (tags "capacitor 1206") (path /5880BB0F) (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C19 (at 0 -2.3) (layer F.SilkS) + (fp_text reference C19 (at 0 -2.3 270) (layer F.SilkS) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) ) - (fp_text value 10µF (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab) + (fp_text value 10µF (at 0 2.3 270) (layer F.Fab) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) ) (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) @@ -2074,9 +2041,9 @@ (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0 270) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (net 72 +5V)) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) + (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0 270) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (net 1 GND)) (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl (at (xyz 0 0 0)) @@ -2217,7 +2184,7 @@ ) ) - (module hardpass:CAF99-08153-S132 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5880D421) (tstamp 5880EB98) + (module hardpass:CAF99-08153-S132 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 58837C4A) (tstamp 5880EB98) (at 66.25 16 180) (path /58821579) (fp_text reference U1 (at 0 0.5 180) (layer F.SilkS) @@ -2247,10 +2214,14 @@ (net 82 "Net-(R5-Pad1)")) (pad 8 smd rect (at 3.81 8.375 180) (size 1.3 1.2) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) (net 85 "Net-(U1-Pad8)")) - (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) - (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) - (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) - (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) + (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 -3.275 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad "" connect rect (at 8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) + (pad "" connect rect (at -8.15 1.725 180) (size 1.9 3) (layers F.Cu F.Mask) + (net 1 GND)) ) (module Housings_QFP:LQFP-32_7x7mm_Pitch0.8mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54130A77) (tstamp 5880EBCF) @@ -2509,39 +2480,6 @@ ) ) - (module Capacitors_SMD:C_1206 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5415D7BD) (tstamp 5881312C) - (at 88.25 31.75) - (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, reflow soldering, AVX (see smccp.pdf)") - (tags "capacitor 1206") - (path /5880BC62) - (attr smd) - (fp_text reference C10 (at 0 -2.3) (layer F.SilkS) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_text value 100pF (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab) - (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) - ) - (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start -2.3 -1.15) (end -2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 2.3 -1.15) (end 2.3 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) - (fp_line (start 1 -1.025) (end -1 -1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (fp_line (start -1 1.025) (end 1 1.025) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) - (pad 1 smd rect (at -1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 1 GND)) - (pad 2 smd rect (at 1.5 0) (size 1 1.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) - (net 71 "Net-(C10-Pad2)")) - (model Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_1206.wrl - (at (xyz 0 0 0)) - (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) - (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) - ) - ) - (gr_line (start 30 62) (end 50 62) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1)) (gr_line (start 50 60.75) (end 30 60.75) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1)) (gr_line (start 77 0) (end 53 0) (angle 90) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.1) (tstamp 5880E2F1)) @@ -2577,10 +2515,10 @@ (via (at 74.4 14.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 0)) (via (at 58.1 19.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 0)) (via (at 58.1 14.275) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 0)) - (via (at 59.25 42) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 58.75 36.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 77 31) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 77 28.5) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) - (via (at 77 26) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) - (via (at 77 30.75) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) + (via (at 59.25 42) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 76.5 39) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 77 44.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) (via (at 77 41.75) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1)) @@ -3160,6 +3098,7 @@ (segment (start 20.99 40.25) (end 20.99 39.6) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 46)) (segment (start 20.99 39.6) (end 22.5 38.09) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 46)) (segment (start 22.5 38.09) (end 22.5 37.45) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 46)) + (segment (start 74 28.5) (end 74 31) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 70.06 23.975) (end 70.06 10.115) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 70.06 10.115) (end 67.57 7.625) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 67.57 7.625) (end 67.52 7.625) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) @@ -3173,9 +3112,6 @@ (segment (start 68.875011 31.724989) (end 68.2 32.4) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 68.2 32.4) (end 68.2 33.25) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 69)) (segment (start 70.45 27.25) (end 70.45 27.65) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) - (segment (start 70.45 27.65) (end 73.55 30.75) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) - (segment (start 73.55 30.75) (end 74 30.75) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) - (segment (start 71.8 29) (end 70.45 27.65) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) (segment (start 70.45 27.65) (end 69.375021 28.724979) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) (segment (start 69 32.4) (end 69 33.25) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) (segment (start 69.375021 28.724979) (end 69.375021 32.024979) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 70)) @@ -3185,6 +3121,18 @@ (segment (start 68.375001 31.424999) (end 67.4 32.4) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 71)) (segment (start 68.375001 25.680001) (end 68.375001 31.424999) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 71)) (segment (start 67.4 32.4) (end 67.4 33.25) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 71)) + (segment (start 63.5 32.25) (end 58.9 32.25) (width 0.35) (layer B.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 58.9 32.25) (end 58.75 32.4) (width 0.35) (layer B.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 58.75 32.4) (end 58.75 33.25) (width 0.35) (layer B.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64.2 33.25) (end 64.2 32.95) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64.2 32.95) (end 63.5 32.25) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (via (at 63.5 32.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 72)) + (via (at 58.75 33.25) (size 0.9) (drill 0.35) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64.25 40.5) (end 64 40.5) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64 40.5) (end 62 42.5) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64.25 40) (end 64.25 40.5) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 64.25 38.45) (end 64.25 40) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) + (segment (start 63.7 37.9) (end 64.25 38.45) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) (segment (start 70 35) (end 70 38.4) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) (segment (start 70.3 38.7) (end 71.25 38.7) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) (segment (start 70 38.4) (end 70.3 38.7) (width 0.35) (layer F.Cu) (net 72)) @@ -3670,9 +3618,9 @@ (xy 77.635317 34.953162) (xy 77.851441 34.81409) (xy 77.996431 34.60189) (xy 78.04744 34.35) (xy 78.04744 32.65) (xy 78.003162 32.414683) (xy 77.919489 32.284651) (xy 77.951441 32.26409) (xy 78.096431 32.05189) (xy 78.14744 31.8) (xy 78.14744 30.2) (xy 78.103162 29.964683) (xy 77.96409 29.748559) (xy 77.962701 29.74761) (xy 78.096431 29.55189) - (xy 78.14744 29.3) (xy 78.14744 27.7) (xy 78.103162 27.464683) (xy 77.96409 27.248559) (xy 77.962701 27.24761) - (xy 78.096431 27.05189) (xy 78.14744 26.8) (xy 78.14744 25.2) (xy 78.103162 24.964683) (xy 77.96409 24.748559) - (xy 77.75189 24.603569) (xy 77.5 24.55256) (xy 76.5 24.55256) (xy 76.485001 24.555382) (xy 76.485001 11.364999) + (xy 78.14744 29.3) (xy 78.14744 27.7) (xy 78.103162 27.464683) (xy 77.96409 27.248559) (xy 77.75189 27.103569) + (xy 77.5 27.05256) (xy 76.5 27.05256) (xy 76.264683 27.096838) (xy 76.26 27.099851) (xy 76.26 26.064802) + (xy 76.262402 26.0624) (xy 76.427149 25.815839) (xy 76.440245 25.75) (xy 76.485001 25.524999) (xy 76.485001 11.364999) (xy 76.427149 11.07416) (xy 76.262402 10.827598) (xy 71.547402 6.112598) (xy 71.30084 5.947851) (xy 71.010001 5.889999) (xy 66.005001 5.889999) (xy 65.714162 5.947851) (xy 65.4676 6.112598) (xy 65.202638 6.37756) (xy 64.33 6.37756) (xy 64.094683 6.421838) (xy 63.878559 6.56091) (xy 63.733569 6.77311) (xy 63.711007 6.884523) (xy 63.693162 6.789683) @@ -3703,10 +3651,15 @@ (xy 59 26.30256) (xy 58.764683 26.346838) (xy 58.548559 26.48591) (xy 58.403569 26.69811) (xy 58.35256 26.95) (xy 58.35256 28.55) (xy 58.396838 28.785317) (xy 58.53591 29.001441) (xy 58.718769 29.126383) (xy 58.548559 29.23591) (xy 58.403569 29.44811) (xy 58.35256 29.7) (xy 58.35256 31.3) (xy 58.396838 31.535317) (xy 58.53591 31.751441) - (xy 58.74811 31.896431) (xy 59 31.94744) (xy 59.572638 31.94744) (xy 61.642765 34.017567) (xy 61.553569 34.14811) - (xy 61.50256 34.4) (xy 61.50256 34.415002) (xy 61.285127 34.414812) (xy 60.8862 34.579646) (xy 60.580718 34.884595) - (xy 60.415189 35.283233) (xy 60.414812 35.714873) (xy 60.522388 35.975225) (xy 60.381982 36.03324) (xy 60.0765 36.338189) - (xy 59.910971 36.736827) (xy 59.910594 37.168467) (xy 60.075428 37.567394) (xy 60.380377 37.872876) (xy 60.779015 38.038405) + (xy 58.74811 31.896431) (xy 59 31.94744) (xy 59.572638 31.94744) (xy 59.785374 32.160176) (xy 59.67631 32.115) + (xy 59.03575 32.115) (xy 58.877 32.27375) (xy 58.877 33.123) (xy 60.02625 33.123) (xy 60.185 32.96425) + (xy 60.185 32.623691) (xy 60.139824 32.514626) (xy 61.642765 34.017567) (xy 61.553569 34.14811) (xy 61.50256 34.4) + (xy 61.50256 34.415002) (xy 61.285127 34.414812) (xy 60.8862 34.579646) (xy 60.580718 34.884595) (xy 60.415189 35.283233) + (xy 60.414812 35.714873) (xy 60.522388 35.975225) (xy 60.381982 36.03324) (xy 60.19744 36.21746) (xy 60.19744 35.75) + (xy 60.153162 35.514683) (xy 60.01409 35.298559) (xy 59.80189 35.153569) (xy 59.55 35.10256) (xy 57.95 35.10256) + (xy 57.714683 35.146838) (xy 57.498559 35.28591) (xy 57.353569 35.49811) (xy 57.30256 35.75) (xy 57.30256 36.75) + (xy 57.346838 36.985317) (xy 57.48591 37.201441) (xy 57.69811 37.346431) (xy 57.95 37.39744) (xy 59.55 37.39744) + (xy 59.785317 37.353162) (xy 59.944567 37.250687) (xy 60.075428 37.567394) (xy 60.380377 37.872876) (xy 60.779015 38.038405) (xy 61.210655 38.038782) (xy 61.515 37.913029) (xy 61.515 38.027002) (xy 61.636319 38.027002) (xy 61.555573 38.145177) (xy 61.515 38.18575) (xy 61.515 38.32631) (xy 61.516667 38.330335) (xy 61.50256 38.4) (xy 61.50256 39) (xy 61.522067 39.103671) (xy 61.50256 39.2) (xy 61.50256 39.8) (xy 61.522067 39.903671) (xy 61.50256 40) @@ -3740,7 +3693,14 @@ (xy 58.090301 37.961673) (xy 57.911673 38.140302) (xy 57.815 38.373691) (xy 56.18935 38.373691) (xy 56.171054 38.281715) (xy 55.849147 37.799946) (xy 55.519974 37.58) (xy 55.849147 37.360054) (xy 56.171054 36.878285) (xy 56.284093 36.31) (xy 56.171054 35.741715) (xy 55.849147 35.259946) (xy 55.519974 35.04) (xy 55.849147 34.820054) (xy 56.171054 34.338285) - (xy 56.284093 33.77) (xy 56.171054 33.201715) (xy 55.849147 32.719946) (xy 55.519974 32.5) (xy 55.849147 32.280054) + (xy 56.284093 33.77) (xy 56.237498 33.53575) (xy 57.315 33.53575) (xy 57.315 33.876309) (xy 57.411673 34.109698) + (xy 57.590301 34.288327) (xy 57.82369 34.385) (xy 58.46425 34.385) (xy 58.623 34.22625) (xy 58.623 33.377) + (xy 58.877 33.377) (xy 58.877 34.22625) (xy 59.03575 34.385) (xy 59.67631 34.385) (xy 59.909699 34.288327) + (xy 60.088327 34.109698) (xy 60.185 33.876309) (xy 60.185 33.53575) (xy 60.02625 33.377) (xy 58.877 33.377) + (xy 58.623 33.377) (xy 57.47375 33.377) (xy 57.315 33.53575) (xy 56.237498 33.53575) (xy 56.171054 33.201715) + (xy 55.849147 32.719946) (xy 55.705091 32.623691) (xy 57.315 32.623691) (xy 57.315 32.96425) (xy 57.47375 33.123) + (xy 58.623 33.123) (xy 58.623 32.27375) (xy 58.46425 32.115) (xy 57.82369 32.115) (xy 57.590301 32.211673) + (xy 57.411673 32.390302) (xy 57.315 32.623691) (xy 55.705091 32.623691) (xy 55.519974 32.5) (xy 55.849147 32.280054) (xy 56.171054 31.798285) (xy 56.284093 31.23) (xy 56.171054 30.661715) (xy 55.849147 30.179946) (xy 55.519974 29.96) (xy 55.849147 29.740054) (xy 56.171054 29.258285) (xy 56.284093 28.69) (xy 56.171054 28.121715) (xy 55.849147 27.639946) (xy 55.519974 27.42) (xy 55.849147 27.200054) (xy 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56.284093 10.91) + (xy 56.171054 10.341715) (xy 55.849147 9.859946) (xy 55.508447 9.632298) (xy 55.651358 9.565183) (xy 56.041645 9.136924) + (xy 56.211476 8.72689) (xy 56.090155 8.497) (xy 54.897 8.497) (xy 54.897 8.517) (xy 54.643 8.517) + (xy 54.643 8.497) (xy 54.623 8.497) (xy 54.623 8.243) (xy 54.643 8.243) (xy 54.643 8.223) + (xy 54.897 8.223) (xy 54.897 8.243) (xy 56.090155 8.243) (xy 56.211476 8.01311) (xy 56.041645 7.603076) + (xy 55.651358 7.174817) (xy 55.126892 6.928514) (xy 54.897002 7.04918) (xy 54.897002 6.885) (xy 54.826445 6.885) + (xy 55.556372 6.5834) (xy 56.579806 5.561751) (xy 57.134368 4.226218) (xy 57.13563 2.780126) (xy 56.5834 1.443628) + (xy 55.826095 0.685) (xy 74.174759 0.685) ) ) ) diff --git a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/ b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/ index 7ad5b68..9938e1a 100755 --- a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/ +++ b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (export (version D) (design (source /home/tobias/Desktop/30pin-hardpass/hardpass-passwordmanager/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.sch) - (date "Don 19 Jän 2017 16:20:07 CET") + (date "Sam 21 Jän 2017 16:14:40 CET") (tool "Eeschema 4.0.5-e0-6337~49~ubuntu16.04.1") (sheet (number 1) (name /) (tstamps /) (title_block @@ -248,12 +248,6 @@ (libsource (lib device) (part C_Small)) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5880BBA9)) - (comp (ref C10) - (value 100pF) - (footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_1206) - (libsource (lib device) (part C_Small)) - (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) - (tstamp 5880BC62)) (comp (ref C8) (value 220nF) (footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_1206) @@ -290,12 +284,6 @@ (libsource (lib device) (part R_Small)) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 58823E8F)) - (comp (ref C9) - (value 33pF) - (footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_1206) - (libsource (lib device) (part C_Small)) - (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) - (tstamp 5882B77E)) (comp (ref C14) (value 100pF) (footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_1206) @@ -579,393 +567,389 @@ (library (logical hardpass-pcb-cache) (uri /home/tobias/Desktop/30pin-hardpass/hardpass-passwordmanager/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb-cache.lib))) (nets - (net (code 1) (name "Net-(R5-Pad2)") + (net (code 1) (name "Net-(P3-Pad29)") + (node (ref P3) (pin 29))) + (net (code 2) (name "Net-(R5-Pad2)") (node (ref U3) (pin 7)) (node (ref R5) (pin 2))) - (net (code 2) (name "Net-(P3-Pad36)") - (node (ref P3) (pin 36))) - (net (code 3) (name "Net-(P3-Pad33)") + (net (code 3) (name "Net-(P3-Pad26)") + (node (ref P3) (pin 26))) + (net (code 4) (name "Net-(P3-Pad23)") + (node (ref P3) (pin 23))) + (net (code 5) (name "Net-(P3-Pad33)") (node (ref P3) (pin 33))) - (net (code 4) (name "Net-(P3-Pad24)") + (net (code 6) (name "Net-(P3-Pad24)") (node (ref P3) (pin 24))) - (net (code 5) (name "Net-(P3-Pad15)") + (net (code 7) (name "Net-(P3-Pad15)") (node (ref P3) (pin 15))) - (net (code 6) (name GND) - (node (ref P1) (pin 30)) - (node (ref P1) (pin 9)) - (node (ref P1) (pin 6)) - (node (ref P1) (pin 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(ref P1) (pin 9)) + (node (ref P1) (pin 30)) (node (ref R1) (pin 2)) (node (ref C4) (pin 2)) - (node (ref C2) (pin 1)) (node (ref C3) (pin 2)) - (node (ref C17) (pin 1)) - (node (ref C7) (pin 2)) - (node (ref SW13) (pin 2)) - (node (ref P3) (pin 14)) - (node (ref P3) (pin 34)) - (node (ref P3) (pin 25)) - (node (ref C15) (pin 1)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 12)) + (node (ref C2) (pin 1)) (node (ref U1) (pin 5)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 25)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 29)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 30)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 20)) + (node (ref C14) (pin 1)) + (node (ref C17) (pin 1)) (node (ref P3) (pin 30)) - (node (ref P3) (pin 39)) - (node (ref P3) (pin 6)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 9)) (node (ref P3) (pin 9)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 10)) + (node (ref P3) (pin 6)) (node (ref P3) (pin 20)) - (node (ref U2) (pin 15)) - (node (ref C14) (pin 1)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 5)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 8)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 15)) + (node (ref U3) (pin 9)) (node (ref U3) (pin 4)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 1)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 18))) - (net (code 7) (name "Net-(P3-Pad35)") + (node (ref U3) (pin 18)) + (node (ref C15) (pin 1)) + (node (ref U3) (pin 25)) + (node (ref U3) (pin 20)) + (node (ref P3) (pin 25)) + (node (ref P3) (pin 34)) + (node (ref P3) (pin 14)) + (node (ref P3) (pin 39))) + (net (code 9) (name "Net-(P3-Pad35)") (node (ref P3) (pin 35))) - (net (code 8) (name "Net-(P3-Pad16)") + (net (code 10) (name "Net-(P3-Pad16)") (node (ref P3) (pin 16))) - (net (code 9) (name "Net-(P3-Pad26)") - (node (ref P3) (pin 26))) - (net (code 10) (name "Net-(P3-Pad17)") + (net (code 11) (name "Net-(P3-Pad36)") + (node (ref P3) (pin 36))) + (net (code 12) (name "Net-(P3-Pad17)") (node (ref P3) (pin 17))) - (net (code 11) (name "Net-(P3-Pad27)") + (net (code 13) (name "Net-(P3-Pad27)") (node (ref P3) (pin 27))) - (net (code 12) (name "Net-(P3-Pad37)") + (net (code 14) (name "Net-(P3-Pad37)") (node (ref P3) (pin 37))) - (net (code 13) (name "Net-(P3-Pad18)") + (net (code 15) (name "Net-(P3-Pad18)") (node (ref P3) (pin 18))) - (net (code 14) (name "Net-(P3-Pad28)") + (net (code 16) (name "Net-(P3-Pad28)") (node (ref P3) (pin 28))) - (net (code 15) (name "Net-(P3-Pad38)") + (net (code 17) (name "Net-(P3-Pad38)") (node (ref P3) (pin 38))) - (net (code 16) (name "Net-(P3-Pad19)") + (net (code 18) (name "Net-(P3-Pad19)") (node (ref P3) (pin 19))) - (net (code 17) (name "Net-(P3-Pad29)") - (node (ref P3) (pin 29))) - (net (code 18) (name "Net-(C20-Pad2)") - (node (ref C20) (pin 2)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 15))) - (net (code 19) (name "Net-(U3-Pad24)") + (net (code 19) (name "Net-(C21-Pad2)") + (node (ref C21) (pin 2)) + (node (ref U3) (pin 14))) + (net (code 20) (name "Net-(U3-Pad2)") + (node (ref U3) (pin 2))) + (net (code 21) (name "Net-(U3-Pad24)") (node (ref U3) (pin 24))) - (net (code 20) (name "Net-(C16-Pad1)") - (node (ref C16) (pin 1)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 13))) - (net (code 21) (name "Net-(C21-Pad2)") - (node (ref U3) (pin 14)) - (node (ref C21) (pin 2))) - (net (code 22) (name "Net-(C21-Pad1)") + (net (code 22) (name "Net-(C16-Pad1)") + (node (ref U3) (pin 13)) + (node (ref C16) (pin 1))) + (net (code 23) (name "Net-(C21-Pad1)") (node (ref C21) (pin 1)) (node (ref U3) (pin 19))) - (net (code 23) (name "Net-(U3-Pad2)") - (node (ref U3) (pin 2))) - (net (code 24) (name "Net-(C20-Pad1)") + (net (code 24) (name "Net-(C20-Pad2)") + (node (ref U3) (pin 15)) + (node (ref C20) (pin 2))) + (net (code 25) (name "Net-(C20-Pad1)") (node (ref C20) (pin 1)) (node (ref U3) (pin 17))) - (net (code 25) (name "Net-(P3-Pad23)") - (node (ref P3) (pin 23))) - (net (code 26) (name "Net-(R5-Pad1)") + (net (code 26) (name "Net-(P3-Pad13)") + (node (ref P3) (pin 13))) + (net (code 27) (name "Net-(U1-Pad2)") + (node (ref U3) (pin 12)) + (node (ref U1) (pin 2))) + (net (code 28) (name "Net-(R5-Pad1)") (node (ref U1) (pin 7)) (node (ref R5) (pin 1))) - (net (code 27) (name "Net-(U3-Pad23)") + (net (code 29) (name "Net-(U3-Pad23)") (node (ref U3) (pin 23))) - (net (code 28) (name "Net-(U3-Pad30)") + (net (code 30) (name "Net-(U3-Pad30)") (node (ref U3) (pin 30))) - (net (code 29) (name "Net-(U3-Pad22)") + (net (code 31) (name "Net-(U3-Pad22)") (node (ref U3) (pin 22))) - (net (code 30) (name "Net-(C17-Pad2)") + (net (code 32) (name "Net-(C17-Pad2)") (node (ref Y1) (pin 2)) (node (ref U3) (pin 26)) (node (ref C17) (pin 2))) - (net (code 31) (name "Net-(C15-Pad2)") - (node (ref Y1) (pin 1)) + (net (code 33) (name "Net-(C15-Pad2)") (node (ref U3) (pin 27)) - (node (ref C15) (pin 2))) - (net (code 32) (name "Net-(SW14-Pad2)") - (node (ref SW14) (pin 2)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 28))) - (net (code 33) (name "Net-(C13-Pad1)") + (node (ref C15) (pin 2)) + (node (ref Y1) (pin 1))) + (net (code 34) (name "Net-(SW14-Pad2)") + (node (ref U3) (pin 28)) + (node (ref SW14) (pin 2))) + (net (code 35) (name "Net-(C13-Pad1)") (node (ref C13) (pin 1)) (node (ref U3) (pin 6))) - (net (code 34) (name "Net-(P3-Pad3)") + (net (code 36) (name "Net-(P3-Pad3)") (node (ref P3) (pin 3))) - (net (code 35) (name +5V) - (node (ref C12) (pin 2)) - (node (ref C11) (pin 2)) + (net (code 37) (name +5V) (node (ref U1) (pin 10)) (node (ref C18) (pin 1)) - (node (ref U1) (pin 9)) (node (ref C19) (pin 1)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 21)) + (node (ref C12) (pin 2)) + (node (ref C11) (pin 2)) + (node (ref U1) (pin 9)) + (node (ref P3) (pin 4)) (node (ref P3) (pin 2)) + (node (ref U3) (pin 5)) (node (ref U3) (pin 16)) + (node (ref U3) (pin 8)) (node (ref U3) (pin 1)) - (node (ref SW14) (pin 1)) (node (ref U3) (pin 3)) - (node (ref P3) (pin 4)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 8))) - (net (code 36) (name "Net-(P3-Pad5)") + (node (ref SW14) (pin 1)) + (node (ref U3) (pin 21))) + (net (code 38) (name "Net-(P3-Pad5)") (node (ref P3) (pin 5))) - (net (code 37) (name "Net-(P3-Pad7)") + (net (code 39) (name "Net-(P3-Pad7)") (node (ref P3) (pin 7))) - (net (code 38) (name CARD_RX) - (node (ref P3) (pin 8)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 32))) - (net (code 39) (name CARD_TX) + (net (code 40) (name CARD_RX) + (node (ref U3) (pin 32)) + (node (ref P3) (pin 8))) + (net (code 41) (name CARD_TX) (node (ref U3) (pin 31)) (node (ref P3) (pin 10))) - (net (code 40) (name "Net-(P3-Pad40)") + (net (code 42) (name "Net-(P3-Pad1)") + (node (ref P3) (pin 1))) + (net (code 43) (name "Net-(P3-Pad40)") (node (ref P3) (pin 40))) - (net (code 41) (name "Net-(P3-Pad11)") + (net (code 44) (name "Net-(P3-Pad11)") (node (ref P3) (pin 11))) - (net (code 42) (name "Net-(P3-Pad21)") + (net (code 45) (name "Net-(P3-Pad21)") (node (ref P3) (pin 21))) - (net (code 43) (name "Net-(P3-Pad31)") + (net (code 46) (name "Net-(P3-Pad31)") (node (ref P3) (pin 31))) - (net (code 44) (name "Net-(P3-Pad12)") + (net (code 47) (name "Net-(P3-Pad12)") (node (ref P3) (pin 12))) - (net (code 45) (name "Net-(P3-Pad22)") + (net (code 48) (name "Net-(P3-Pad22)") (node (ref P3) (pin 22))) - (net (code 46) (name "Net-(P3-Pad32)") + (net (code 49) (name "Net-(P3-Pad32)") (node (ref P3) (pin 32))) - (net (code 47) (name "Net-(P3-Pad13)") - (node (ref P3) (pin 13))) - (net (code 48) (name "Net-(U3-Pad29)") + (net (code 50) (name "Net-(U3-Pad29)") (node (ref U3) (pin 29))) - (net (code 49) (name "Net-(R4-Pad1)") - (node (ref R4) (pin 1)) - (node (ref U1) (pin 3))) - (net (code 50) (name "Net-(C9-Pad1)") - (node (ref C9) (pin 1)) + (net (code 51) (name "Net-(R4-Pad1)") + (node (ref U1) (pin 3)) + (node (ref R4) (pin 1))) + (net (code 52) (name "Net-(R4-Pad2)") (node (ref R4) (pin 2)) (node (ref U3) (pin 10))) - (net (code 51) (name "Net-(P3-Pad1)") - (node (ref P3) (pin 1))) - (net (code 52) (name "Net-(C14-Pad2)") - (node (ref U1) (pin 1)) + (net (code 53) (name "Net-(C14-Pad2)") (node (ref C8) (pin 2)) + (node (ref U1) (pin 1)) (node (ref U1) (pin 6)) (node (ref C14) (pin 2)) (node (ref U3) (pin 11))) - (net (code 53) (name "Net-(C7-Pad1)") - (node (ref C7) (pin 1)) + (net (code 54) (name "Net-(C7-Pad1)") (node (ref R3) (pin 2)) + (node (ref C7) (pin 1)) (node (ref R2) (pin 1))) - (net (code 54) (name "Net-(C10-Pad2)") - (node (ref U1) (pin 2)) - (node (ref C10) (pin 2)) - (node (ref U3) (pin 12))) (net (code 55) (name OLED_SDA) (node (ref P2) (pin 19)) (node (ref R11) (pin 1)) (node (ref P2) (pin 20)) (node (ref P1) (pin 3))) (net (code 56) (name OLED_SCL) + (node (ref R10) (pin 1)) (node (ref P1) (pin 5)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 18)) - (node (ref R10) (pin 1))) + (node (ref P2) (pin 18))) (net (code 57) (name "Net-(P2-Pad14)") (node (ref P2) (pin 14)) (node (ref R3) (pin 1))) (net (code 58) (name "Net-(C5-Pad2)") - (node (ref P2) (pin 5)) - (node (ref C5) (pin 2))) + (node (ref C5) (pin 2)) + (node (ref P2) (pin 5))) (net (code 59) (name "Net-(C6-Pad2)") (node (ref P2) (pin 3)) (node (ref C6) (pin 2))) - (net (code 60) (name "Net-(C6-Pad1)") - (node (ref P2) (pin 2)) - (node (ref C6) (pin 1))) - (net (code 61) (name "Net-(C5-Pad1)") - (node (ref P2) (pin 4)) - (node (ref C5) (pin 1))) - (net (code 62) (name "Net-(C3-Pad1)") + (net (code 60) (name "Net-(C3-Pad1)") (node (ref C3) (pin 1)) (node (ref P2) (pin 28))) + (net (code 61) (name "Net-(C6-Pad1)") + (node (ref C6) (pin 1)) + (node (ref P2) (pin 2))) + (net (code 62) (name "Net-(C5-Pad1)") + (node (ref C5) (pin 1)) + (node (ref P2) (pin 4))) (net (code 63) (name "Net-(C4-Pad1)") (node (ref C4) (pin 1)) (node (ref P2) (pin 27))) (net (code 64) (name "Net-(P2-Pad26)") (node (ref R1) (pin 1)) (node (ref P2) (pin 26))) - (net (code 65) (name ROW_3) + (net (code 65) (name ROW_2) + (node (ref SW6) (pin 2)) + (node (ref P1) (pin 36)) + (node (ref SW5) (pin 2)) + (node (ref SW4) (pin 2))) + (net (code 66) (name ROW_3) + (node (ref SW8) (pin 2)) (node (ref P1) (pin 38)) - (node (ref SW9) (pin 2)) (node (ref SW7) (pin 2)) - (node (ref SW8) (pin 2))) - (net (code 66) (name ROW_4) + (node (ref SW9) (pin 2))) + (net (code 67) (name ROW_4) (node (ref P1) (pin 40)) - (node (ref SW10) (pin 2)) (node (ref SW12) (pin 2)) - (node (ref SW11) (pin 2))) - (net (code 67) (name +3V3) + (node (ref SW11) (pin 2)) + (node (ref SW10) (pin 2))) + (net (code 68) (name +3V3) (node (ref C2) (pin 2)) - (node (ref R11) (pin 2)) (node (ref R2) (pin 2)) (node (ref C1) (pin 2)) + (node (ref U2) (pin 8)) + (node (ref R11) (pin 2)) + (node (ref P2) (pin 9)) (node (ref R10) (pin 2)) (node (ref P2) (pin 11)) (node (ref P1) (pin 1)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 6)) - (node (ref P2) (pin 9)) (node (ref P1) (pin 17)) - (node (ref U2) (pin 8))) - (net (code 68) (name "Net-(R12-Pad1)") - (node (ref R12) (pin 1)) - (node (ref U2) (pin 9))) - (net (code 69) (name SD_CMD) - (node (ref P1) (pin 16)) - (node (ref R12) (pin 2))) - (net (code 70) (name "Net-(R13-Pad1)") - (node (ref U2) (pin 10)) - (node (ref R13) (pin 1))) - (net (code 71) (name SD_D0) - (node (ref P1) (pin 18)) - (node (ref R13) (pin 2))) - (net (code 72) (name "Net-(R14-Pad1)") - (node (ref U2) (pin 11)) - (node (ref R14) (pin 1))) - (net (code 73) (name SHUTDOWN) + (node (ref P2) (pin 6))) + (net (code 69) (name "Net-(R12-Pad1)") + (node (ref U2) (pin 9)) + (node (ref R12) (pin 1))) + (net (code 70) (name SD_CMD) + (node (ref R12) (pin 2)) + (node (ref P1) (pin 16))) + (net (code 71) (name "Net-(R13-Pad1)") + (node (ref R13) (pin 1)) + (node (ref U2) (pin 10))) + (net (code 72) (name SHUTDOWN) (node (ref P1) (pin 11)) (node (ref SW13) (pin 1))) - (net (code 74) (name ROW_2) - (node (ref SW5) (pin 2)) - (node (ref P1) (pin 36)) - (node (ref SW6) (pin 2)) - (node (ref SW4) (pin 2))) - (net (code 75) (name "Net-(P1-Pad26)") + (net (code 73) (name "Net-(P1-Pad26)") (node (ref P1) (pin 26))) - (net (code 76) (name "Net-(P1-Pad23)") + (net (code 74) (name "Net-(P1-Pad23)") (node (ref P1) (pin 23))) - (net (code 77) (name "Net-(P1-Pad24)") + (net (code 75) (name "Net-(P1-Pad24)") (node (ref P1) (pin 24))) - (net (code 78) (name "Net-(P1-Pad35)") + (net (code 76) (name "Net-(P1-Pad35)") (node (ref P1) (pin 35))) - (net (code 79) (name "Net-(P1-Pad27)") + (net (code 77) (name "Net-(P1-Pad27)") (node (ref P1) (pin 27))) - (net (code 80) (name "Net-(P1-Pad28)") + (net (code 78) (name "Net-(P1-Pad28)") (node (ref P1) (pin 28))) - (net (code 81) (name "Net-(P1-Pad19)") + (net (code 79) (name "Net-(P1-Pad19)") (node (ref P1) (pin 19))) - (net (code 82) (name "Net-(P1-Pad2)") + (net (code 80) (name "Net-(P1-Pad2)") (node (ref P1) (pin 2))) - (net (code 83) (name "Net-(P1-Pad4)") + (net (code 81) (name "Net-(P1-Pad4)") (node (ref P1) (pin 4))) - (net (code 84) (name ESP_CHPD) - (node (ref U2) (pin 3)) - (node (ref P1) (pin 7))) - (net (code 85) (name UART_TX) + (net (code 82) (name ESP_CHPD) + (node (ref P1) (pin 7)) + (node (ref U2) (pin 3))) + (net (code 83) (name UART_TX) (node (ref P1) (pin 8))) - (net (code 86) (name UART_RX) + (net (code 84) (name UART_RX) (node (ref P1) (pin 10))) - (net (code 87) (name "Net-(P1-Pad21)") + (net (code 85) (name "Net-(P1-Pad21)") (node (ref P1) (pin 21))) - (net (code 88) (name "Net-(P1-Pad12)") + (net (code 86) (name "Net-(P1-Pad12)") (node (ref P1) (pin 12))) - (net (code 89) (name COL_3) - (node (ref P1) (pin 33)) + (net (code 87) (name COL_2) + (node (ref SW2) (pin 1)) + (node (ref SW5) (pin 1)) + (node (ref P1) (pin 31)) + (node (ref SW11) (pin 1)) + (node (ref SW8) (pin 1))) + (net (code 88) (name COL_3) (node (ref SW3) (pin 1)) (node (ref SW9) (pin 1)) (node (ref SW12) (pin 1)) - (node (ref SW6) (pin 1))) - (net (code 90) (name ROW_1) - (node (ref SW2) (pin 2)) - (node (ref SW3) (pin 2)) + (node (ref SW6) (pin 1)) + (node (ref P1) (pin 33))) + (net (code 89) (name ROW_1) (node (ref P1) (pin 32)) - (node (ref SW1) (pin 2))) - (net (code 91) (name COL_1) - (node (ref P1) (pin 29)) - (node (ref SW1) (pin 1)) - (node (ref SW4) (pin 1)) + (node (ref SW3) (pin 2)) + (node (ref SW1) (pin 2)) + (node (ref SW2) (pin 2))) + (net (code 90) (name COL_1) + (node (ref SW10) (pin 1)) (node (ref SW7) (pin 1)) - (node (ref SW10) (pin 1))) - (net (code 92) (name COL_2) - (node (ref P1) (pin 31)) - (node (ref SW8) (pin 1)) - (node (ref SW5) (pin 1)) - (node (ref SW11) (pin 1)) - (node (ref SW2) (pin 1))) - (net (code 93) (name SD_D2) - (node (ref R14) (pin 2)) - (node (ref P1) (pin 37))) - (net (code 94) (name "Net-(P2-Pad7)") + (node (ref SW4) (pin 1)) + (node (ref P1) (pin 29)) + (node (ref SW1) (pin 1))) + (net (code 91) (name SD_D0) + (node (ref R13) (pin 2)) + (node (ref P1) (pin 18))) + (net (code 92) (name "Net-(P2-Pad7)") (node (ref P2) (pin 7))) - (net (code 95) (name "Net-(U1-Pad8)") + (net (code 93) (name "Net-(U1-Pad8)") (node (ref U1) (pin 8))) - (net (code 96) (name "Net-(U1-Pad4)") + (net (code 94) (name "Net-(U1-Pad4)") (node (ref U1) (pin 4))) + (net (code 95) (name "Net-(U2-Pad7)") + (node (ref U2) (pin 7))) + (net (code 96) (name "Net-(U2-Pad6)") + (node (ref U2) (pin 6))) (net (code 97) (name "Net-(U2-Pad5)") (node (ref U2) (pin 5))) - (net (code 98) (name "Net-(U2-Pad6)") - (node (ref U2) (pin 6))) - (net (code 99) (name "Net-(U2-Pad4)") + (net (code 98) (name "Net-(U2-Pad4)") (node (ref U2) (pin 4))) - (net (code 100) (name "Net-(U2-Pad1)") + (net (code 99) (name "Net-(U2-Pad1)") (node (ref U2) (pin 1))) - (net (code 101) (name "Net-(U2-Pad2)") + (net (code 100) (name "Net-(U2-Pad2)") (node (ref U2) (pin 2))) - (net (code 102) (name "Net-(U2-Pad7)") - (node (ref U2) (pin 7))) - (net (code 103) (name "Net-(U2-Pad20)") + (net (code 101) (name "Net-(U2-Pad20)") (node (ref U2) (pin 20))) - (net (code 104) (name "Net-(U2-Pad21)") - (node (ref U2) (pin 21))) - (net (code 105) (name "Net-(U2-Pad16)") - (node (ref U2) (pin 16))) - (net (code 106) (name "Net-(R15-Pad1)") + (net (code 102) (name "Net-(R14-Pad1)") + (node (ref R14) (pin 1)) + (node (ref U2) (pin 11))) + (net (code 103) (name SD_D2) + (node (ref P1) (pin 37)) + (node (ref R14) (pin 2))) + (net (code 104) (name "Net-(R15-Pad1)") (node (ref U2) (pin 12)) (node (ref R15) (pin 1))) - (net (code 107) (name SD_D3) + (net (code 105) (name SD_D3) (node (ref P1) (pin 13)) (node (ref R15) (pin 2))) - (net (code 108) (name "Net-(R16-Pad1)") - (node (ref U2) (pin 13)) - (node (ref R16) (pin 1))) - (net (code 109) (name SD_D1) + (net (code 106) (name "Net-(R16-Pad1)") + (node (ref R16) (pin 1)) + (node (ref U2) (pin 13))) + (net (code 107) (name SD_D1) (node (ref R16) (pin 2)) (node (ref P1) (pin 22))) - (net (code 110) (name "Net-(R17-Pad1)") + (net (code 108) (name "Net-(R17-Pad1)") (node (ref R17) (pin 1)) (node (ref U2) (pin 14))) - (net (code 111) (name ESP_CLK) + (net (code 109) (name ESP_CLK) (node (ref P1) (pin 15)) (node (ref R17) (pin 2))) - (net (code 112) (name "Net-(U2-Pad17)") + (net (code 110) (name "Net-(U2-Pad17)") (node (ref U2) (pin 17))) - (net (code 113) (name "Net-(U2-Pad18)") + (net (code 111) (name "Net-(U2-Pad16)") + (node (ref U2) (pin 16))) + (net (code 112) (name "Net-(U2-Pad18)") (node (ref U2) (pin 18))) - (net (code 114) (name "Net-(U2-Pad19)") + (net (code 113) (name "Net-(U2-Pad19)") (node (ref U2) (pin 19))) - (net (code 115) (name "Net-(U2-Pad22)") + (net (code 114) (name "Net-(U2-Pad22)") (node (ref U2) (pin 22))) - (net (code 116) (name "Net-(P2-Pad21)") + (net (code 115) (name "Net-(U2-Pad21)") + (node (ref U2) (pin 21))) + (net (code 116) (name "Net-(P2-Pad23)") + (node (ref P2) (pin 23))) + (net (code 117) (name "Net-(P2-Pad21)") (node (ref P2) (pin 21))) - (net (code 117) (name "Net-(P2-Pad22)") + (net (code 118) (name "Net-(P2-Pad22)") (node (ref P2) (pin 22))) - (net (code 118) (name "Net-(P2-Pad13)") + (net (code 119) (name "Net-(P2-Pad13)") (node (ref P2) (pin 13))) - (net (code 119) (name "Net-(P2-Pad23)") - (node (ref P2) (pin 23))) (net (code 120) (name "Net-(P2-Pad24)") (node (ref P2) (pin 24))) (net (code 121) (name "Net-(P2-Pad25)") diff --git a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.sch b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.sch index ceb263f..32a482e 100644 --- a/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.sch +++ b/kicad/hardpass-pcb/hardpass-pcb.sch @@ -918,8 +918,8 @@ F 3 "" H 10000 4200 50 0000 C CNN 1 10000 4200 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp -Text Notes 6250 1200 0 60 ~ 0 -\n +Text Notes 6250 1250 0 60 ~ 0 +\n\n Text Notes 7000 2000 0 60 ~ 0 TODO: less Caps? $Comp -- 2.39.3