/* contains color/monchrome schemes for tty-mines. */ #ifndef __SCHEMES_H__ #define __SCHEMES_H__ #define SGR(color, string) "\033[" color "m" string "\033[0m" #define BOLD "1" #define BLINK "5" #define REV "7" #define RED "31" #define GREEN "32" #define YELLOW "33" #define BLUE "34" #define CYAN "36" #define GREY "37" #define BRED "91" #define BBLUE "94" #define WHITE "97" enum e_emoticons { EMOT_SMILE, EMOT_DEAD, EMOT_WON, EMOT_OHH, NUM_EMOT, }; enum e_border_lines { B_TOP, B_STATUS, B_DIVIDER, B_FIELD, B_BOTTOM, }; enum e_border_cols { B_LEFT, B_MIDDLE, B_RIGHT, }; struct minescheme { char* number[9]; char* field_closed; char* field_flagged; char* field_question; char* mine_normal; char* mine_death; char* mine_wrongf; char* mine_wrongq; char* emoticons[NUM_EMOT]; char* border[5][3]; int cell_width; int display_width; char* init_seq; char* reset_seq; }; struct minescheme symbols_mono = { .number = {" ", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"}, .field_closed = "░░", .field_flagged = "▕▀", .field_question = "?", .mine_normal = "*", .mine_death = "#", .mine_wrongf = "/", .mine_wrongq = "\", .emoticons = {":)", ":(", ":D", ":o"}, .border = {{"╔═","══","═╗"}, {"║ "," "," ║"}, {"╟─","──","─╢"}, {"║ "," "," ║"}, {"╚═","══","═╝"}}, .cell_width = 2, .display_width = 2, }; struct minescheme symbols_col1 = { .number = {" ", SGR(BBLUE, "1"), SGR(GREEN, "2"), SGR(RED, "3"), SGR(BLUE, "4"), SGR(YELLOW,"5"), SGR(CYAN, "6"), SGR(GREY, "7"), SGR(WHITE, "8")}, .field_closed = "░░", .field_flagged = SGR(GREY,"▕\033["BRED"m▀"), .field_question = "?", .mine_normal = "*", .mine_death = SGR(RED,"*"), .mine_wrongf = "/", .mine_wrongq = "\", .emoticons = {":)", ":(", ":D", ":o"}, .border = {{"╔═","══","═╗"}, {"║ "," "," ║"}, {"╟─","──","─╢"}, {"║ "," "," ║"}, {"╚═","══","═╝"}}, .cell_width = 2, .display_width = 2, }; struct minescheme symbols_doublewidth = { /* for the vt220. DEC Special Graphics Character Set: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-4.html Dynamically Redefinable Character Set: https://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html#S4.16 */ .number = {" ", SGR(BOLD,"1"), SGR(BOLD,"2"), SGR(BOLD,"3"), SGR(BOLD,"4"), SGR(BOLD,"5"), SGR(BOLD,"6"), SGR(BOLD,"7"), SGR(BOLD,"8")}, .field_closed = "\x61", .field_flagged = SGR(BOLD,"\033O!"), .field_question = SGR(BOLD,"?"), .mine_normal = SGR(BOLD,"*"), .mine_death = SGR(BOLD,"#"), .mine_wrongf = SGR(BOLD,"/"), .mine_wrongq = SGR(BOLD,"\\"), .emoticons = {":)", ":(", ":D", ":\033No"}, .border = {{"\033#6\x6c","\x71","\x6b"}, {"\033#6\x78"," ","\x78"}, {"\033[?25l\033#6\x74","\x71","\x75"}, {"\033#6\x78"," ","\x78"}, {"\033#6\x6d","\x71","\x6a"}}, .cell_width = 1, .display_width = 2, //TODO: after transmitting the DRCS the terminal gets unresponsive for a few seconds, causing the minefield to not be fully //drawn after a screen_setup() .init_seq = "\033P0;1;0;4;1;1{P" /*config for DRCS "P": 7x10,erase-all*/ "??~^^^^/??N????\033\\" /* flag at '!' resembling ▕▀ */ "\033(0\033*B\033+P" /* G0=Graphics,G2=ASCII,G3="P" */ "\x0f" /* invoke G0 (locking shift) */ "\033[?3l", /* disable 132 column mode (DECCOLM) */ .reset_seq = "\033(B" /* reset to DEC Multinational Character Set */ "\033[?3h", /* reenable DECCOLM (WARN: unconditionally!) */ }; #undef SGR #undef BOLD #undef BLINK #undef RED #undef GREEN #undef YELLOW #undef BLUE #undef CYAN #undef GREY #undef BRED #undef BBLUE #undef WHITE #endif