{% import 'macros.imp.j2' as macros %} {% include 'messages.inc.j2' %}
{% if video_url %}
{% else %}{#TODO: this'll break livestreams #} {% endif %} {% if video_error %}
{{ errdetails }} Watch on Invidious or Youtube
{% endif %}

{{ title | e }}
{{ author | e }}


{{ description | e }}

Duration {% set h = length // (60*60) %} {% set m = length // 60 % 60 %} {% set s = length % 60 %}
{{ h~':' if h }}{{ '%02d' % m }}:{{ '%02d' % s }}
{{ '{0:,}'.format(views | int)|replace(","," ") }}
{{ published }}
{{ rating | round(1) }}/5
{{ 'unlisted' if unlisted else 'public' }} {% if blacklisted|length > countries|length %}
Available in
{{ countries | join(', ') }} {% else %}
Blacklisted in
{{ blacklisted | join(', ') }} {% endif %}

{%for x in (infocards+endcards)|selectattr('content.error')%}{{x.content.error}}{%endfor%}
Info- and Endcards {% for card in infocards+endcards %}{# #}{% set c = card.content %}{# #}{% if card.type == 'VIDEO' %}{# #}{% call macros.card(c.video_id, c.title, c.length) %} {{ c.author }}  {% endcall %}{# #}{% elif card.type == 'CHANNEL' and c.channel_id != channel_id %}{# #}{% call macros.card_generic("/channel/"~c.channel_id, c.icons[250] if 'icons' in c else '', c.title) %} Channel {% endcall %}{# #}{% elif card.type == 'PLAYLIST' %}{# #}{% call macros.card_generic("/playlist?list="~c.playlist_id, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/"~c.video_id~"/mqdefault.jpg", c.title) %} {{ c.author }} {{ c.n_videos }} videos {% endcall %}{# #}{% elif card.type == 'WEBSITE' %}{# #}{% call macros.card_generic(c.url, c.icons[250] if 'icons' in c else '', c.title) %} {{ c.domain }} {% endcall %}{# #}{% endif %}{# #}{% endfor %}