{% set fallback_img = "data:image/svg+xml," %} {% macro card_generic(link, thumbnail, title='', badge=None, pinned=False) -%}
{% if badge is not none %} {{ badge | e }} {% endif %}
{{ title | e }}
{{ caller() }}
{%- endmacro %} {% macro card(video_id, title='', advanced_text='', pinned="undefined", advanced_title='', post_url=None, badge=None, ts=None, list=None) -%} {% set caller_ = caller %} {% set pinned_ = False if pinned == "undefined" else pinned %} {% set ts_ = '&t='~ts if ts else '' %} {% set list_ = '&list='~list if list else '' %} {% call card_generic("/watch?v="~video_id~ts_~list_, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/"~video_id~"/mqdefault.jpg", title, badge, pinned_) %} {{ caller_() }}
{{ advanced_text }}
{% if post_url %} {{ emoji_link("comments", post_url, False) }} {%endif%} {% if pinned != "undefined" %} {{ emoji_button("pin", video_id, pinned, False) }} {{ emoji_button("hide", video_id, False, False) }} {%endif%} {{ emoji_link("audio", video_id, False) }} {{ emoji_link("raw", video_id, False) }} {{ emoji_link("json", video_id, False) }}
{% endcall %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro typed_card(params) -%} {% set c = params.content %} {% if params.type == 'VIDEO' %} {% set pinned = c.pinned if c.pinned is defined else "undefined" %} {% set badge = 'LIVE' if c.live else c.length %} {% call card(c.video_id, c.title, c.published, pinned=pinned, badge=badge, list=c.playlist_id) %} {{ infobar_subscriptions(c.video_id, c.channel_id, c.author) }} {% endcall %} {% elif params.type == 'CHANNEL' %} {% call card_generic("/channel/"~c.channel_id~"/", c.icons[c.icons.largest] if 'icons' in c else '', c.title) %} Channel {{ c.subscribers }} {% endcall %} {% elif params.type == 'PLAYLIST' %} {% call card_generic("/playlist?list="~c.playlist_id, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/"~c.video_id~"/mqdefault.jpg", c.title) %} {{ infobar_subscriptions(None, c.channel_id, c.author) }} {{ c.n_videos }} videos {% endcall %} {% elif params.type == 'WEBSITE' %} {% call card_generic(c.url, c.icons[c.icons.largest] if 'icons' in c else '', c.title) %} {{ c.domain }} {% endcall %} {% endif %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro dummycard() -%} {% for _ in range(4) %}
{% endfor %} {%- endmacro %} {# TODO: remove video_id parameter (unused) #} {% macro infobar_subscriptions(video_id, channel_id, author) -%} {% if channel_id is defined and channel_id is not none %} {{ author | e }} {% else %} {{ author | e }} {% endif %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro emoji_button(action, subject, reverse=False, text=False) -%} {% set icons = { 'pin': ['📌️', '📌️⃠'], 'hide': ['💨️', ''], 'subscribe': ['📝️', '🗑️'], } %} {% set texts = { 'pin': ['pin to subscription feed', 'unpin'], 'hide': ['hide video', ''], 'subscribe': ['subscribe', 'unsubscribe'], } %} {% set actions = { 'pin': 'youtube.feed_post', 'hide': 'youtube.feed_post', 'subscribe': 'youtube.manage_subscriptions', } %}
{%- endmacro %} {% macro emoji_link(action, subject, text=False) -%} {% set icons = { 'raw': '🎞️', 'json': '💡', 'meta': '📜', 'audio': '🎧', 'comments': '💬', 'iv': '🔼', 'yt': '▶️', } %} {% set texts = { 'raw': 'show raw video', 'json': 'view json metadata', 'meta': 'view additional metadata', 'audio': 'listen to audio only', 'comments': 'view comments', 'iv': 'watch on invidious', 'yt': 'youtu.be', } %} {% set actions = { 'raw': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=raw', 'json': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=json', 'meta': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=meta', 'audio': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=audio', 'comments': 'https://old.reddit.com'~subject, 'iv': 'https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v='~subject, 'yt': 'https://youtu.be/'~subject, } %} {# #}{{ icons[action] }}{# #}{{ texts[action] if text }} {%- endmacro %} {% macro more(fields) -%} {% set request_args = dict(request.args) %} {% set _nil = request_args.update(fields) %} {% set new_qs = request_args|urlencode %} {%- endmacro %}