Panasonic VP-0187A ================== 2017/08/06 It is unknown keyboard from Panasonic with Hirose Cherry M8 and 6P6C connector. Pictures: Hirose Cheery M8 switches: Scan ---- The keyboard is comprised of some of 4000 series IC without microcontroller. RST>-----------+---------------+ | | TC4520 | TC4520 | --------- carry --------- CLK>--->|row |------>|col | |counter|Q3 |counter| --------- --------- Q012 Q012 ||| ||| ||| ABC TC4028 ||| --------- ||| |decoder| ||| --------- ||| |||||| col[0..7] ABC TC4512 vvvvvvv pull down ---------- <----|+++++++|--100K--+ |data | <----|+++++++|--100K--+ STATE<--|selector| <----|+++++++|--100K--+ | 7 to 1 | <----|+++++++|--100K--+ ---------- <----|+++++++|--100K--+ row[0..7] | 8x8 matrix | | - TC4078 | GND ------ | SENSE<----| OR |========+ OR'd row[0..7] ------ - TC4520BP - Dual Binary Up Counter - TC4028B - BCD-to-Decimal Decoder - TC4512BP - 8-Channel Data Selector - TC4081BP - Quad 2-Input AND Gate - TC4071BP - Quad 2-Input OR Gate - TC4078BP - 8-Input NOR/OR Gate Matrix ------ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ESC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 0 - ^ BS INS DEL 2 TAB Q W E R T Y U 3 I O P @ [ ] F2 F1 4 CTRL A S D F G H J 5 K L ; : RETURN UP F3 F4 6 SHIFT Z X C V B N M 7 SPACE , . / LEFT RIGHT DOWN HOME 6P6C connector pinout --------------------- 1. VCC 2. Clock - sends clock to binary counter TC4520 3. Key State - indicates hi if key selected by counter is active 4. Sense - indicates lo if any key is active while Reset is hi. 5. Reset - resets counter and drives all column 6. GND 123456 ,--------. | |||||| | | | `--____--' plug Ping configuration ------------------ AVR ATmega32u4 is used as protocol converter. PD0: Clock. Counter couts up at falling edge. PD1: Key State. Hi if selected key is activated. PD2: Sense. Lo if any key is activated while Reset is Hi. PD3: Reset. Resets counters at riging edge.