/******************************************************************************* * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only * intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This * software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under * all applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING * THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS * ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR * ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE * BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software * and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, * you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the * following link: * http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * File Name : usb_host.h * $Rev: 1116 $ * $Date:: 2014-07-09 16:29:19 +0900#$ * Description : RZ/A1H R7S72100 USB Sample Program *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef USB_HOST_H #define USB_HOST_H /******************************************************************************* Includes , "Project Includes" *******************************************************************************/ #include "r_typedefs.h" #include "iodefine.h" #include "rza_io_regrw.h" /******************************************************************************* Typedef definitions *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Macro definitions *******************************************************************************/ #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_0 (0u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_1 (1u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_2 (2u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_3 (3u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_4 (4u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_5 (5u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_6 (6u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_7 (7u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_8 (8u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_9 (9u) #define USB_HOST_DEVICE_10 (10u) #define USB_HOST_ENDPOINT_DESC (0x05) #define USB_HOST_BITUPLLE (0x0002u) #define USB_HOST_BITUCKSEL (0x0004u) #define USB_HOST_BITBWAIT (0x003fu) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_02 (0x0000u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_03 (0x0001u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_04 (0x0002u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_05 (0x0003u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_06 (0x0004u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_07 (0x0005u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_08 (0x0006u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_09 (0x0007u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_10 (0x0008u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_11 (0x0009u) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_12 (0x000au) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_13 (0x000bu) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_14 (0x000cu) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_15 (0x000du) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_16 (0x000eu) #define USB_HOST_BUSWAIT_17 (0x000fu) #define USB_HOST_FS_JSTS (0x0001u) #define USB_HOST_LS_JSTS (0x0002u) #define USB_HOST_BITRST (0x0040u) #define USB_HOST_BITRESUME (0x0020u) #define USB_HOST_BITUACT (0x0010u) #define USB_HOST_HSPROC (0x0004u) #define USB_HOST_HSMODE (0x0003u) #define USB_HOST_FSMODE (0x0002u) #define USB_HOST_LSMODE (0x0001u) #define USB_HOST_UNDECID (0x0000u) #define USB_HOST_BITRCNT (0x8000u) #define USB_HOST_BITDREQE (0x1000u) #define USB_HOST_BITMBW (0x0c00u) #define USB_HOST_BITMBW_8 (0x0000u) #define USB_HOST_BITMBW_16 (0x0400u) #define USB_HOST_BITMBW_32 (0x0800u) #define USB_HOST_BITBYTE_LITTLE (0x0000u) #define USB_HOST_BITBYTE_BIG (0x0100u) #define USB_HOST_BITISEL (0x0020u) #define USB_HOST_BITCURPIPE (0x000fu) #define USB_HOST_CFIFO_READ (0x0000u) #define USB_HOST_CFIFO_WRITE (0x0020u) #define USB_HOST_BITBVAL (0x8000u) #define USB_HOST_BITBCLR (0x4000u) #define USB_HOST_BITFRDY (0x2000u) #define USB_HOST_BITDTLN (0x0fffu) #define USB_HOST_BITBEMPE (0x0400u) #define USB_HOST_BITNRDYE (0x0200u) #define USB_HOST_BITBRDYE (0x0100u) #define USB_HOST_BITBEMP (0x0400u) #define USB_HOST_BITNRDY (0x0200u) #define USB_HOST_BITBRDY (0x0100u) #define USB_HOST_BITBCHGE (0x4000u) #define USB_HOST_BITDTCHE (0x1000u) #define USB_HOST_BITATTCHE (0x0800u) #define USB_HOST_BITEOFERRE (0x0040u) #define USB_HOST_BITBCHG (0x4000u) #define USB_HOST_BITDTCH (0x1000u) #define USB_HOST_BITATTCH (0x0800u) #define USB_HOST_BITEOFERR (0x0040u) #define USB_HOST_BITSIGNE (0x0020u) #define USB_HOST_BITSACKE (0x0010u) #define USB_HOST_BITSIGN (0x0020u) #define USB_HOST_BITSACK (0x0010u) #define USB_HOST_BITSUREQ (0x4000u) #define USB_HOST_BITSQSET (0x0080u) #define USB_HOST_PID_STALL2 (0x0003u) #define USB_HOST_PID_STALL (0x0002u) #define USB_HOST_PID_BUF (0x0001u) #define USB_HOST_PID_NAK (0x0000u) #define USB_HOST_PIPExBUF (64u) #define USB_HOST_D0FIFO (0) #define USB_HOST_D1FIFO (1) #define USB_HOST_DMA_READY (0) #define USB_HOST_DMA_BUSY (1) #define USB_HOST_DMA_BUSYEND (2) #define USB_HOST_FIFO_USE (0x7000) #define USB_HOST_FIFOERROR (0xffff) #define USB_HOST_WRITEEND (0) #define USB_HOST_WRITESHRT (1) #define USB_HOST_WRITING (2) #define USB_HOST_WRITEDMA (3) #define USB_HOST_READEND (0) #define USB_HOST_READSHRT (1) #define USB_HOST_READING (2) #define USB_HOST_READOVER (3) #define USB_HOST_READZERO (4) #define USB_HOST_CMD_IDLE (0x0000) #define USB_HOST_CMD_DOING (0x0001) #define USB_HOST_CMD_DONE (0x0002) #define USB_HOST_CMD_NORES (0x0003) #define USB_HOST_CMD_STALL (0x0004) #define USB_HOST_CMD_FIELD (0x000f) #if 0 #define USB_HOST_CHG_CMDFIELD( r, v ) do { r &= ( ~USB_HOST_CMD_FIELD ); \ r |= v; } while(0) #endif #define USB_HOST_MODE_WRITE (0x0100) #define USB_HOST_MODE_READ (0x0200) #define USB_HOST_MODE_NO_DATA (0x0300) #define USB_HOST_MODE_FIELD (0x0f00) #define USB_HOST_STAGE_SETUP (0x0010) #define USB_HOST_STAGE_DATA (0x0020) #define USB_HOST_STAGE_STATUS (0x0030) #define USB_HOST_STAGE_FIELD (0x00f0) #if 0 #define USB_HOST_CHG_STAGEFIELD( r, v ) do { r &= ( ~USB_HOST_STAGE_FIELD ); \ r |= v; } while(0) #endif #define USB_HOST_DEVADD_MASK (0x7fc0) /******************************************************************************* Imported global variables and functions (from other files) *******************************************************************************/ extern uint16_t g_usb_host_elt_clockmode; #endif /* USB_HOST_H */ /* End of File */