// TODO: clean unused headers #include #include #include #include #include #include "usb.h" #include "usb_keyboard.h" #include "usb_mouse.h" #include "print.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "keymap.h" #include "jump_bootloader.h" #include "key_process.h" // for Teensy/Teensy++ 2.0 #define LED_CONFIG (DDRD |= (1<<6)) #define LED_ON (PORTD |= (1<<6)) #define LED_OFF (PORTD &= ~(1<<6)) #define MOUSE_MOVE_UNIT 10 #define MOUSE_DELAY_MS 200 #define MOUSE_DELAY_ACC 5 static void print_matrix(void); static void print_keys(void); static void print_mouse(int8_t mouse_x, int8_t mouse_y, int8_t wheel_v, int8_t wheel_h); void proc_matrix(void) { static int mouse_repeat = 0; bool modified = false; bool has_ghost = false; int layer = 0; int key_index = 0; uint8_t mouse_btn = 0; int8_t mouse_x = 0; int8_t mouse_y = 0; int8_t mouse_wheel = 0; int8_t mouse_hwheel = 0; matrix_scan(); modified = matrix_is_modified(); has_ghost = matrix_has_ghost(); layer = get_layer(); // print matrix state for debug if (modified) { print_matrix(); // LED flash for debug LED_CONFIG; LED_ON; } keyboard_modifier_keys = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) keyboard_keys[i] = KB_NO; key_index = 0; mouse_btn = 0; mouse_x = 0; mouse_y = 0; mouse_wheel = 0; mouse_hwheel = 0; // convert matrix state to HID report for (int row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < MATRIX_COLS; col++) { if (matrix[row] & 1<= MS_UP) { // mouse if (code == MS_UP) mouse_y -= MOUSE_MOVE_UNIT + (mouse_repeat < 50 ? mouse_repeat/5 : 10); if (code == MS_DOWN) mouse_y += MOUSE_MOVE_UNIT + (mouse_repeat < 50 ? mouse_repeat/5 : 10); if (code == MS_LEFT) mouse_x -= MOUSE_MOVE_UNIT + (mouse_repeat < 50 ? mouse_repeat/5 : 10); if (code == MS_RIGHT) mouse_x += MOUSE_MOVE_UNIT + (mouse_repeat < 50 ? mouse_repeat/5 : 10); if (code == MS_BTN1) mouse_btn |= 1<<0; if (code == MS_BTN2) mouse_btn |= 1<<1; if (code == MS_BTN3) mouse_btn |= 1<<2; if (code == MS_BTN4) mouse_btn |= 1<<3; if (code == MS_BTN5) mouse_btn |= 1<<4; if (code == MS_WH_UP) mouse_wheel += 1; if (code == MS_WH_DOWN) mouse_wheel -= 1; if (code == MS_WH_LEFT) mouse_hwheel -= 1; if (code == MS_WH_RIGHT) mouse_hwheel += 1; } else { // normal keys if (key_index < 6) keyboard_keys[key_index] = code; key_index++; } } } if (!has_ghost) { // when 4 left modifier keys down if (keyboard_modifier_keys == (MOD_LCTRL | MOD_LSHIFT | MOD_LALT | MOD_LGUI)) { // cancel all keys keyboard_modifier_keys = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) keyboard_keys[i] = KB_NO; usb_keyboard_send(); print("jump to bootloader...\n"); _delay_ms(100); jump_bootloader(); // not return } if (mouse_x || mouse_y || mouse_wheel || mouse_hwheel || mouse_btn != mouse_buttons) { mouse_buttons = mouse_btn; usb_mouse_move(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_wheel, mouse_hwheel); print_mouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_wheel, mouse_hwheel); key_sent = true; // acceleration _delay_ms(MOUSE_DELAY_MS >> (mouse_repeat < MOUSE_DELAY_ACC ? mouse_repeat : MOUSE_DELAY_ACC)); mouse_repeat++; } else { mouse_repeat = 0; } // send keys to host if (modified) { if (key_index > 6) { //Rollover } usb_keyboard_send(); if (keyboard_keys[0]) key_sent = true; print_keys(); // LED flash for debug LED_CONFIG; LED_OFF; } } } static void print_matrix(void) { print("\nr/c 01234567\n"); for (int row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++) { phex(row); print(": "); pbin_reverse(matrix[row]); if (matrix_has_ghost_in_row(row)) { print("