/******************************************************************************* * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only * intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This * software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under * all applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING * THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS * ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR * ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE * BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software * and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, * you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the * following link: * http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * File Name : usb1_function_dmacdrv.c * $Rev: 1116 $ * $Date:: 2014-07-09 16:29:19 +0900#$ * Device(s) : RZ/A1H * Tool-Chain : * OS : None * H/W Platform : * Description : RZ/A1H R7S72100 USB Sample Program * Operation : * Limitations : *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Includes , "Project Includes" *******************************************************************************/ #include #include "r_typedefs.h" #include "iodefine.h" #include "rza_io_regrw.h" #include "usb1_function_dmacdrv.h" /******************************************************************************* Typedef definitions *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Macro definitions *******************************************************************************/ #define DMAC_INDEFINE (255) /* Macro definition when REQD bit is not used */ /* ==== Request setting information for on-chip peripheral module ==== */ typedef enum dmac_peri_req_reg_type { DMAC_REQ_MID, DMAC_REQ_RID, DMAC_REQ_AM, DMAC_REQ_LVL, DMAC_REQ_REQD } dmac_peri_req_reg_type_t; /******************************************************************************* Imported global variables and functions (from other files) *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Exported global variables and functions (to be accessed by other files) *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Private global variables and functions *******************************************************************************/ /* ==== Prototype declaration ==== */ /* ==== Global variable ==== */ /* On-chip peripheral module request setting table */ static const uint8_t usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[8][5] = { /* MID,RID,AM,LVL,REQD */ {32, 3, 2, 1, 1}, /* USB_0 channel 0 transmit FIFO empty */ {32, 3, 2, 1, 0}, /* USB_0 channel 0 receive FIFO full */ {33, 3, 2, 1, 1}, /* USB_0 channel 1 transmit FIFO empty */ {33, 3, 2, 1, 0}, /* USB_0 channel 1 receive FIFO full */ {34, 3, 2, 1, 1}, /* USB_1 channel 0 transmit FIFO empty */ {34, 3, 2, 1, 0}, /* USB_1 channel 0 receive FIFO full */ {35, 3, 2, 1, 1}, /* USB_1 channel 1 transmit FIFO empty */ {35, 3, 2, 1, 0}, /* USB_1 channel 1 receive FIFO full */ }; /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC3_PeriReqInit * Description : Sets the register mode for DMA mode and the on-chip peripheral * : module request for transfer request for DMAC channel 1. * : Executes DMAC initial setting using the DMA information * : specified by the argument *trans_info and the enabled/disabled * : continuous transfer specified by the argument continuation. * : Registers DMAC channel 1 interrupt handler function and sets * : the interrupt priority level. Then enables transfer completion * : interrupt. * Arguments : dmac_transinfo_t *trans_info : Setting information to DMAC register * : uint32_t dmamode : DMA mode (only for DMAC_MODE_REGISTER) * : uint32_t continuation : Set continuous transfer to be valid * : after DMA transfer has been completed * : DMAC_SAMPLE_CONTINUATION : Execute continuous transfer * : DMAC_SAMPLE_SINGLE : Do not execute continuous transfer * : uint32_t request_factor : Factor for on-chip peripheral module request * : DMAC_REQ_OSTM0TINT : OSTM_0 compare match * : DMAC_REQ_OSTM1TINT : OSTM_1 compare match * : DMAC_REQ_TGI0A : MTU2_0 input capture/compare match * : : * : uint32_t req_direction: Setting value of CHCFG_n register REQD bit * Return Value : none *******************************************************************************/ void usb1_function_DMAC3_PeriReqInit (const dmac_transinfo_t * trans_info, uint32_t dmamode, uint32_t continuation, uint32_t request_factor, uint32_t req_direction) { /* ==== Register mode ==== */ if (DMAC_MODE_REGISTER == dmamode) { /* ==== Next0 register set ==== */ DMAC3.N0SA_n = trans_info->src_addr; /* Start address of transfer source */ DMAC3.N0DA_n = trans_info->dst_addr; /* Start address of transfer destination */ DMAC3.N0TB_n = trans_info->count; /* Total transfer byte count */ /* DAD : Transfer destination address counting direction */ /* SAD : Transfer source address counting direction */ /* DDS : Transfer destination transfer size */ /* SDS : Transfer source transfer size */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, trans_info->daddr_dir, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DAD_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DAD); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, trans_info->saddr_dir, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SAD_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SAD); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, trans_info->dst_size, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DDS_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DDS); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, trans_info->src_size, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SDS_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SDS); /* DMS : Register mode */ /* RSEL : Select Next0 register set */ /* SBE : No discharge of buffer data when aborted */ /* DEM : No DMA interrupt mask */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DMS_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DMS); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_RSEL_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_RSEL); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SBE_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SBE); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DEM_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_DEM); /* ---- Continuous transfer ---- */ if (DMAC_SAMPLE_CONTINUATION == continuation) { /* REN : Execute continuous transfer */ /* RSW : Change register set when DMA transfer is completed. */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 1, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REN); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 1, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_RSW_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_RSW); } /* ---- Single transfer ---- */ else { /* REN : Do not execute continuous transfer */ /* RSW : Do not change register set when DMA transfer is completed. */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REN); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_RSW_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_RSW); } /* TM : Single transfer */ /* SEL : Channel setting */ /* HIEN, LOEN : On-chip peripheral module request */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_TM_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_TM); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 3, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SEL_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_SEL); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 1, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_HIEN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_HIEN); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_LOEN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_LOEN); /* ---- Set factor by specified on-chip peripheral module request ---- */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_AM], DMAC3_CHCFG_n_AM_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_AM); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_LVL], DMAC3_CHCFG_n_LVL_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_LVL); if (usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_REQD] != DMAC_INDEFINE) { RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_REQD], DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REQD_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REQD); } else { RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCFG_n, req_direction, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REQD_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCFG_n_REQD); } RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC23.DMARS, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_RID], DMAC23_DMARS_CH3_RID_SHIFT, DMAC23_DMARS_CH3_RID); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC23.DMARS, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_MID], DMAC23_DMARS_CH3_MID_SHIFT, DMAC23_DMARS_CH3_MID); /* PR : Round robin mode */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC07.DCTRL_0_7, 1, DMAC07_DCTRL_0_7_PR_SHIFT, DMAC07_DCTRL_0_7_PR); } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC3_Open * Description : Enables DMAC channel 3 transfer. * Arguments : uint32_t req : DMAC request mode * Return Value : 0 : Succeeded in enabling DMA transfer * : -1 : Failed to enable DMA transfer (due to DMA operation) *******************************************************************************/ int32_t usb1_function_DMAC3_Open (uint32_t req) { int32_t ret; volatile uint8_t dummy; /* Transferable? */ if ((0 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC3.CHSTAT_n, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_EN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_EN)) && (0 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC3.CHSTAT_n, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_TACT_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_TACT))) { /* Clear Channel Status Register */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_SWRST_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_SWRST); dummy = RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC3.CHCTRL_n, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_SWRST_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_SWRST); /* Enable DMA transfer */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_SETEN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_SETEN); /* ---- Request by software ---- */ if (DMAC_REQ_MODE_SOFT == req) { /* DMA transfer Request by software */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_STG_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_STG); } ret = 0; } else { ret = -1; } return ret; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC3_Close * Description : Aborts DMAC channel 3 transfer. Returns the remaining transfer * : byte count at the time of DMA transfer abort to the argument * : *remain. * Arguments : uint32_t * remain : Remaining transfer byte count when * : : DMA transfer is aborted * Return Value : none *******************************************************************************/ void usb1_function_DMAC3_Close (uint32_t * remain) { /* ==== Abort transfer ==== */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC3.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_CLREN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHCTRL_n_CLREN); while (1 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC3.CHSTAT_n, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_TACT_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_TACT)) { /* Loop until transfer is aborted */ } while (1 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC3.CHSTAT_n, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_EN_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_EN)) { /* Loop until 0 is set in EN before checking the remaining transfer byte count */ } /* ==== Obtain remaining transfer byte count ==== */ *remain = DMAC3.CRTB_n; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC3_Load_Set * Description : Sets the transfer source address, transfer destination * : address, and total transfer byte count respectively * : specified by the argument src_addr, dst_addr, and count to * : DMAC channel 3 as DMA transfer information. * : Sets the register set selected by the CHCFG_n register * : RSEL bit from the Next0 or Next1 register set. * : This function should be called when DMA transfer of DMAC * : channel 3 is aboted. * Arguments : uint32_t src_addr : Transfer source address * : uint32_t dst_addr : Transfer destination address * : uint32_t count : Total transfer byte count * Return Value : none *******************************************************************************/ void usb1_function_DMAC3_Load_Set (uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint32_t count) { uint8_t reg_set; /* Obtain register set in use */ reg_set = RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC3.CHSTAT_n, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_SR_SHIFT, DMAC3_CHSTAT_n_SR); /* ==== Load ==== */ if (0 == reg_set) { /* ---- Next0 Register Set ---- */ DMAC3.N0SA_n = src_addr; /* Start address of transfer source */ DMAC3.N0DA_n = dst_addr; /* Start address of transfer destination */ DMAC3.N0TB_n = count; /* Total transfer byte count */ } else { /* ---- Next1 Register Set ---- */ DMAC3.N1SA_n = src_addr; /* Start address of transfer source */ DMAC3.N1DA_n = dst_addr; /* Start address of transfer destination */ DMAC3.N1TB_n = count; /* Total transfer byte count */ } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC4_PeriReqInit * Description : Sets the register mode for DMA mode and the on-chip peripheral * : module request for transfer request for DMAC channel 2. * : Executes DMAC initial setting using the DMA information * : specified by the argument *trans_info and the enabled/disabled * : continuous transfer specified by the argument continuation. * : Registers DMAC channel 2 interrupt handler function and sets * : the interrupt priority level. Then enables transfer completion * : interrupt. * Arguments : dmac_transinfo_t * trans_info : Setting information to DMAC * : : register * : uint32_t dmamode : DMA mode (only for DMAC_MODE_REGISTER) * : uint32_t continuation : Set continuous transfer to be valid * : : after DMA transfer has been completed * : DMAC_SAMPLE_CONTINUATION : Execute continuous transfer * : DMAC_SAMPLE_SINGLE : Do not execute continuous * : : transfer * : uint32_t request_factor : Factor for on-chip peripheral module * : : request * : DMAC_REQ_OSTM0TINT : OSTM_0 compare match * : DMAC_REQ_OSTM1TINT : OSTM_1 compare match * : DMAC_REQ_TGI0A : MTU2_0 input capture/compare match * : : * : uint32_t req_direction : Setting value of CHCFG_n register * : : REQD bit *******************************************************************************/ void usb1_function_DMAC4_PeriReqInit (const dmac_transinfo_t * trans_info, uint32_t dmamode, uint32_t continuation, uint32_t request_factor, uint32_t req_direction) { /* ==== Register mode ==== */ if (DMAC_MODE_REGISTER == dmamode) { /* ==== Next0 register set ==== */ DMAC4.N0SA_n = trans_info->src_addr; /* Start address of transfer source */ DMAC4.N0DA_n = trans_info->dst_addr; /* Start address of transfer destination */ DMAC4.N0TB_n = trans_info->count; /* Total transfer byte count */ /* DAD : Transfer destination address counting direction */ /* SAD : Transfer source address counting direction */ /* DDS : Transfer destination transfer size */ /* SDS : Transfer source transfer size */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, trans_info->daddr_dir, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DAD_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DAD); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, trans_info->saddr_dir, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SAD_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SAD); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, trans_info->dst_size, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DDS_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DDS); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, trans_info->src_size, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SDS_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SDS); /* DMS : Register mode */ /* RSEL : Select Next0 register set */ /* SBE : No discharge of buffer data when aborted */ /* DEM : No DMA interrupt mask */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DMS_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DMS); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_RSEL_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_RSEL); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SBE_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SBE); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DEM_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_DEM); /* ---- Continuous transfer ---- */ if (DMAC_SAMPLE_CONTINUATION == continuation) { /* REN : Execute continuous transfer */ /* RSW : Change register set when DMA transfer is completed. */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 1, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REN); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 1, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_RSW_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_RSW); } /* ---- Single transfer ---- */ else { /* REN : Do not execute continuous transfer */ /* RSW : Do not change register set when DMA transfer is completed. */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REN); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_RSW_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_RSW); } /* TM : Single transfer */ /* SEL : Channel setting */ /* HIEN, LOEN : On-chip peripheral module request */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_TM_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_TM); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 4, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SEL_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_SEL); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 1, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_HIEN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_HIEN); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, 0, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_LOEN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_LOEN); /* ---- Set factor by specified on-chip peripheral module request ---- */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_AM], DMAC4_CHCFG_n_AM_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_AM); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_LVL], DMAC4_CHCFG_n_LVL_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_LVL); if (usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_REQD] != DMAC_INDEFINE) { RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_REQD], DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REQD_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REQD); } else { RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCFG_n, req_direction, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REQD_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCFG_n_REQD); } RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC45.DMARS, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_RID], DMAC45_DMARS_CH4_RID_SHIFT, DMAC45_DMARS_CH4_RID); RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC45.DMARS, usb1_function_dmac_peri_req_init_table[request_factor][DMAC_REQ_MID], DMAC45_DMARS_CH4_MID_SHIFT, DMAC45_DMARS_CH4_MID); /* PR : Round robin mode */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC07.DCTRL_0_7, 1, DMAC07_DCTRL_0_7_PR_SHIFT, DMAC07_DCTRL_0_7_PR); } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC4_Open * Description : Enables DMAC channel 4 transfer. * Arguments : uint32_t req : DMAC request mode * Return Value : 0 : Succeeded in enabling DMA transfer * : -1 : Failed to enable DMA transfer (due to DMA operation) *******************************************************************************/ int32_t usb1_function_DMAC4_Open (uint32_t req) { int32_t ret; volatile uint8_t dummy; /* Transferable? */ if ((0 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC4.CHSTAT_n, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_EN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_EN)) && (0 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC4.CHSTAT_n, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_TACT_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_TACT))) { /* Clear Channel Status Register */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_SWRST_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_SWRST); dummy = RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC4.CHCTRL_n, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_SWRST_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_SWRST); /* Enable DMA transfer */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_SETEN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_SETEN); /* ---- Request by software ---- */ if (DMAC_REQ_MODE_SOFT == req) { /* DMA transfer Request by software */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_STG_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_STG); } ret = 0; } else { ret = -1; } return ret; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC4_Close * Description : Aborts DMAC channel 4 transfer. Returns the remaining transfer * : byte count at the time of DMA transfer abort to the argument * : *remain. * Arguments : uint32_t * remain : Remaining transfer byte count when * : : DMA transfer is aborted * Return Value : none *******************************************************************************/ void usb1_function_DMAC4_Close (uint32_t * remain) { /* ==== Abort transfer ==== */ RZA_IO_RegWrite_32(&DMAC4.CHCTRL_n, 1, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_CLREN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHCTRL_n_CLREN); while (1 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC4.CHSTAT_n, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_TACT_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_TACT)) { /* Loop until transfer is aborted */ } while (1 == RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC4.CHSTAT_n, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_EN_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_EN)) { /* Loop until 0 is set in EN before checking the remaining transfer byte count */ } /* ==== Obtain remaining transfer byte count ==== */ *remain = DMAC4.CRTB_n; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: usb1_function_DMAC4_Load_Set * Description : Sets the transfer source address, transfer destination * : address, and total transfer byte count respectively * : specified by the argument src_addr, dst_addr, and count to * : DMAC channel 4 as DMA transfer information. * : Sets the register set selected by the CHCFG_n register * : RSEL bit from the Next0 or Next1 register set. * : This function should be called when DMA transfer of DMAC * : channel 4 is aboted. * Arguments : uint32_t src_addr : Transfer source address * : uint32_t dst_addr : Transfer destination address * : uint32_t count : Total transfer byte count * Return Value : none *******************************************************************************/ void usb1_function_DMAC4_Load_Set (uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint32_t count) { uint8_t reg_set; /* Obtain register set in use */ reg_set = RZA_IO_RegRead_32(&DMAC4.CHSTAT_n, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_SR_SHIFT, DMAC4_CHSTAT_n_SR); /* ==== Load ==== */ if (0 == reg_set) { /* ---- Next0 Register Set ---- */ DMAC4.N0SA_n = src_addr; /* Start address of transfer source */ DMAC4.N0DA_n = dst_addr; /* Start address of transfer destination */ DMAC4.N0TB_n = count; /* Total transfer byte count */ } else { /* ---- Next1 Register Set ---- */ DMAC4.N1SA_n = src_addr; /* Start address of transfer source */ DMAC4.N1DA_n = dst_addr; /* Start address of transfer destination */ DMAC4.N1TB_n = count; /* Total transfer byte count */ } } /* End of File */