/* mbed USBHost Library * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef USB_INC_H #define USB_INC_H #include "mbed.h" #include "toolchain.h" enum USB_TYPE { USB_TYPE_OK = 0, // completion code USB_TYPE_CRC_ERROR = 1, USB_TYPE_BIT_STUFFING_ERROR = 2, USB_TYPE_DATA_TOGGLE_MISMATCH_ERROR = 3, USB_TYPE_STALL_ERROR = 4, USB_TYPE_DEVICE_NOT_RESPONDING_ERROR = 5, USB_TYPE_PID_CHECK_FAILURE_ERROR = 6, USB_TYPE_UNEXPECTED_PID_ERROR = 7, USB_TYPE_DATA_OVERRUN_ERROR = 8, USB_TYPE_DATA_UNDERRUN_ERROR = 9, USB_TYPE_RESERVED = 9, USB_TYPE_RESERVED_ = 10, USB_TYPE_BUFFER_OVERRUN_ERROR = 12, USB_TYPE_BUFFER_UNDERRUN_ERROR = 13, // general usb state USB_TYPE_DISCONNECTED = 14, USB_TYPE_FREE = 15, USB_TYPE_IDLE = 16, USB_TYPE_PROCESSING = 17, USB_TYPE_ERROR = 18, }; enum ENDPOINT_DIRECTION { OUT = 1, IN }; enum ENDPOINT_TYPE { CONTROL_ENDPOINT = 0, ISOCHRONOUS_ENDPOINT, BULK_ENDPOINT, INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT }; #define AUDIO_CLASS 0x01 #define CDC_CLASS 0x02 #define HID_CLASS 0x03 #define MSD_CLASS 0x08 #define HUB_CLASS 0x09 #define SERIAL_CLASS 0x0A // ------------------ HcControl Register --------------------- #define OR_CONTROL_PLE 0x00000004 #define OR_CONTROL_CLE 0x00000010 #define OR_CONTROL_BLE 0x00000020 #define OR_CONTROL_HCFS 0x000000C0 #define OR_CONTROL_HC_OPER 0x00000080 // ----------------- HcCommandStatus Register ----------------- #define OR_CMD_STATUS_HCR 0x00000001 #define OR_CMD_STATUS_CLF 0x00000002 #define OR_CMD_STATUS_BLF 0x00000004 // --------------- HcInterruptStatus Register ----------------- #define OR_INTR_STATUS_WDH 0x00000002 #define OR_INTR_STATUS_RHSC 0x00000040 #define OR_INTR_STATUS_UE 0x00000010 // --------------- HcInterruptEnable Register ----------------- #define OR_INTR_ENABLE_WDH 0x00000002 #define OR_INTR_ENABLE_RHSC 0x00000040 #define OR_INTR_ENABLE_MIE 0x80000000 // ---------------- HcRhDescriptorA Register ------------------ #define OR_RH_STATUS_LPSC 0x00010000 #define OR_RH_STATUS_DRWE 0x00008000 // -------------- HcRhPortStatus[1:NDP] Register -------------- #define OR_RH_PORT_CCS 0x00000001 #define OR_RH_PORT_PRS 0x00000010 #define OR_RH_PORT_CSC 0x00010000 #define OR_RH_PORT_PRSC 0x00100000 #define OR_RH_PORT_LSDA 0x00000200 #define FI 0x2EDF // 12000 bits per frame (-1) #define DEFAULT_FMINTERVAL ((((6 * (FI - 210)) / 7) << 16) | FI) #define ED_SKIP (uint32_t) (0x00001000) // Skip this ep in queue #define TD_ROUNDING (uint32_t) (0x00040000) // Buffer Rounding #define TD_SETUP (uint32_t)(0) // Direction of Setup Packet #define TD_IN (uint32_t)(0x00100000) // Direction In #define TD_OUT (uint32_t)(0x00080000) // Direction Out #define TD_DELAY_INT(x) (uint32_t)((x) << 21) // Delay Interrupt #define TD_TOGGLE_0 (uint32_t)(0x02000000) // Toggle 0 #define TD_TOGGLE_1 (uint32_t)(0x03000000) // Toggle 1 #define TD_CC (uint32_t)(0xF0000000) // Completion Code #define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR (1) #define CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR (2) #define INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR (4) #define ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR (5) #define HID_DESCRIPTOR (33) // ----------- Control RequestType Fields ----------- #define USB_DEVICE_TO_HOST 0x80 #define USB_HOST_TO_DEVICE 0x00 #define USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS 0x20 #define USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD 0x00 #define USB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE 0x00 #define USB_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE 0x01 #define USB_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT 0x02 // -------------- USB Standard Requests -------------- #define SET_ADDRESS 0x05 #define GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06 #define SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09 #define SET_INTERFACE 0x0b #define CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01 // -------------- USB Descriptor Length -------------- #define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH 0x12 #define CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH 0x09 // ------------ HostController Transfer Descriptor ------------ typedef struct HCTD { __IO uint32_t control; // Transfer descriptor control __IO uint8_t * currBufPtr; // Physical address of current buffer pointer __IO HCTD * nextTD; // Physical pointer to next Transfer Descriptor __IO uint8_t * bufEnd; // Physical address of end of buffer void * ep; // ep address where a td is linked in uint32_t dummy[3]; // padding } PACKED HCTD; // ----------- HostController EndPoint Descriptor ------------- typedef struct hcEd { __IO uint32_t control; // Endpoint descriptor control __IO HCTD * tailTD; // Physical address of tail in Transfer descriptor list __IO HCTD * headTD; // Physcial address of head in Transfer descriptor list __IO hcEd * nextED; // Physical address of next Endpoint descriptor } PACKED HCED; // ----------- Host Controller Communication Area ------------ typedef struct hcca { __IO uint32_t IntTable[32]; // Interrupt Table __IO uint32_t FrameNumber; // Frame Number __IO uint32_t DoneHead; // Done Head volatile uint8_t Reserved[116]; // Reserved for future use volatile uint8_t Unknown[4]; // Unused } PACKED HCCA; typedef struct { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint16_t bcdUSB; uint8_t bDeviceClass; uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; uint8_t bMaxPacketSize; uint16_t idVendor; uint16_t idProduct; uint16_t bcdDevice; uint8_t iManufacturer; uint8_t iProduct; uint8_t iSerialNumber; uint8_t bNumConfigurations; } PACKED DeviceDescriptor; typedef struct { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint16_t wTotalLength; uint8_t bNumInterfaces; uint8_t bConfigurationValue; uint8_t iConfiguration; uint8_t bmAttributes; uint8_t bMaxPower; } PACKED ConfigurationDescriptor; typedef struct { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bInterfaceNumber; uint8_t bAlternateSetting; uint8_t bNumEndpoints; uint8_t bInterfaceClass; uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; uint8_t iInterface; } InterfaceDescriptor; typedef struct { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bEndpointAddress; uint8_t bmAttributes; uint16_t wMaxPacketSize; uint8_t bInterval; } EndpointDescriptor; typedef struct { uint8_t bDescLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bNbrPorts; uint16_t wHubCharacteristics; uint8_t bPwrOn2PwrGood; uint8_t bHubContrCurrent; uint8_t DeviceRemovable; uint8_t PortPweCtrlMak; } HubDescriptor; #endif