/* File: startup_ARMCM3.s * Purpose: startup file for Cortex-M3/M4 devices. Should use with * GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors * Version: V1.1 * Date: 17 June 2011 * * Copyright (C) 2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M3/M4 * processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. */ .syntax unified .arch armv7-m /* Memory Model The HEAP starts at the end of the DATA section and grows upward. The STACK starts at the end of the RAM and grows downward. The HEAP and stack STACK are only checked at compile time: (DATA_SIZE + HEAP_SIZE + STACK_SIZE) < RAM_SIZE This is just a check for the bare minimum for the Heap+Stack area before aborting compilation, it is not the run time limit: Heap_Size + Stack_Size = 0x80 + 0x80 = 0x100 */ .section .stack .align 3 #ifdef __STACK_SIZE .equ Stack_Size, __STACK_SIZE #else .equ Stack_Size, 0xc00 #endif .globl __StackTop .globl __StackLimit __StackLimit: .space Stack_Size .size __StackLimit, . - __StackLimit __StackTop: .size __StackTop, . - __StackTop .section .heap .align 3 #ifdef __HEAP_SIZE .equ Heap_Size, __HEAP_SIZE #else .equ Heap_Size, 0x800 #endif .globl __HeapBase .globl __HeapLimit __HeapBase: .space Heap_Size .size __HeapBase, . - __HeapBase __HeapLimit: .size __HeapLimit, . - __HeapLimit .section .isr_vector .align 2 .globl __isr_vector __isr_vector: .long __StackTop /* Top of Stack */ .long Reset_Handler /* Reset Handler */ .long NMI_Handler /* NMI Handler */ .long HardFault_Handler /* Hard Fault Handler */ .long MemManage_Handler /* MPU Fault Handler */ .long BusFault_Handler /* Bus Fault Handler */ .long UsageFault_Handler /* Usage Fault Handler */ .long 0 /* Reserved */ .long 0 /* Reserved */ .long 0 /* Reserved */ .long 0 /* Reserved */ .long SVC_Handler /* SVCall Handler */ .long DebugMon_Handler /* Debug Monitor Handler */ .long 0 /* Reserved */ .long PendSV_Handler /* PendSV Handler */ .long SysTick_Handler /* SysTick Handler */ /* External interrupts */ .long WDT_IRQHandler /* 16: Watchdog Timer */ .long TIMER0_IRQHandler /* 17: Timer0 */ .long TIMER1_IRQHandler /* 18: Timer1 */ .long TIMER2_IRQHandler /* 19: Timer2 */ .long TIMER3_IRQHandler /* 20: Timer3 */ .long UART0_IRQHandler /* 21: UART0 */ .long UART1_IRQHandler /* 22: UART1 */ .long UART2_IRQHandler /* 23: UART2 */ .long UART3_IRQHandler /* 24: UART3 */ .long PWM1_IRQHandler /* 25: PWM1 */ .long I2C0_IRQHandler /* 26: I2C0 */ .long I2C1_IRQHandler /* 27: I2C1 */ .long I2C2_IRQHandler /* 28: I2C2 */ .long 0 /* 29: Reserved */ .long SSP0_IRQHandler /* 30: SSP0 */ .long SSP1_IRQHandler /* 31: SSP1 */ .long PLL0_IRQHandler /* 32: PLL0 Lock (Main PLL) */ .long RTC_IRQHandler /* 33: Real Time Clock */ .long EINT0_IRQHandler /* 34: External Interrupt 0 */ .long EINT1_IRQHandler /* 35: External Interrupt 1 */ .long EINT2_IRQHandler /* 36: External Interrupt 2 */ .long EINT3_IRQHandler /* 37: External Interrupt 3 */ .long ADC_IRQHandler /* 38: A/D Converter */ .long BOD_IRQHandler /* 39: Brown-Out Detect */ .long USB_IRQHandler /* 40: USB */ .long CAN_IRQHandler /* 41: CAN */ .long DMA_IRQHandler /* 42: General Purpose DMA */ .long I2S_IRQHandler /* 43: I2S */ .long ENET_IRQHandler /* 44: Ethernet */ .long MCI_IRQHandler /* 45: SD/MMC carf I/F */ .long MCPWM_IRQHandler /* 46: Motor Control PWM */ .long QEI_IRQHandler /* 47: Quadrature Encoder Interface */ .long PLL1_IRQHandler /* 48: PLL1 Lock (USB PLL) */ .long USBActivity_IRQHandler /* 49: USB Activity */ .long CANActivity_IRQHandler /* 50: CAN Activity */ .long UART4_IRQHandler /* 51: UART4 */ .long SSP2_IRQHandler /* 52: SSP2 */ .long LCD_IRQHandler /* 53: LCD */ .long GPIO_IRQHandler /* 54: GPIO */ .long PWM0_IRQHandler /* 55: PWM0 */ .long EEPROM_IRQHandler /* 56: EEPROM */ .size __isr_vector, . - __isr_vector .text .thumb .thumb_func .align 2 .globl Reset_Handler .type Reset_Handler, %function Reset_Handler: /* Loop to copy data from read only memory to RAM. The ranges * of copy from/to are specified by following symbols evaluated in * linker script. * _etext: End of code section, i.e., begin of data sections to copy from. * __data_start__/__data_end__: RAM address range that data should be * copied to. Both must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary. */ ldr r1, =__etext ldr r2, =__data_start__ ldr r3, =__data_end__ .Lflash_to_ram_loop: cmp r2, r3 ittt lt ldrlt r0, [r1], #4 strlt r0, [r2], #4 blt .Lflash_to_ram_loop ldr r0, =SystemInit blx r0 ldr r0, =_start bx r0 .pool .size Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler .text /* Macro to define default handlers. Default handler * will be weak symbol and just dead loops. They can be * overwritten by other handlers */ .macro def_default_handler handler_name .align 1 .thumb_func .weak \handler_name .type \handler_name, %function \handler_name : b . .size \handler_name, . - \handler_name .endm def_default_handler NMI_Handler def_default_handler HardFault_Handler def_default_handler MemManage_Handler def_default_handler BusFault_Handler def_default_handler UsageFault_Handler def_default_handler SVC_Handler def_default_handler DebugMon_Handler def_default_handler PendSV_Handler def_default_handler SysTick_Handler def_default_handler Default_Handler .macro def_irq_default_handler handler_name .weak \handler_name .set \handler_name, Default_Handler .endm def_irq_default_handler WDT_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler TIMER0_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler TIMER1_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler TIMER2_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler TIMER3_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler UART0_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler UART1_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler UART2_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler UART3_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler PWM1_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler I2C0_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler I2C1_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler I2C2_IRQHandler /* def_irq_default_handler SPI_IRQHandler */ def_irq_default_handler SSP0_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler SSP1_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler PLL0_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler RTC_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler EINT0_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler EINT1_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler EINT2_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler EINT3_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler ADC_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler BOD_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler USB_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler CAN_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler DMA_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler I2S_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler ENET_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler MCI_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler MCPWM_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler QEI_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler PLL1_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler USBActivity_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler CANActivity_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler UART4_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler SSP2_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler LCD_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler GPIO_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler PWM0_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler EEPROM_IRQHandler def_irq_default_handler DEF_IRQHandler .end