/* Copyright 2016 Jun Wako This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef UNIMAP_COMMON_H #define UNIMAP_COMMON_H #include #include #include "unimap.h" /* Apple Extended Keyboard Common layout: ANSI+ISO * ,---. .---------------. ,---------------. ,---------------. ,-----------. ,---------------. * |Esc| |F1 |F2 |F3 |F4 | |F5 |F6 |F7 |F8 | |F9 |F10|F11|F12| |PrS|ScL|Pau| |VDn|VUp|Mut|F24| * `---' `---------------' `---------------' `---------------' `-----------' `---------------' * ,-----------------------------------------------------------. ,-----------. ,---------------. * | `| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 0| -| =|Backspa| |Ins|Hom|PgU| |NmL| =| /| *| * |-----------------------------------------------------------| |-----------| |---------------| * |Tab | Q| W| E| R| T| Y| U| I| O| P| [| ]| \| |Del|End|PgD| | 7| 8| 9| -| * |-----------------------------------------------------------| `-----------' |---------------| * |CapsLo| A| S| D| F| G| H| J| K| L| ;| '|Return | | 4| 5| 6| +| * |-----------------------------------------------------------| ,---. |---------------| * |Shif|\ | Z| X| C| V| B| N| M| ,| ,| /|Shift | |Up | | 1| 2| 3| | * |-----------------------------------------------------------| ,-----------. |-----------|Ent| * |Ctrl |Alt |Gui | Space |Gui |Alt |Ctrl | |Lef|Dow|Rig| | 0| .| | * `-----------------------------------------------------------' `-----------' `---------------' * Command = Gui * Option = Alt * Power key = F24 * Mic = F13(Adjustable keyboard) */ // http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/macintosh/adbhid.c // http://opensource.apple.com//source/IOHIDFamily/IOHIDFamily-701.20.10/IOHIDFamily/Cosmo_USB2ADB.c // http://m0115.web.fc2.com/m0115.jpg const uint8_t PROGMEM unimap_trans[MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = { // Position(unimap) ADB scan code(matrix) // --------------------------------------------- { UNIMAP_A, // 0x00 UNIMAP_S, // 0x01 UNIMAP_D, // 0x02 UNIMAP_F, // 0x03 UNIMAP_H, // 0x04 UNIMAP_G, // 0x05 UNIMAP_Z, // 0x06 UNIMAP_X, // 0x07 }, { UNIMAP_C, // 0x08 UNIMAP_V, // 0x09 UNIMAP_NONUS_BSLASH, // 0x0A UNIMAP_B, // 0x0B UNIMAP_Q, // 0x0C UNIMAP_W, // 0x0D UNIMAP_E, // 0x0E UNIMAP_R, // 0x0F }, { UNIMAP_Y, // 0x10 UNIMAP_T, // 0x11 UNIMAP_1, // 0x12 UNIMAP_2, // 0x13 UNIMAP_3, // 0x14 UNIMAP_4, // 0x15 UNIMAP_6, // 0x16 UNIMAP_5, // 0x17 }, { UNIMAP_EQUAL, // 0x18 UNIMAP_9, // 0x19 UNIMAP_7, // 0x1A UNIMAP_MINUS, // 0x1B UNIMAP_8, // 0x1C UNIMAP_0, // 0x1D UNIMAP_RBRACKET, // 0x1E UNIMAP_O, // 0x1F }, { UNIMAP_U, // 0x20 UNIMAP_LBRACKET, // 0x21 UNIMAP_I, // 0x22 UNIMAP_P, // 0x23 UNIMAP_ENTER, // 0x24 UNIMAP_L, // 0x25 UNIMAP_J, // 0x26 UNIMAP_QUOTE, // 0x27 }, { UNIMAP_K, // 0x28 UNIMAP_SCOLON, // 0x29 UNIMAP_BSLASH, // 0x2A UNIMAP_COMMA, // 0x2B UNIMAP_SLASH, // 0x2C UNIMAP_N, // 0x2D UNIMAP_M, // 0x2E UNIMAP_DOT, // 0x2F }, { UNIMAP_TAB, // 0x30 UNIMAP_SPACE, // 0x31 UNIMAP_GRAVE, // 0x32 UNIMAP_BSPACE, // 0x33 UNIMAP_KP_ENTER, // 0x34 UNIMAP_ESCAPE, // 0x35 UNIMAP_LCTRL, // 0x36 UNIMAP_LGUI, // 0x37 }, { UNIMAP_LSHIFT, // 0x38 UNIMAP_CAPSLOCK, // 0x39 UNIMAP_LALT, // 0x3A UNIMAP_LEFT, // 0x3B UNIMAP_RIGHT, // 0x3C UNIMAP_DOWN, // 0x3D UNIMAP_UP, // 0x3E UNIMAP_F23, // 0x3F FN? }, { UNIMAP_F17, // 0x40 UNIMAP_KP_DOT, // 0x41 UNIMAP_F13, // 0x42 Mic(Adjustable keyboard) UNIMAP_KP_MINUS, // 0x43 ADB keypad asterisk(top right) UNIMAP_NO, // 0x44 UNIMAP_KP_COMMA, // 0x45 ADB keypad plus UNIMAP_NO, // 0x46 UNIMAP_NUMLOCK, // 0x47 }, { UNIMAP_VOLUME_UP, // 0x48 Vol Up(Adjustable keyboard) UNIMAP_VOLUME_DOWN, // 0x49 Vol Down(Adjustable keyboard) UNIMAP_VOLUME_MUTE, // 0x4A Vol Mute(Adjustable keyboard) UNIMAP_KP_ASTERISK, // 0x4B ADB keypad slash(between equal and asterisk) UNIMAP_KP_ENTER, // 0x4C UNIMAP_NO, // 0x4D UNIMAP_KP_PLUS, // 0x4E ADB keypad minus UNIMAP_F18, // 0x4F }, { UNIMAP_F19, // 0x50 UNIMAP_KP_SLASH, // 0x51 ADB keypad equal(next to clear/numlock) UNIMAP_KP_0, // 0x52 UNIMAP_KP_1, // 0x53 UNIMAP_KP_2, // 0x54 UNIMAP_KP_3, // 0x55 UNIMAP_KP_4, // 0x56 UNIMAP_KP_5, // 0x57 }, { UNIMAP_KP_6, // 0x58 UNIMAP_KP_7, // 0x59 UNIMAP_F20, // 0x5A UNIMAP_KP_8, // 0x5B UNIMAP_KP_9, // 0x5C UNIMAP_JYEN, // 0x5D UNIMAP_RO, // 0x5E UNIMAP_KP_COMMA, // 0x5F }, { UNIMAP_F5, // 0x60 UNIMAP_F6, // 0x61 UNIMAP_F7, // 0x62 UNIMAP_F3, // 0x63 UNIMAP_F8, // 0x64 UNIMAP_F9, // 0x65 UNIMAP_MHEN, // 0x66 UNIMAP_F11, // 0x67 }, { UNIMAP_HENK, // 0x68 UNIMAP_PSCREEN, // 0x69 UNIMAP_F16, // 0x6A UNIMAP_SCROLLLOCK, // 0x6B UNIMAP_NO, // 0x6C UNIMAP_F10, // 0x6D UNIMAP_APPLICATION, // 0x6E compose UNIMAP_F12, // 0x6F }, { UNIMAP_NO, // 0x70 UNIMAP_PAUSE, // 0x71 UNIMAP_INSERT, // 0x72 UNIMAP_HOME, // 0x73 UNIMAP_PGUP, // 0x74 UNIMAP_DELETE, // 0x75 UNIMAP_F4, // 0x76 UNIMAP_END, // 0x77 }, { UNIMAP_F2, // 0x78 UNIMAP_PGDOWN, // 0x79 UNIMAP_F1, // 0x7A UNIMAP_RSHIFT, // 0x7B UNIMAP_RALT, // 0x7C UNIMAP_RCTRL, // 0x7D UNIMAP_RGUI, // 0x7E UNIMAP_F24, // 0x7F power key } }; #endif