#include // Satisfy IDE, which only needs to see the include statment in the ino. #ifdef dobogusinclude #include #include #endif class ACMAsyncOper : public CDCAsyncOper { public: uint8_t OnInit(ACM *pacm); }; uint8_t ACMAsyncOper::OnInit(ACM *pacm) { uint8_t rcode; // Set DTR = 1 RTS=1 rcode = pacm->SetControlLineState(3); if (rcode) { ErrorMessage(PSTR("SetControlLineState"), rcode); return rcode; } LINE_CODING lc; lc.dwDTERate = 115200; lc.bCharFormat = 0; lc.bParityType = 0; lc.bDataBits = 8; rcode = pacm->SetLineCoding(&lc); if (rcode) ErrorMessage(PSTR("SetLineCoding"), rcode); return rcode; } USB Usb; ACMAsyncOper AsyncOper; XR21B1411 Acm(&Usb, &AsyncOper); void setup() { Serial.begin( 115200 ); #if !defined(__MIPSEL__) while (!Serial); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection #endif Serial.println("\r\n\r\nStart"); if (Usb.Init() == -1) Serial.println("OSCOKIRQ failed to assert"); } void loop() { Usb.Task(); if( Acm.isReady()) { uint8_t rcode; uint8_t buf[1]; uint16_t rcvd = 1; /* read keyboard */ if(Serial.available()) { uint8_t data = Serial.read(); /* send */ rcode = Acm.SndData(1, &data); if (rcode) ErrorMessage(PSTR("SndData"), rcode); } /* read XR serial */ rcode = Acm.RcvData(&rcvd, buf); if (rcode && rcode != hrNAK) ErrorMessage(PSTR("Ret"), rcode); if( rcvd ) { //more than zero bytes received for(uint16_t i=0; i < rcvd; i++ ) { Serial.print((char)buf[i]); } } } }