TELETEXT SERVER =============== Installation ------------ 1. `./` as root 2. create `freqlist.conf` (see example in `src/`) 3. `scan -a $ADAPTERNO freqlist.conf > channels.conf` 4. use `ttxd.service` or `` to start the service. Usage ----- 1. run `` to tune the TV card and start spooling pages 2. generate an HTML file by running `` Caveats ------- * The spool directory and DVB adapter number are hardcoded in `dvbtext`; its source is in `./src/dvbtext-src/dvbtext.c`. * ``, `` and `` do not support subpages other than 0. * `` does not check if the card has been tuned; it simply waits 5 seconds. * The spool directory is `/run/ttxd/spool/`, to avoid disk wear. * The accompaning systemd service is `/etc/systemd/system/ttx.service`, where the names of the processes `dvbtext`, `tzap`, and `thttpd` are hardcoded. * since `killall thttpd` is used to start and stop the service, rename that executable if you already running an instance of `thttpd` for other web services. Notes ----- Currently, the service is using `/dev/dvb/adapter0` (PCIe 05:00.0) for ORF via DVB-T. License ------- (C) 2017 Tobias Girstmair This software is distributed under the GNU General Purpose License 3. Included Software ----------------- This package contains software of third parties (excluded from license): * dvbtext - Dave Chapman, GNU GPL v2+ * vtx2ascii - Gerd, Martin Buck (No license supplied) * thttpd - Jef Poskanzer, 2 clause BSD (modified)