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{ interfaces: Ci }      = Components
XPathResult             = Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult

HINTCHARS     = 'asdfgercvhjkl;uinm'

All elements that have one or more of the following properties qualify for their own marker in hints mode

  "contains(@class, 'button')"
  "@contenteditable='' or translate(@contenteditable, 'TRUE', 'true')='true'"

All the following elements qualify for their own marker in hints mode

  "input[not(@type='hidden' or @disabled or @readonly)]"

Marker class wraps the markable element and provides methods to manipulate the markers

class Marker

Creates the marker DOM node

  constructor: (@element) ->
    document = @element.ownerDocument
    window = document.defaultView
    @markerElement = document.createElement 'div'
    @markerElement.className = 'vimffReset vimffHintMarker'

Hides the marker

  hide: -> @markerElement.style.display = 'none'

Shows the marker

  show: -> @markerElement.style.display = 'block'

Positions the marker on the page. The positioning is absulute

  setPosition: (rect) ->
    @markerElement.style.left = rect.left + 'px'
    @markerElement.style.top  = rect.top  + 'px'

Assigns hint string to the marker

  setHint: (@hintChars) ->

number of hint chars that have been matched so far

    @matchedHintCharCount = 0 

    document = @element.ownerDocument

    while @markerElement.hasChildNodes()
      @markerElement.removeChild @markedElement.firstChild

    for char in @hintChars
      span = document.createElement 'span'
      span.className = 'vimffReset'
      span.textContent = char.toUpperCase()
      @markerElement.appendChild span

  matchHintChar: (char) ->
    if char == 'backspace' 
      if @matchedHintCharCount > 0
        @matchedHintCharCount -= 1
        @markerElement.children[@matchedHintCharCount].className = 'vimffReset'
      if @hintChars[@matchedHintCharCount] == char
        @markerElement.children[@matchedHintCharCount].className = 'vimffReset vimffCharMatch'
        @matchedHintCharCount += 1

    return @matchedHintCharCount

  isComplete: ->
    return @hintChars.length == @hintCompletion

Selects all markable elements on the page, creates markers for each of them The markers are then positioned on the page

The array of markers is returned

Marker.createMarkers = (document) ->
  elementsSet = getMarkableElements(document)
  markers = {};
  j = 0
  for i in [0...elementsSet.snapshotLength] by 1
    element = elementsSet.snapshotItem(i)
    if rect = getElementRect element
      hint = indexToHint(j++)
      marker = new Marker(element)
      marker.setPosition rect
      marker.setHint hint
      markers[hint] = marker

  return markers

Function generator that creates a function that returns hint string for supplied numeric index.

indexToHint = do ->

split the characters into two groups:

  • left chars are used for the head
  • right chars are used to build the tail
  left = HINTCHARS[...HINTCHARS.length / 3]
  right = HINTCHARS[HINTCHARS.length / 3...]

Helper function that returns a permutation number i of some of the characters in the chars agrument

  f = (i, chars) ->
    return '' if i < 0

    n = chars.length
    l = Math.floor(i / n); k = i % n;

    return f(l - 1, chars) + chars[k]

  return (i) ->
    n = Math.floor(i / left.length)
    m = i % left.length
    return f(n - 1, right) + left[m]

Returns elements that qualify for hint markers in hints mode. Generates and memoizes an XPath query internally

getMarkableElements = do ->

Some preparations done on startup

  elements = Array.concat \
    ["*[#{ MARKABLE_ELEMENT_PROPERTIES.join(" or ") }]"]

  xpath = elements.reduce((m, rule) -> 
    m.concat(["//#{ rule }", "//xhtml:#{ rule }"])
  , []).join(' | ')

  namespaceResolver = (namespace) ->
    if (namespace == "xhtml") then "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" else null

The actual function that will return the desired elements

  return (document, resultType = XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE) ->
    document.evaluate xpath, document.documentElement, namespaceResolver, resultType, null

Checks if the given TextRectangle object qualifies for its own Marker with respect to the window object

isRectOk = (rect, window) ->
  rect.width > 2 and rect.height > 2 and \
  rect.top > -2 and rect.left > -2 and \
  rect.top < window.innerHeight - 2 and \
  rect.left < window.innerWidth - 2

Will scan through element.getClientRects() and look for the first visible rectange. If there are no visible rectangles, then will look at the children of the markable node.

The logic has been copied over from Vimiun

getElementRect = (element) ->
  document = element.ownerDocument
  window   = document.defaultView
  docElem  = document.documentElement
  body     = document.body

  clientTop  = docElem.clientTop  || body.clientTop  || 0;
  clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
  scrollTop  = window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop;
  scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft;

  rects = [rect for rect in element.getClientRects()]
  rects.push element.getBoundingClientRect()

  for rect in rects
    if isRectOk rect, window
      return {
        top:    rect.top  + scrollTop  - clientTop
        left:   rect.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft
        width:  rect.width
        height: rect.height

If the element has 0 dimentions then check what's inside. Floated or absolutely positioned elements are of particular interest

  for rect in rects
    if rect.width == 0 or rect.height == 0
      for childElement in element.children
        computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle childElement, null
        if computedStyle.getPropertyValue 'float' != 'none' or \
           computedStyle.getPropertyValue 'position' == 'absolute'

          childRect if childRect = getElementRect childElement

  return undefined

exports.Marker              = Marker