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{ classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components

utils = require 'utils'

{ handleHintChar
, injectHints
, removeHints
} = require 'hints'

{ showHelp
, hideHelp
} = require 'help'

commands = 

Navigate to the address that is currently stored in the system clipboard

  'p':  (vim) ->
    vim.window.location.assign utils.readFromClipboard()

Open new tab and navigate to the address that is currently stored in the system clipboard

  'P':  (vim) ->
    if chromeWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window
      if gBrowser = chromeWindow.gBrowser
        gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab utils.readFromClipboard()

Open new tab and focus the address bar

  't':  (vim) ->
    if chromeWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window
      if gBrowser = chromeWindow.gBrowser
        gBrowser.selectedTab = chromeWindow.gBrowser.addTab()

Copy current URL to the clipboard

  'y,f': (vim) ->
    vim.markers = injectHints vim.window.document
    if vim.markers.length > 0

This callback will be called with the selected marker as argument

      vim.cb = (marker) ->
        if url = marker.element.href
          utils.writeToClipboard url


Copy current URL to the clipboard

  'y,y': (vim) ->
    utils.writeToClipboard vim.window.location.toString()

Reload the page, possibly from cache

  'r': (vim) ->

Reload the page from the server

  'R': (vim) ->

Scroll to the top of the page

  'g,g': (vim) ->
    vim.window.scrollTo(0, 0)

Scroll to the bottom of the page

  'G': (vim) ->
    vim.window.scrollTo(0, vim.window.document.body.scrollHeight)

Scroll down a bit

  'j|c-e': (vim) -> 
    vim.window.scrollBy(0, SCROLL_AMOUNT)

Scroll up a bit

  'k|c-y': (vim) -> 
    vim.window.scrollBy(0, -SCROLL_AMOUNT)

Scroll down a page

  'd': (vim) ->
    vim.window.scrollBy(0, vim.window.innerHeight)

Scroll up a page

  'u': (vim) ->
    vim.window.scrollBy(0, -vim.window.innerHeight)

Activate previous tab

  'J|g,T': (vim) ->
    if rootWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window
      rootWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(-1, true);

Activate next tab

  'K|g,t': (vim) ->
    if rootWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window
      rootWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(1, true);

Go to the first tab

  'g,H|g,0': (vim) ->
    if rootWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window
      rootWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.selectedIndex = 0;

Go to the last tab

  'g,L|g,$': (vim) ->
    if rootWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window
      itemCount = rootWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.itemCount;
      rootWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.selectedIndex = itemCount - 1;

Go back in history

  'H': (vim) ->

Go forward in history

  'L': (vim) ->

Close current tab

  'x': (vim) ->
    if rootWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window

Restore last closed tab

  'X': (vim) ->
    if rootWindow = utils.getRootWindow vim.window
      ss = utils.getSessionStore()
      if ss and ss.getClosedTabCount(rootWindow) > 0
        ss.undoCloseTab rootWindow, 0

Follow links with hint markers

  'f': (vim) ->
    vim.markers = injectHints vim.window.document
    if vim.markers.length > 0

This callback will be called with the selected marker as argument

      vim.cb = (marker) ->
        utils.simulateClick marker.element


Follow links in a new Tab with hint markers

  'F': (vim) ->
    vim.markers = injectHints vim.window.document
    if vim.markers.length > 0

This callback will be called with the selected marker as argument

      vim.cb = (marker) ->
        utils.simulateClick marker.element, metaKey: true


Show Help

  '?': (vim) ->
    showHelp vim.window.document

  'Esc': (vim) ->

Blur active element if it's editable. Other elements aren't blurred - we don't want to interfere with the browser too much

    activeElement = vim.window.document.activeElement
    if utils.isElementEditable activeElement

Remove hints

    removeHints vim.window.document

Hide help dialog

    hideHelp vim.window.document

Finally enter normal mode



Split command pipes into individual commands

commands = do (commands) ->
  newCommands = {}
  for keys, command of commands
    for key in keys.split '|'
      newCommands[key] = command
  return newCommands

Called in hints mode. Will process the char, update and hide/show markers

hintCharHandler = (vim, char) ->
  for marker in vim.markers
    marker.matchHintChar char

    if marker.isMatched()
      vim.cb marker
      removeHints vim.window.document

exports.hintCharHandler   = hintCharHandler
exports.commands          = commands