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unload = do ->

Initialize the array of unloaders on the first usage

  unloaders = [];

  return (callback, container) ->

Calling with no arguments runs all the unloader callbacks

    if !callback
      unloader() for unloader in unloaders
      unloaders.length = 0

The callback is bound to the lifetime of the container if we have one

    else if container

Remove the unloader when the container unloads

      container.addEventListener "unload", removeUnloader, false

Wrap the callback to additionally remove the unload listener

      origCallback = callback
      callback = ->
        container.removeEventListener "unload", removeUnloader, false

Wrap the callback in a function that ignores failures

    unloader = -> try callback()

Provide a way to remove the unloader

    removeUnloader = ->
      index = unloaders.indexOf unloader
      if index > -1
        unloaders.splice(index, 1)

    return removeUnloader