]> git.gir.st - VimFx.git/blob - extension/locale/id/vimfx.properties
Simplify paste_tab command
[VimFx.git] / extension / locale / id / vimfx.properties
1 button_tooltip_enabled=VimFx telah Aktif. Klik untuk Nonaktifkan.
2 button_tooltip_disabled=VimFx telah Nonaktif. Klik untuk Aktifkan.
3 button_tooltip_blacklisted=VimFx telah Dilarang pada halaman ini
4 button_tooltip_insertMode=VimFx is in insert mode on this Page: All commands are ignored. Click to exit (%S)
5 item_preferences=Preferensi
6 item_blacklist_button_tooltip=Larangan
7 item_blacklist_button_inverse_tooltip=Remove this rule
9 help_section_urls=Penanganan URL
10 help_command_focus=Fokus pada Address Bar
11 help_command_focus_search=Focus the Search Bar
12 help_command_paste=Navigasi ke alamat dalam clipboard
13 help_command_paste_tab=Buka tab baru dan navigasi ke alamat dalam clipboard
14 help_command_marker_yank=Salin pranala atau teks ke dalam clipboard
15 help_command_marker_focus=Focus/select element
16 help_command_yank=Salin pranala halaman sekarang ke clipboard
17 help_command_reload=Muat ulang halaman sekarang
18 help_command_reload_force=Muat ulang halaman sekarang dan seluruh aset (js, css, gambar)
19 help_command_reload_all=Muat ulang semua tab
20 help_command_reload_all_force=Muat ulang semua tab beserta aset (js, css, gambar)
21 help_command_stop=Hentikan memuata halaman sekarang
22 help_command_stop_all=Hentikan memuat halaman pada semua tab
24 help_section_nav=Navigasi halaman
25 help_command_scroll_to_top=Gulung ke Atas halaman
26 help_command_scroll_to_bottom=Gulung ke Bawah halaman
27 help_command_scroll_to_left=Scroll to the far left
28 help_command_scroll_to_right=Scroll to the far right
29 help_command_scroll_down=Gulung ke Bawah
30 help_command_scroll_up=Gulung ke Atas
31 help_command_scroll_left=Gulung ke Kiri
32 help_command_scroll_right=Gulung ke Kanan
33 help_command_scroll_half_page_down=Gulung setengah halaman ke Bawah
34 help_command_scroll_half_page_up=Gulung setengah halaman ke Atas
35 help_command_scroll_page_down=Gulung satu halaman ke Bawah
36 help_command_scroll_page_up=Gulung satu halaman ke Atas
38 help_section_tabs=Bekerja dengan tab
39 help_command_open_tab=Buka tab kosong baru
40 help_command_tab_prev=Buka tab sebelum
41 help_command_tab_next=Buka tab sesudah
42 help_command_tab_move_left=Pindah tab sekarang ke kiri
43 help_command_tab_move_right=Pindah tab sekarang ke kanan
44 help_command_home=Navigasi ke Halaman Beranda
45 help_command_tab_first=Buka tab Pertama
46 help_command_tab_first_non_pinned=Go to the First non-pinned tab
47 help_command_tab_last=Buka tab Terakhir
48 help_command_toggle_pin_tab=Pin/Unpin current tab
49 help_command_duplicate_tab=Duplicate current tab
50 help_command_close_tabs_to_end=Close tabs to the right
51 help_command_close_other_tabs=Close other tabs except the current tab
52 help_command_close_tab=Tutup tab sekarang
53 help_command_restore_tab=Buka tab terakhir ditutup
55 help_section_browse=Berselancar
56 help_command_follow=Ikuti pranala pada halaman sekarang
57 help_command_follow_in_tab=Follow link in a new background tab
58 help_command_follow_in_focused_tab=Follow link in a new foreground tab
59 help_command_follow_multiple=Follow multiple links in new background tabs, focus text input or click multiple buttons
60 help_command_follow_previous=Go to previous page
61 help_command_follow_next=Go to next page
62 help_command_text_input=Focus last focused or first text input
63 help_command_go_up_path=Go up one level in the URL hierarchy
64 help_command_go_to_root=Go up to root of the URL hierarchy
65 help_command_back=Mundur dalam history
66 help_command_forward=Maju dalam history
68 help_section_misc=Lain-lain
69 help_command_find=Masuk mode pencarian
70 help_command_find_hl=Masuk mode pencarian menandai semua cocok
71 help_command_find_next=Menuju temuan cocok setelah
72 help_command_find_prev=Menuju temuan cocok sebelum
73 help_command_insert_mode=Enter insert mode: Ignore all commands
74 help_command_quote=Pass next keypress through to the page
75 help_command_help=Show this dialog
76 help_command_dev=Buka Toolbar Pengembang
77 help_command_Esc=Blur/close active element
79 help_section_mode_hints=Hints Mode
80 help_command_mode_hints_exit=Return to normal mode
81 help_command_mode_hints_rotate_markers_forward=Rotate overlapping markers forward
82 help_command_mode_hints_rotate_markers_backward=Rotate overlapping markers backward
83 help_command_mode_hints_delete_hint_char=Delete last typed hint character
85 help_section_mode_insert=Insert Mode
86 help_command_mode_insert_exit=Return to normal mode
88 help_section_mode_find=Find Mode
89 help_command_mode_find_exit=Close find bar
91 help_title=Keyboard Shortcuts
92 help_version=Versi
94 help_feedback=Tinggalkan umpan balik!
95 help_enjoying=Nyaman dengan VimFx?
96 help_found_bug=Menemukan bug?
97 help_report_bug=Laporkan disini!
99 help_remove_shortcut=Hapus shortcut ini
100 help_remove_shortcut_title=Konfirmasi penghapusan shortcut
101 help_remove_shortcut_text=Mohon konfirmasi bahwa anda ingin menghapus shortcut ini
102 help_add_shortcut=Click to add new shortcut for this command
103 help_add_shortcut_title=Enter new Shortcut
104 help_add_shortcut_text=Please enter new shortcut for this command. For example, <c-a>b<Enter> means control+a followed by b followed by Enter.
105 help_add_shortcut_text_overwrite=This shortcut '%S' conflicts with the following commands. Do you want to overwrite them?
107 error_invalid_key=%S: Invalid key.
108 error_invalid_whitespace=Shortcuts may not contain spaces. Use <space> instead.
109 error_unknown_modifier=%S: Unknown modifier: %S. Use only a, c, m and s.
110 error_duplicate_modifier=%S: Duplicate modifier: %S.
111 error_disallowed_modifier=%S: You cannot specifiy the Shift modifier for this key. For example, write <c-A> instead of <c-s-a>.
112 error_single_keystrokes_only=In this mode shortcuts may only be one keystroke long.
Imprint / Impressum