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[VimFx.git] / README.md
1 # VimFx - Vim keyboard shortcuts for Firefox
3 ![VimFx Logo](icon-large.png)
5 **Extension AMO page**: <https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/vimfx>.
7 **Mailing list**: [vimfx@librelist.com] (just send an email to subscribe)
9 Read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) before opening issues and pull requests.
11 Just upgraded to version 0.6.0? Be sure to checkout the
12 [changelog](CHANGELOG.md) to see what’s new, and what has changed.
14 [vimfx@librelist.com]: mailto:vimfx@librelist.com?subject=Subscribe
16 ## Overview
18 [VimFx] is a [Mozilla Firefox] extension which adds Vim-style keyboard shortcuts
19 for browsing and navigation, significantly reducing the use of the mouse, and
20 allowing your hands to rest on the home row.
22 VimFx was inspired by [Vimperator] and designed after [Vimium] for [Google
23 Chrome] preserving the shortcuts and behavior. If you are used to Vimium then
24 it will be easy to get started with VimFx.
26 [VimFx]: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/vimfx
27 [Mozilla Firefox]: https://www.mozilla.org/firefox
28 [Vimperator]: http://www.vimperator.org/vimperator
29 [Vimium]: http://vimium.github.io/
30 [Google Chrome]: https://www.google.com/chrome
32 ## Why VimFx was created
34 Even before Vimium there was Vimperator for Firefox. In my opinion the problem
35 with Vimperator is that it has too many features and aggressively changes the
36 default Firefox appearance and behavior. Vimium was developed for Google Chrome
37 and it was exactly what I needed in terms of added functionality. That's why I
38 decided to develop similar extension for Firefox.
40 VimFx will be nice to your browser and to your habits. Promise.
42 ## Key Features
44 - Concise shortcuts for most commonly performed actions.
45 - Follow links, focus text inputs and click buttons on the page using hint
46 markers.
47 - Easily accessible help dialog for the keyboard shortcuts.
48 - Every keyboard shortcut is customizable.
49 - Prefers native Firefox features over re-implementing similar functionality.
51 ## Shortcuts
53 This is a text representation of the keyboard shortcuts dialog within the
54 extension, which helps you remember the shortcuts, and lets you customize them.
55 Press <kbd>?</kbd> or use the toolbar button to open it.
57 ### Dealing with URLs
59 o Focus the Address Bar
60 O Focus the Search Bar
61 p Paste and go
62 P Paste and go in a new tab
63 yf Copy link url to the clipboard
64 vf Focus element
65 yy Copy link or text input value
66 r Reload
67 R Reload (override cache)
68 ar Reload all tabs
69 aR Reload all tabs (override cache)
70 s Stop loading the page
71 as Stop loading all tabs
73 ### Navigating the Page
75 gg Scroll to top
76 G Scroll to bottom
77 j Scroll down
78 k Scroll up
79 h Scroll left
80 l Scroll right
81 d Scroll half a page down
82 u Scroll half a page up
83 <space> Scroll full page down
84 <s-space> Scroll full page up
86 ### Working with Tabs
88 t New tab
89 J gT Previous tab
90 K gt Next tab
91 gJ Move tab left
92 gK Move tab right
93 gh Go to the Home Page
94 gH g0 Go to the first tab
95 g^ Go to the first non-pinned tab
96 gL g$ Go to the last tab
97 gp Pin/Unpin tab
98 yt Duplicate tab
99 gx$ Close tabs to the right
100 gxa Close other tabs
101 x Close tab
102 X Restore closed tab
104 ### Browsing
106 f Follow link, focus text input or click button
107 F Follow link in a new tab
108 af Follow a link on the current page in a new tab
109 [ Go to the next page
110 ] Go to the previous page
111 gu Go up one level in the URL
112 gU Go to root in the URL
113 H Go back in history
114 L Go forward in history
116 ### Misc
118 / Enter Find mode
119 a/ Enter Find mode highlighting all matches
120 n Find next
121 N Find previous
122 i Enter insert mode: Ignore all commands
123 I Pass next keypress through to the page
124 ? Show this dialog
125 : Open the Developer Toolbar
126 <escape> Blur/close active element
128 ### Hints Mode
130 <escape> Return to normal mode
131 <space> Rotate overlapping markers forward
132 <s-space> Rotate overlapping markers backward
133 <backspace> Delete last typed hint character
135 ### Insert Mode
137 <s-escape> Return to normal mode
139 ### Find Mode
141 <escape> <return> Close find bar
Imprint / Impressum