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[VimFx.git] / documentation / shortcuts.md
1 # Shortcuts
3 All of VimFx’s keyboard shortcuts can be customized in VimFx’s options page in
4 the Add-ons Manager. Doing so is really easy. You get far just by looking at the
5 defaults and trying things out. If not, read on.
7 In VimFx’s Keyboard Shortcuts help dialog (which can be opened by pressing `?`)
8 you can click any command to open VimFx’s options page in the Add-ons Manager
9 and automatically select the text input for that command. Tip: Use the `eb`
10 command to click without using the mouse.
12 Shortcuts tell which keys to press to activate a command. A command may have
13 several different shortcuts. Read about [modes] for more information.
15 This file documents how the shortcuts work in general, not the [default
16 shortcuts] or details on what the [_command_][commands] for a shortcut does.
18 [modes]: modes.md
19 [default shortcuts]: https://github.com/akhodakivskiy/VimFx/blob/master/extension/lib/defaults.coffee
20 [commands]: commands.md
23 ## Key notation
25 VimFx’s key notation is inspired by Vim’s key notation.
27 Here is an example of what you can type into a text input for a command in
28 VimFx’s options page in the Add-ons Manager:
30 J <c-s-tab> <c-j> gT g<left>
32 The above defines five alternative shortcuts for the same command. The first
33 three consist of one key each, while the rest consist of two. Letters can be
34 written as they are, while non-letter keys like Tab and the arrow keys need to
35 be put inside `<` and `>`. If you want to specify a modifier, then letters need
36 to be put inside `<` and `>` as well (as in the `<c-j>` example, which might be
37 notated as “CTRL+J” in some other programs.)
39 You can specify any number of shortcuts for every command. Separate them from
40 each other by one or more spaces.
42 ### Helper keyboard shortcuts
44 When you have focused the text input for one of all commands, there are a few
45 handy keyboard shortcuts that help you with editing your shortcuts:
47 - `<c-q>`: Use this when you’re unsure on how to express a keypress you’d like
48 to use as part of a shortcut. First, press `<c-q>`. Then, press your desired
49 key (optionally holding modifier keys). That will paste the key notation for
50 that particular keypress into the text input. For example: First press
51 `<c-q>`. Then hold down ctrl and press `[`. That results in `<c-[>` being
52 inserted into the text input.
54 - `<c-d>`: Pastes the default shortcut(s) into the text input.
56 - `<c-r>`: Resets the text input to the default entirely.
58 - `<c-z>`: Undo. (This is simply the standard undo feature of your operating
59 system. It’s just mentioned because it is easy to forget that it can actually
60 be used here.)
62 (`<c-d>`, `<c-r>` and `<c-z>` also work in other VimFx setting inputs, such as
63 the [“Previous”/“Next” link patterns].)
65 [“Previous”/“Next” link patterns]: options.md#previousnext-link-patterns
67 ### A bit more formal description
69 A _shortcut_ consists of one or more _keys_ that you need to press in order to
70 activate the command. (See also the [timeout] option.)
72 A _key_ corresponds to pressing a single key on your keyboard, optionally while
73 holding one or more _modifiers._ The following modifiers are recognized:
75 - a: alt
76 - c: control (also known as ctrl)
77 - m: meta
78 - s: shift
80 (Which of the above you can actually use depends on your operating system.)
82 If you’d like to know even more about the key notation, see
83 [vim-like-key-notation].
85 [timeout]: options.md#timeout
86 [vim-like-key-notation]: https://github.com/lydell/vim-like-key-notation
89 ## Tips
91 If you use more than one keyboard layout, remember to check out the [Ignore
92 keyboard layout] option.
94 If you’d like see what VimFx interprets a key stroke as, you can (ab)use the
95 [`m`] command. Press `m` followed by your desired key stroke. A [notification]
96 will appear, including the interpreted key notation for that keypress.
98 [Ignore keyboard layout]: options.md#ignore-keyboard-layout
99 [`m`]: commands.md#marks-m-and-
100 [notification]: notifications.md
103 ## Special keys
105 Just like Vim, VimFx has a few “special keys:”
107 - [`<force>`]
108 - [`<late>`]
110 No keyboard (or keyboard layout) can produce those (in practise). As a
111 consequence, putting one of those “keys” in a shortcut would normally make it
112 impossible to trigger. However, that is not the case for special keys.
114 By putting a special key at the beginning of a shortcut, the shortcut will work
115 exactly as it would without the special key, except that some behavior of the
116 shortcut is changed (depending on the special key used). Special keys specify an
117 _option_ for the shortcut rather than a key to press in order to activate the
118 command.
120 Each special key is described below.
122 [`<force>`]: #force
123 [`<late>`]: #late
125 ### `<force>`
127 The `<force>` special key makes the shortcut in question available in text
128 inputs.
130 VimFx enters a kind of “automatic insert mode” when you focus a text input,
131 allowing you to type text into it without triggering VimFx commands. The `esc`
132 command, however, is still available, allowing you to blur the text input by
133 pressing `<escape>`. The reason it is available is because the default shortcut
134 is `<force><escape>`.
136 Using `<force>` allows you to run other commands in text inputs as well. For
137 example, you could use `<force><a-j>` and `<force><a-k>` to be able to select
138 tab backward and forward regardless if you happen to be in a text input or not.
140 Notice that VimFx’s [button] turns grey when you’re in this “automatic insert
141 mode.”
143 [button]: button.md
145 ### `<late>`
147 The `<late>` special key makes the shortcut in question run _after_ the handling
148 of keypresses in the current page, allowing the current page to override it.
150 Normally, all of VimFx’s shortcuts are triggered _before_ the current page gets
151 the keypresses. This makes the VimFx shortcuts work consistently regardless of
152 what the current page happens to be up to.
154 Sometimes, though, it is useful to let the page override a shortcut. For
155 example, if you plan to use the arrow keys for VimFx’s scrolling commands, while
156 still being able to move the focus in the custom menus some sites use.
Imprint / Impressum