]> git.gir.st - VimFx.git/blob - extension/lib/commands-frame.coffee
Use normal cursor in help dialog
[VimFx.git] / extension / lib / commands-frame.coffee
1 ###
2 # Copyright Simon Lydell 2015.
3 #
4 # This file is part of VimFx.
5 #
6 # VimFx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
10 #
11 # VimFx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
15 #
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with VimFx. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 ###
20 # This file is the equivalent to commands.coffee, but for frame scripts,
21 # allowing interaction with web page content. Most “commands” here have the
22 # same name as the command in commands.coffee that calls it. There are also a
23 # few more generalized “commands” used in more than one place.
25 hints = require('./hints')
26 utils = require('./utils')
28 {isProperLink, isTextInputElement, isTypingElement, isContentEditable} = utils
30 XULDocument = Ci.nsIDOMXULDocument
32 commands = {}
34 commands.go_up_path = ({vim, count = 1}) ->
35 vim.content.location.pathname = vim.content.location.pathname.replace(
36 /// (?: /[^/]+ ){1,#{count}} /?$ ///, ''
37 )
39 commands.go_to_root = ({vim}) ->
40 vim.content.location.href = vim.content.location.origin
42 commands.scroll = ({vim, method, type, direction, amount, property, smooth}) ->
43 activeElement = utils.getActiveElement(vim.content)
44 document = activeElement.ownerDocument
46 element = switch
47 when vim.state.scrollableElements.has(activeElement)
48 activeElement
49 # If the currently focused element isn’t scrollable, scroll the largest
50 # scrollable element instead, which usually means `<html>`.
51 when vim.state.scrollableElements.hasOrUpdateLargestScrollable()
52 vim.state.scrollableElements.largest
53 else
54 # If this point is reached, it _should_ mean that the page hasn’t got any
55 # scrollable elements, and the whole page itself isn’t scrollable. Instead
56 # of simply `return`ing, scroll the entire page (the best bet at this
57 # point) instead because we cannot be 100% sure that nothing is scrollable
58 # (for example, if VimFx is updated in the middle of a session). Not being
59 # able to scroll is very annoying.
60 vim.state.scrollableElements.quirks(document.documentElement)
62 options = {}
63 options[direction] = switch type
64 when 'lines' then amount
65 when 'pages' then amount * element[property]
66 when 'other' then Math.min(amount, element[property])
67 options.behavior = 'smooth' if smooth
69 element[method](options)
71 helper_follow = ({id, combine = true}, matcher, {vim}) ->
72 hrefs = {}
73 vim.state.markerElements = []
75 filter = (element, getElementShape) ->
76 {type, semantic} = matcher({vim, element, getElementShape})
78 customMatcher = FRAME_SCRIPT_ENVIRONMENT.VimFxHintMatcher
79 if customMatcher
80 {type, semantic} = customMatcher(id, element, {type, semantic})
82 return unless type
83 return unless shape = getElementShape(element)
85 length = vim.state.markerElements.push(element)
86 wrapper = {type, semantic, shape, elementIndex: length - 1}
88 # Combine links with the same href.
89 if combine and wrapper.type == 'link'
90 {href} = element
91 wrapper.href = href
92 if href of hrefs
93 parent = hrefs[href]
94 wrapper.parentIndex = parent.elementIndex
95 parent.shape.area += wrapper.shape.area
96 parent.numChildren++
97 else
98 wrapper.numChildren = 0
99 hrefs[href] = wrapper
101 return wrapper
103 return hints.getMarkableElementsAndViewport(vim.content, filter)
105 commands.follow = helper_follow.bind(null, {id: 'normal'},
106 ({vim, element, getElementShape}) ->
107 document = element.ownerDocument
108 isXUL = (document instanceof XULDocument)
109 type = null
110 semantic = true
111 switch
112 when isProperLink(element)
113 type = 'link'
114 when isTypingElement(element) or isContentEditable(element)
115 type = 'text'
116 when element.tabIndex > -1 and
117 not (isXUL and element.nodeName.endsWith('box') and
118 element.nodeName != 'checkbox')
119 type = 'clickable'
120 unless isXUL or element.nodeName in ['A', 'INPUT', 'BUTTON']
121 semantic = false
122 when element != vim.state.scrollableElements.largest and
123 vim.state.scrollableElements.has(element)
124 type = 'scrollable'
125 when element.hasAttribute('onclick') or
126 element.hasAttribute('onmousedown') or
127 element.hasAttribute('onmouseup') or
128 element.hasAttribute('oncommand') or
129 element.getAttribute('role') in ['link', 'button'] or
130 # Twitter special-case.
131 element.classList.contains('js-new-tweets-bar') or
132 # Feedly special-case.
133 element.hasAttribute('data-app-action') or
134 element.hasAttribute('data-uri') or
135 element.hasAttribute('data-page-action')
136 type = 'clickable'
137 semantic = false
138 # Facebook special-case (comment fields).
139 when element.parentElement?.classList.contains('UFIInputContainer')
140 type = 'clickable-special'
141 # Putting markers on `<label>` elements is generally redundant, because
142 # its `<input>` gets one. However, some sites hide the actual `<input>`
143 # but keeps the `<label>` to click, either for styling purposes or to keep
144 # the `<input>` hidden until it is used. In those cases we should add a
145 # marker for the `<label>`.
146 when element.nodeName == 'LABEL'
147 input =
148 if element.htmlFor
149 document.getElementById(element.htmlFor)
150 else
151 element.querySelector('input, textarea, select')
152 if input and not getElementShape(input)
153 type = 'clickable'
154 # Elements that have “button” somewhere in the class might be clickable,
155 # unless they contain a real link or button or yet an element with
156 # “button” somewhere in the class, in which case they likely are
157 # “button-wrapper”s. (`<SVG element>.className` is not a string!)
158 when not isXUL and typeof element.className == 'string' and
159 element.className.toLowerCase().includes('button')
160 unless element.querySelector('a, button, [class*=button]')
161 type = 'clickable'
162 semantic = false
163 # When viewing an image it should get a marker to toggle zoom.
164 when document.body?.childElementCount == 1 and
165 element.nodeName == 'IMG' and
166 (element.classList.contains('overflowing') or
167 element.classList.contains('shrinkToFit'))
168 type = 'clickable'
169 return {type, semantic}
170 )
172 commands.follow_in_tab = helper_follow.bind(null, {id: 'tab'},
173 ({element}) ->
174 type = if isProperLink(element) then 'link' else null
175 return {type, semantic: true}
176 )
178 commands.follow_copy = helper_follow.bind(null, {id: 'copy'},
179 ({element}) ->
180 type = switch
181 when isProperLink(element) then 'link'
182 when isTypingElement(element) then 'text'
183 when isContentEditable(element) then 'contenteditable'
184 else null
185 return {type, semantic: true}
186 )
188 commands.follow_focus = helper_follow.bind(null, {id: 'focus', combine: false},
189 ({vim, element}) ->
190 type = switch
191 when element.tabIndex > -1
192 'focusable'
193 when element != vim.state.scrollableElements.largest and
194 vim.state.scrollableElements.has(element)
195 'scrollable'
196 else
197 null
198 return {type, semantic: true}
199 )
201 commands.focus_marker_element = ({vim, elementIndex, options}) ->
202 element = vim.state.markerElements[elementIndex]
203 utils.focusElement(element, options)
205 commands.click_marker_element = (args) ->
206 {vim, elementIndex, type, preventTargetBlank} = args
207 element = vim.state.markerElements[elementIndex]
208 if element.target == '_blank' and preventTargetBlank
209 targetReset = element.target
210 element.target = ''
211 if type == 'clickable-special'
212 element.click()
213 else
214 utils.simulateClick(element)
215 element.target = targetReset if targetReset
217 commands.copy_marker_element = ({vim, elementIndex, property}) ->
218 element = vim.state.markerElements[elementIndex]
219 utils.writeToClipboard(element[property])
221 commands.follow_pattern = ({vim, type, options}) ->
222 {document} = vim.content
224 # If there’s a `<link rel=prev/next>` element we use that.
225 for link in document.head?.getElementsByTagName('link')
226 # Also support `rel=previous`, just like Google.
227 if type == link.rel.toLowerCase().replace(/^previous$/, 'prev')
228 vim.content.location.href = link.href
229 return
231 # Otherwise we look for a link or button on the page that seems to go to the
232 # previous or next page.
233 candidates = document.querySelectorAll(options.pattern_selector)
235 # Note: Earlier patterns should be favored.
236 {patterns} = options
238 # Search for the prev/next patterns in the following attributes of the
239 # element. `rel` should be kept as the first attribute, since the standard way
240 # of marking up prev/next links (`rel="prev"` and `rel="next"`) should be
241 # favored. Even though some of these attributes only allow a fixed set of
242 # keywords, we pattern-match them anyways since lots of sites don’t follow the
243 # spec and use the attributes arbitrarily.
244 attrs = options.pattern_attrs
246 matchingLink = do ->
247 # First search in attributes (favoring earlier attributes) as it's likely
248 # that they are more specific than text contexts.
249 for attr in attrs
250 for regex in patterns
251 for element in candidates
252 return element if regex.test(element.getAttribute(attr))
254 # Then search in element contents.
255 for regex in patterns
256 for element in candidates
257 return element if regex.test(element.textContent)
259 return null
261 utils.simulateClick(matchingLink) if matchingLink
263 commands.focus_text_input = ({vim, count = null}) ->
264 {lastFocusedTextInput} = vim.state
265 inputs = Array.filter(
266 utils.querySelectorAllDeep(vim.content, 'input, textarea'), (element) ->
267 return isTextInputElement(element) and utils.area(element) > 0
268 )
269 if lastFocusedTextInput and lastFocusedTextInput not in inputs
270 inputs.push(lastFocusedTextInput)
271 return unless inputs.length > 0
272 inputs.sort((a, b) -> a.tabIndex - b.tabIndex)
273 unless count?
274 count =
275 if lastFocusedTextInput
276 inputs.indexOf(lastFocusedTextInput) + 1
277 else
278 1
279 index = Math.min(count, inputs.length) - 1
280 utils.focusElement(inputs[index], {select: true})
281 vim.state.inputs = inputs
283 commands.clear_inputs = ({vim}) ->
284 vim.state.inputs = null
286 commands.move_focus = ({vim, direction}) ->
287 return false unless vim.state.inputs
288 index = vim.state.inputs.indexOf(utils.getActiveElement(vim.content))
289 # If there’s only one input, `<tab>` would cycle to itself, making it feel
290 # like `<tab>` was not working. Then it’s better to let `<tab>` work as it
291 # usually does.
292 if index == -1 or vim.state.inputs.length <= 1
293 vim.state.inputs = null
294 return false
295 else
296 {inputs} = vim.state
297 nextInput = inputs[(index + direction) %% inputs.length]
298 utils.focusElement(nextInput, {select: true})
299 return true
301 commands.esc = (args) ->
302 commands.blur_active_element(args)
304 {document} = args.vim.content
305 if document.exitFullscreen
306 document.exitFullscreen()
307 else
308 document.mozCancelFullScreen()
310 commands.blur_active_element = ({vim}) ->
311 utils.blurActiveElement(vim.content)
313 module.exports = commands
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