]> git.gir.st - VimFx.git/blob - extension/packages/mode-hints/huffman.coffee
Merge pull request #417 from ctype/de-locale
[VimFx.git] / extension / packages / mode-hints / huffman.coffee
1 # `originalElements` should be an array of objects. Each object is expected to
2 # have a `weight` property which represents the _weight_ of the object, which is
3 # a positive number. Each object will be given a _code word_. The larger the
4 # weight, the shorter the code word. A weight of 0 means that the element should
5 # not get a code word at all. The code words will use the `alphabet` provided.
6 # The function runs `callback(element, codeWord)` for each object in
7 # `originalElements` and returns `undefined`.
8 exports.addHuffmanCodeWordsTo = (originalElements, { alphabet }, callback) ->
9 unless typeof alphabet == 'string'
10 throw new TypeError('`alphabet` must be provided and be a string.')
12 nonUnique = /([\s\S])[\s\S]*\1/.exec(alphabet)
13 if nonUnique
14 throw new Error("`alphabet` must consist of unique letters. Found
15 '#{ nonUnique[1] }' more than once.")
17 if alphabet.length < 2
18 throw new Error('`alphabet` must consist of at least 2 characters.')
20 unless typeof callback == "function"
21 throw new TypeError("`callback` must be provided and be a function.")
24 # Shallow working copy.
25 elements = originalElements[..]
28 # The algorithm is so optimized, that it does not produce a code word at all
29 # if there is only one element! We still need a code word even if there is
30 # only one link, though.
31 if elements.length == 1
32 callback(elements[0], alphabet[0])
33 return
36 numBranches = alphabet.length
37 numElements = elements.length
39 # The Huffman algorithm needs to create a `numBranches`-ary tree (one branch
40 # for each character in the `alphabet`). Such a tree can be formed by `1 +
41 # (numBranches - 1) * n` elements: There is the root of the tree (`1`), and
42 # each branching adds `numBranches` elements to the total number or elements,
43 # but replaces itself (`numBranches - 1`). `n` is the number of points where
44 # the tree branches. In order to create the tree using `numElements` elements,
45 # we need to find an `n` such that `1 + (numBranches - 1) * n >= numElements`
46 # (1), and then pad `numElements`, such that `1 + (numBranches - 1) * n ==
47 # numElements + padding` (2).
48 #
49 # Solving for `n = numBranchPoints` in (1) gives:
50 numBranchPoints = Math.ceil((numElements - 1) / (numBranches - 1))
51 # Solving for `padding` in (2) gives:
52 padding = 1 + (numBranches - 1) * numBranchPoints - numElements
54 # Sort the elements after their weights, in descending order, so that the last
55 # ones will be the ones with lowest weight.
56 elements.sort((a, b) -> b.weight - a.weight)
58 # Pad with zero-weights to be able to form a `numBranches`-ary tree.
59 for i in [0...padding] by 1
60 elements.push({weight: 0})
62 # Construct the Huffman tree.
63 for i in [0...numBranchPoints] by 1
64 # Replace `numBranches` of the lightest weights with their sum.
65 sum = new BranchingPoint
66 for i in [0...numBranches] by 1
67 lowestWeight = elements.pop()
68 sum.weight += lowestWeight.weight
69 sum.children.unshift(lowestWeight)
71 # Find the index to insert the sum so that the sorting is maintained. That
72 # is faster than sorting the elements in each iteration.
73 break for element, index in elements by -1 when sum.weight <= element.weight
74 elements.splice(index + 1, 0, sum)
76 [ root ] = elements # `elements.length == 1` by now.
78 # Create the code words by walking the tree. Store them using `callback`.
79 do walk = (node = root, codeWord = '') ->
80 if node instanceof BranchingPoint
81 for childNode, index in node.children
82 walk(childNode, codeWord + alphabet[index])
83 else
84 callback(node, codeWord) unless node.weight == 0
85 return
88 class BranchingPoint
89 constructor: ->
90 @weight = 0
91 @children = []
Imprint / Impressum