]> git.gir.st - VimFx.git/blob - extension/lib/commands.coffee
Do not treat `<a href="">` as links
[VimFx.git] / extension / lib / commands.coffee
1 ###
2 # Copyright Anton Khodakivskiy 2012, 2013, 2014.
3 # Copyright Simon Lydell 2013, 2014.
4 # Copyright Wang Zhuochun 2013, 2014.
5 #
6 # This file is part of VimFx.
7 #
8 # VimFx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
12 #
13 # VimFx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 #
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with VimFx. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 ###
22 notation = require('vim-like-key-notation')
23 Command = require('./command')
24 { Marker } = require('./marker')
25 utils = require('./utils')
26 help = require('./help')
27 { getPref } = require('./prefs')
29 { isProperLink, isTextInputElement, isContentEditable } = utils
31 { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components
33 XULDocument = Ci.nsIDOMXULDocument
35 # “Selecting an element” means “focusing and selecting the text, if any, of an
36 # element”.
38 # Select the Address Bar.
39 command_focus = (vim) ->
40 # This function works even if the Address Bar has been removed.
41 vim.rootWindow.focusAndSelectUrlBar()
43 # Select the Search Bar.
44 command_focus_search = (vim) ->
45 # The `.webSearch()` method opens a search engine in a tab if the Search Bar
46 # has been removed. Therefore we first check if it exists.
47 if vim.rootWindow.BrowserSearch.searchBar
48 vim.rootWindow.BrowserSearch.webSearch()
50 helper_paste = (vim) ->
51 url = vim.rootWindow.readFromClipboard()
52 postData = null
53 if not utils.isURL(url) and submission = utils.browserSearchSubmission(url)
54 url = submission.uri.spec
55 { postData } = submission
56 return {url, postData}
58 # Go to or search for the contents of the system clipboard.
59 command_paste = (vim) ->
60 { url, postData } = helper_paste(vim)
61 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.loadURIWithFlags(url, null, null, null, postData)
63 # Go to or search for the contents of the system clipboard in a new tab.
64 command_paste_tab = (vim) ->
65 { url, postData } = helper_paste(vim)
66 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab =
67 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.addTab(url, null, null, postData, null, false)
69 # Copy the current URL to the system clipboard.
70 command_yank = (vim) ->
71 utils.writeToClipboard(vim.window.location.href)
73 # Reload the current tab, possibly from cache.
74 command_reload = (vim) ->
75 vim.rootWindow.BrowserReload()
77 # Reload the current tab, skipping cache.
78 command_reload_force = (vim) ->
79 vim.rootWindow.BrowserReloadSkipCache()
81 # Reload all tabs, possibly from cache.
82 command_reload_all = (vim) ->
83 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.reloadAllTabs()
85 # Reload all tabs, skipping cache.
86 command_reload_all_force = (vim) ->
87 for tab in vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.visibleTabs
88 window = tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow
89 window.location.reload(true)
91 # Stop loading the current tab.
92 command_stop = (vim) ->
93 vim.window.stop()
95 # Stop loading all tabs.
96 command_stop_all = (vim) ->
97 for tab in vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.visibleTabs
98 window = tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow
99 window.stop()
101 # Scroll to the top of the page.
102 command_scroll_to_top = (vim) ->
103 vim.rootWindow.goDoCommand('cmd_scrollTop')
105 # Scroll to the bottom of the page.
106 command_scroll_to_bottom = (vim) ->
107 vim.rootWindow.goDoCommand('cmd_scrollBottom')
109 # Scroll down a bit.
110 command_scroll_down = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
111 step = getPref('scroll_step_lines') * count
112 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, 0, +step, utils.WHEEL_MODE_LINE)
114 # Scroll up a bit.
115 command_scroll_up = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
116 step = getPref('scroll_step_lines') * count
117 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, 0, -step, utils.WHEEL_MODE_LINE)
119 # Scroll left a bit.
120 command_scroll_left = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
121 step = getPref('scroll_step_lines') * count
122 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, -step, 0, utils.WHEEL_MODE_LINE)
124 # Scroll right a bit.
125 command_scroll_right = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
126 step = getPref('scroll_step_lines') * count
127 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, +step, 0, utils.WHEEL_MODE_LINE)
129 # Scroll down half a page.
130 command_scroll_half_page_down = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
131 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, 0, +0.5 * count, utils.WHEEL_MODE_PAGE)
133 # Scroll up half a page.
134 command_scroll_half_page_up = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
135 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, 0, -0.5 * count, utils.WHEEL_MODE_PAGE)
137 # Scroll down full a page.
138 command_scroll_page_down = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
139 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, 0, +1 * count, utils.WHEEL_MODE_PAGE)
141 # Scroll up full a page.
142 command_scroll_page_up = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
143 utils.simulateWheel(vim.window, 0, -1 * count, utils.WHEEL_MODE_PAGE)
145 # Open a new tab and select the Address Bar.
146 command_open_tab = (vim) ->
147 vim.rootWindow.BrowserOpenTab()
149 absoluteTabIndex = (relativeIndex, gBrowser) ->
150 tabs = gBrowser.visibleTabs
151 { selectedTab } = gBrowser
153 currentIndex = tabs.indexOf(selectedTab)
154 absoluteIndex = currentIndex + relativeIndex
155 numTabs = tabs.length
157 wrap = (Math.abs(relativeIndex) == 1)
158 if wrap
159 absoluteIndex %%= numTabs
160 else
161 absoluteIndex = Math.max(0, absoluteIndex)
162 absoluteIndex = Math.min(absoluteIndex, numTabs - 1)
164 return absoluteIndex
166 helper_switch_tab = (direction, vim, event, count = 1) ->
167 { gBrowser } = vim.rootWindow
168 gBrowser.selectTabAtIndex(absoluteTabIndex(direction * count, gBrowser))
170 # Switch to the previous tab.
171 command_tab_prev = helper_switch_tab.bind(undefined, -1)
173 # Switch to the next tab.
174 command_tab_next = helper_switch_tab.bind(undefined, +1)
176 helper_move_tab = (direction, vim, event, count = 1) ->
177 { gBrowser } = vim.rootWindow
178 { selectedTab } = gBrowser
179 { pinned } = selectedTab
181 index = absoluteTabIndex(direction * count, gBrowser)
183 if index < gBrowser._numPinnedTabs
184 gBrowser.pinTab(selectedTab) unless pinned
185 else
186 gBrowser.unpinTab(selectedTab) if pinned
188 gBrowser.moveTabTo(selectedTab, index)
190 # Move the current tab backward.
191 command_tab_move_left = helper_move_tab.bind(undefined, -1)
193 # Move the current tab forward.
194 command_tab_move_right = helper_move_tab.bind(undefined, +1)
196 # Load the home page.
197 command_home = (vim) ->
198 vim.rootWindow.BrowserHome()
200 # Switch to the first tab.
201 command_tab_first = (vim) ->
202 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.selectTabAtIndex(0)
204 # Switch to the first non-pinned tab.
205 command_tab_first_non_pinned = (vim) ->
206 firstNonPinned = vim.rootWindow.gBrowser._numPinnedTabs
207 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.selectTabAtIndex(firstNonPinned)
209 # Switch to the last tab.
210 command_tab_last = (vim) ->
211 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.selectTabAtIndex(-1)
213 # Toggle Pin Tab.
214 command_toggle_pin_tab = (vim) ->
215 currentTab = vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab
217 if currentTab.pinned
218 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.unpinTab(currentTab)
219 else
220 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.pinTab(currentTab)
222 # Duplicate current tab.
223 command_duplicate_tab = (vim) ->
224 { gBrowser } = vim.rootWindow
225 gBrowser.duplicateTab(gBrowser.selectedTab)
227 # Close all tabs from current to the end.
228 command_close_tabs_to_end = (vim) ->
229 { gBrowser } = vim.rootWindow
230 gBrowser.removeTabsToTheEndFrom(gBrowser.selectedTab)
232 # Close all tabs except the current.
233 command_close_other_tabs = (vim) ->
234 { gBrowser } = vim.rootWindow
235 gBrowser.removeAllTabsBut(gBrowser.selectedTab)
237 # Close current tab.
238 command_close_tab = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
239 { gBrowser } = vim.rootWindow
240 return if gBrowser.selectedTab.pinned
241 currentIndex = gBrowser.visibleTabs.indexOf(gBrowser.selectedTab)
242 for tab in gBrowser.visibleTabs[currentIndex...(currentIndex + count)]
243 gBrowser.removeTab(tab)
245 # Restore last closed tab.
246 command_restore_tab = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
247 vim.rootWindow.undoCloseTab() for [1..count]
249 # Combine links with the same href.
250 combine = (hrefs, marker) ->
251 if marker.type == 'link'
252 { href } = marker.element
253 if href of hrefs
254 parent = hrefs[href]
255 marker.parent = parent
256 parent.weight += marker.weight
257 parent.numChildren++
258 else
259 hrefs[href] = marker
260 return marker
262 # Follow links, focus text inputs and click buttons with hint markers.
263 command_follow = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
264 hrefs = {}
265 filter = (element, getElementShape) ->
266 document = element.ownerDocument
267 isXUL = (document instanceof XULDocument)
268 semantic = true
269 switch
270 when isProperLink(element)
271 type = 'link'
272 when isTextInputElement(element) or isContentEditable(element)
273 type = 'text'
274 when element.tabIndex > -1 and
275 not (isXUL and element.nodeName.endsWith('box'))
276 type = 'clickable'
277 unless isXUL or element.nodeName in ['A', 'INPUT', 'BUTTON']
278 semantic = false
279 when element != vim.state.largestScrollableElement and
280 vim.state.scrollableElements.has(element)
281 type = 'scrollable'
282 when element.hasAttribute('onclick') or
283 element.hasAttribute('onmousedown') or
284 element.hasAttribute('onmouseup') or
285 element.hasAttribute('oncommand') or
286 element.getAttribute('role') in ['link', 'button'] or
287 # Twitter special-case.
288 element.classList.contains('js-new-tweets-bar') or
289 # Feedly special-case.
290 element.hasAttribute('data-app-action') or
291 element.hasAttribute('data-uri') or
292 element.hasAttribute('data-page-action')
293 type = 'clickable'
294 semantic = false
295 # Putting markers on `<label>` elements is generally redundant, because
296 # its `<input>` gets one. However, some sites hide the actual `<input>`
297 # but keeps the `<label>` to click, either for styling purposes or to keep
298 # the `<input>` hidden until it is used. In those cases we should add a
299 # marker for the `<label>`.
300 when element.nodeName == 'LABEL'
301 if element.htmlFor
302 input = document.getElementById(element.htmlFor)
303 if input and not getElementShape(input)
304 type = 'clickable'
305 # Elements that have “button” somewhere in the class might be clickable,
306 # unless they contain a real link or button or yet an element with
307 # “button” somewhere in the class, in which case they likely are
308 # “button-wrapper”s. (`<SVG element>.className` is not a string!)
309 when not isXUL and typeof element.className == 'string' and
310 element.className.toLowerCase().contains('button')
311 unless element.querySelector('a, button, [class*=button]')
312 type = 'clickable'
313 semantic = false
314 # When viewing an image it should get a marker to toggle zoom.
315 when document.body?.childElementCount == 1 and
316 element.nodeName == 'IMG' and
317 (element.classList.contains('overflowing') or
318 element.classList.contains('shrinkToFit'))
319 type = 'clickable'
320 return unless type
321 return unless shape = getElementShape(element)
322 return combine(hrefs, new Marker(element, shape, {semantic, type}))
324 callback = (marker) ->
325 { element } = marker
326 element.focus()
327 last = (count == 1)
328 if not last and marker.type == 'link'
329 utils.openTab(vim.rootWindow, element.href, {
330 inBackground: true
331 relatedToCurrent: true
332 })
333 else
334 if element.target == '_blank'
335 targetReset = element.target
336 element.target = ''
337 utils.simulateClick(element)
338 element.target = targetReset if targetReset
339 count--
340 return (not last and marker.type != 'text')
342 vim.enterMode('hints', filter, callback)
344 # Like command_follow but multiple times.
345 command_follow_multiple = (vim, event) ->
346 command_follow(vim, event, Infinity)
348 # Follow links in a new background tab with hint markers.
349 command_follow_in_tab = (vim, event, count = 1, inBackground = true) ->
350 hrefs = {}
351 filter = (element, getElementShape) ->
352 return unless isProperLink(element)
353 return unless shape = getElementShape(element)
354 return combine(hrefs, new Marker(element, shape, {semantic: true}))
356 callback = (marker) ->
357 last = (count == 1)
358 utils.openTab(vim.rootWindow, marker.element.href, {
359 inBackground: if last then inBackground else true
360 relatedToCurrent: true
361 })
362 count--
363 return not last
365 vim.enterMode('hints', filter, callback)
367 # Follow links in a new foreground tab with hint markers.
368 command_follow_in_focused_tab = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
369 command_follow_in_tab(vim, event, count, false)
371 # Copy the URL or text of a markable element to the system clipboard.
372 command_marker_yank = (vim) ->
373 hrefs = {}
374 filter = (element, getElementShape) ->
375 type = switch
376 when isProperLink(element) then 'link'
377 when isTextInputElement(element) then 'textInput'
378 when isContentEditable(element) then 'contenteditable'
379 return unless type
380 return unless shape = getElementShape(element)
381 return combine(hrefs, new Marker(element, shape, {semantic: true, type}))
383 callback = (marker) ->
384 { element } = marker
385 text = switch marker.type
386 when 'link' then element.href
387 when 'textInput' then element.value
388 when 'contenteditable' then element.textContent
389 utils.writeToClipboard(text)
391 vim.enterMode('hints', filter, callback)
393 # Focus element with hint markers.
394 command_marker_focus = (vim) ->
395 filter = (element, getElementShape) ->
396 type = switch
397 when element.tabIndex > -1
398 'focusable'
399 when element != vim.state.largestScrollableElement and
400 vim.state.scrollableElements.has(element)
401 'scrollable'
402 return unless type
403 return unless shape = getElementShape(element)
404 return new Marker(element, shape, {semantic: true, type})
406 callback = (marker) ->
407 { element } = marker
408 element.focus()
409 element.select?()
411 vim.enterMode('hints', filter, callback)
413 # Search for the prev/next patterns in the following attributes of the element.
414 # `rel` should be kept as the first attribute, since the standard way of marking
415 # up prev/next links (`rel="prev"` and `rel="next"`) should be favored. Even
416 # though some of these attributes only allow a fixed set of keywords, we
417 # pattern-match them anyways since lots of sites don’t follow the spec and use
418 # the attributes arbitrarily.
419 attrs = ['rel', 'role', 'data-tooltip', 'aria-label']
420 helper_follow_pattern = (type, vim) ->
421 { document } = vim.window
423 # If there’s a `<link rel=prev/next>` element we use that.
424 for link in document.head.getElementsByTagName('link')
425 # Also support `rel=previous`, just like Google.
426 if type == link.rel.toLowerCase().replace(/^previous$/, 'prev')
427 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.loadURI(link.href)
428 return
430 # Otherwise we look for a link or button on the page that seems to go to the
431 # previous or next page.
432 candidates = document.querySelectorAll('a, button')
433 patterns = utils.splitListString(getPref("#{ type }_patterns"))
434 if matchingLink = utils.getBestPatternMatch(patterns, attrs, candidates)
435 utils.simulateClick(matchingLink)
437 # Follow previous page.
438 command_follow_prev = helper_follow_pattern.bind(undefined, 'prev')
440 # Follow next page.
441 command_follow_next = helper_follow_pattern.bind(undefined, 'next')
443 # Focus last focused or first text input and enter text input mode.
444 command_text_input = (vim, event, count) ->
445 console.log count
446 { lastFocusedTextInput } = vim.state
447 inputs = Array.filter(
448 vim.window.document.querySelectorAll('input, textarea'), (element) ->
449 return utils.isTextInputElement(element) and utils.area(element) > 0
450 )
451 if lastFocusedTextInput and lastFocusedTextInput not in inputs
452 inputs.push(lastFocusedTextInput)
453 return unless inputs.length > 0
454 inputs.sort((a, b) -> a.tabIndex - b.tabIndex)
455 if count == null and lastFocusedTextInput
456 count = inputs.indexOf(lastFocusedTextInput) + 1
457 inputs[count - 1].select()
458 vim.enterMode('text-input', inputs)
460 # Go up one level in the URL hierarchy.
461 command_go_up_path = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
462 { pathname } = vim.window.location
463 vim.window.location.pathname = pathname.replace(
464 /// (?: /[^/]+ ){1,#{ count }} /?$ ///, ''
465 )
467 # Go up to root of the URL hierarchy.
468 command_go_to_root = (vim) ->
469 vim.window.location.href = vim.window.location.origin
471 helper_go_history = (num, vim, event, count = 1) ->
472 { index } = vim.rootWindow.getWebNavigation().sessionHistory
473 { history } = vim.window
474 num *= count
475 num = Math.max(num, -index)
476 num = Math.min(num, history.length - 1 - index)
477 return if num == 0
478 history.go(num)
480 # Go back in history.
481 command_back = helper_go_history.bind(undefined, -1)
483 # Go forward in history.
484 command_forward = helper_go_history.bind(undefined, +1)
486 findStorage = {lastSearchString: ''}
488 helper_find = (highlight, vim) ->
489 findBar = vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.getFindBar()
491 findBar.onFindCommand()
492 findBar._findField.focus()
493 findBar._findField.select()
495 return unless highlightButton = findBar.getElement('highlight')
496 if highlightButton.checked != highlight
497 highlightButton.click()
499 # Open the find bar, making sure that hightlighting is off.
500 command_find = helper_find.bind(undefined, false)
502 # Open the find bar, making sure that hightlighting is on.
503 command_find_hl = helper_find.bind(undefined, true)
505 helper_find_again = (direction, vim) ->
506 findBar = vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.getFindBar()
507 if findStorage.lastSearchString.length > 0
508 findBar._findField.value = findStorage.lastSearchString
509 findBar.onFindAgainCommand(direction)
511 # Search for the last pattern.
512 command_find_next = helper_find_again.bind(undefined, false)
514 # Search for the last pattern backwards.
515 command_find_prev = helper_find_again.bind(undefined, true)
517 # Enter insert mode.
518 command_insert_mode = (vim) ->
519 vim.enterMode('insert')
521 # Quote next keypress (pass it through to the page).
522 command_quote = (vim, event, count = 1) ->
523 vim.enterMode('insert', count)
525 # Display the Help Dialog.
526 command_help = (vim) ->
527 help.injectHelp(vim.window.document, require('./modes'))
529 # Open and select the Developer Toolbar.
530 command_dev = (vim) ->
531 vim.rootWindow.DeveloperToolbar.show(true) # focus
533 command_Esc = (vim, event) ->
534 utils.blurActiveElement(vim.window)
536 # Blur active XUL control.
537 callback = -> event.originalTarget?.ownerDocument?.activeElement?.blur()
538 vim.window.setTimeout(callback, 0)
540 help.removeHelp(vim.window.document)
542 vim.rootWindow.DeveloperToolbar.hide()
544 vim.rootWindow.gBrowser.getFindBar().close()
546 vim.rootWindow.TabView.hide()
548 { document } = vim.window
549 if document.exitFullscreen
550 document.exitFullscreen()
551 else
552 document.mozCancelFullScreen()
555 # coffeelint: disable=max_line_length
556 commands = [
557 new Command('urls', 'focus', command_focus, [['o']])
558 new Command('urls', 'focus_search', command_focus_search, [['O']])
559 new Command('urls', 'paste', command_paste, [['p']])
560 new Command('urls', 'paste_tab', command_paste_tab, [['P']])
561 new Command('urls', 'marker_yank', command_marker_yank, [['y', 'f']])
562 new Command('urls', 'marker_focus', command_marker_focus, [['v', 'f']])
563 new Command('urls', 'yank', command_yank, [['y', 'y']])
564 new Command('urls', 'reload', command_reload, [['r']])
565 new Command('urls', 'reload_force', command_reload_force, [['R']])
566 new Command('urls', 'reload_all', command_reload_all, [['a', 'r']])
567 new Command('urls', 'reload_all_force', command_reload_all_force, [['a', 'R']])
568 new Command('urls', 'stop', command_stop, [['s']])
569 new Command('urls', 'stop_all', command_stop_all, [['a', 's']])
571 new Command('nav', 'scroll_to_top', command_scroll_to_top , [['g', 'g']])
572 new Command('nav', 'scroll_to_bottom', command_scroll_to_bottom, [['G']])
573 new Command('nav', 'scroll_down', command_scroll_down, [['j']])
574 new Command('nav', 'scroll_up', command_scroll_up, [['k']])
575 new Command('nav', 'scroll_left', command_scroll_left, [['h']])
576 new Command('nav', 'scroll_right', command_scroll_right , [['l']])
577 new Command('nav', 'scroll_half_page_down', command_scroll_half_page_down, [['d']])
578 new Command('nav', 'scroll_half_page_up', command_scroll_half_page_up, [['u']])
579 new Command('nav', 'scroll_page_down', command_scroll_page_down, [['<space>']])
580 new Command('nav', 'scroll_page_up', command_scroll_page_up, [['<s-space>']])
582 new Command('tabs', 'open_tab', command_open_tab, [['t']])
583 new Command('tabs', 'tab_prev', command_tab_prev, [['J'], ['g', 'T']])
584 new Command('tabs', 'tab_next', command_tab_next, [['K'], ['g', 't']])
585 new Command('tabs', 'tab_move_left', command_tab_move_left, [['g', 'J']])
586 new Command('tabs', 'tab_move_right', command_tab_move_right, [['g', 'K']])
587 new Command('tabs', 'home', command_home, [['g', 'h']])
588 new Command('tabs', 'tab_first', command_tab_first, [['g', 'H'], ['g', '0']])
589 new Command('tabs', 'tab_first_non_pinned', command_tab_first_non_pinned, [['g', '^']])
590 new Command('tabs', 'tab_last', command_tab_last, [['g', 'L'], ['g', '$']])
591 new Command('tabs', 'toggle_pin_tab', command_toggle_pin_tab, [['g', 'p']])
592 new Command('tabs', 'duplicate_tab', command_duplicate_tab, [['y', 't']])
593 new Command('tabs', 'close_tabs_to_end', command_close_tabs_to_end, [['g', 'x', '$']])
594 new Command('tabs', 'close_other_tabs', command_close_other_tabs, [['g', 'x', 'a']])
595 new Command('tabs', 'close_tab', command_close_tab, [['x']])
596 new Command('tabs', 'restore_tab', command_restore_tab, [['X']])
598 new Command('browse', 'follow', command_follow, [['f']])
599 new Command('browse', 'follow_in_tab', command_follow_in_tab, [['F']])
600 new Command('browse', 'follow_in_focused_tab', command_follow_in_focused_tab, [['g', 'f']])
601 new Command('browse', 'follow_multiple', command_follow_multiple, [['a', 'f']])
602 new Command('browse', 'follow_previous', command_follow_prev, [['[']])
603 new Command('browse', 'follow_next', command_follow_next, [[']']])
604 new Command('browse', 'text_input', command_text_input, [['g', 'i']])
605 new Command('browse', 'go_up_path', command_go_up_path, [['g', 'u']])
606 new Command('browse', 'go_to_root', command_go_to_root, [['g', 'U']])
607 new Command('browse', 'back', command_back, [['H']])
608 new Command('browse', 'forward', command_forward, [['L']])
610 new Command('misc', 'find', command_find, [['/']])
611 new Command('misc', 'find_hl', command_find_hl, [['a', '/']])
612 new Command('misc', 'find_next', command_find_next, [['n']])
613 new Command('misc', 'find_prev', command_find_prev, [['N']])
614 new Command('misc', 'insert_mode', command_insert_mode, [['i']])
615 new Command('misc', 'quote', command_quote, [['I']])
616 new Command('misc', 'help', command_help, [['?']])
617 new Command('misc', 'dev', command_dev, [[':']])
619 escapeCommand =
620 new Command('misc', 'Esc', command_Esc, [['<escape>']])
621 ]
622 # coffeelint: enable=max_line_length
624 exports.commands = commands
625 exports.escapeCommand = escapeCommand
626 exports.findStorage = findStorage
Imprint / Impressum