]> git.gir.st - subscriptionfeed.git/blob - app/dangerous/templates/channel.html.j2
hacky way to get v1 and v2 channel responses (needs cleanup!)
[subscriptionfeed.git] / app / dangerous / templates / channel.html.j2
1 {% extends "base.html.j2" %}
2 {% import 'macros.imp.j2' as macros %}
3 {% block title %}{{ title | e }}{% endblock %}
5 {% block content %}
6 <!--
7 <img height=200 align=left src="{{ channel_img[channel_img.largest] }}" style="margin:.5em">
8 -->
9 {{ super() }}
10 <details><summary>About</summary><p style="white-space: pre-wrap">{{ channel_desc }}<hr></details>
11 <div style=clear:both></div>
12 <div id="subpages" style="display:flex;margin:1em">
13 <div style="flex:1">
14 <a href="{{ url_for('dangerous.channel', channel_id=channel_id, subpage='videos') }}">videos</a> |
15 <a href="{{ url_for('dangerous.channel', channel_id=channel_id, subpage='playlists') }}">playlists</a> |
16 <form method=get style="display:inline" action="{{ url_for('dangerous.channel', channel_id=channel_id, subpage='search')}}">
17 <input style="background:0;color:#eee;border:0" type=text name=q value="{{ request.args.get('q', '')}}" placeholder="search channel">
18 <!-- <input type="submit" value=">"> -->
19 </form>
20 </div>
21 <form method=get style="flex:1;text-align:right">
22 {% if list %}
23 <input type="hidden" name="list" value="{{playlist_id}}">
24 {% endif %}
25 <select name="sort">
26 <option value="">sort by...</option>
27 <option value="newest" {{ 'selected' if sort == 'newest' }}>newest first</option>
28 <option value="oldest" {{ 'selected' if sort == 'oldest' }}>oldest first</option>
29 {% if subpage == "videos" %}
30 <option value="popular" {{ 'selected' if sort == 'popular' }}>most popular</option>
31 {% elif subpage == "playlists" %}
32 <option value="modified" {{ 'selected' if sort == 'modified' }}>last modified</option>
33 {% endif %}
34 </select>
35 <input type="submit" value=">">
36 </form>
37 </div>
38 <div class="cards">
39 {% for card in rows %}
40 {{ macros.typed_card(card) }}
41 {% endfor %}
42 {{ macros.dummycard() }}
43 </div>
45 {% if not rows|length %}no more results{% endif %}
47 <div class="pagination-container">
48 {% if page is not none %}
49 {{ macros.pagination("previous", {'page':(-1,1)}, -1) if page > 1 }}
50 {{ macros.pagination("next", {'page':(+1,1)}, +1) if has_more}}
51 {% endif %}
52 </div>
53 {% endblock %}
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