]> git.gir.st - subscriptionfeed.git/blob - app/templates/macros.imp.j2
[DATABASE CHANGE: Migration below] allow setting user settings from profile page
[subscriptionfeed.git] / app / templates / macros.imp.j2
1 {% set fallback_img = "data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 300 300' fill='%23fff'><circle r='30' cx='80' cy='150' fill='%23fff' stroke='%23000'/><circle r='30' cx='150' cy='150' fill='%23fff' stroke='%23000'/><circle r='30' cx='220' cy='150' fill='%23fff' stroke='%23000'/></svg>" %}
3 {% macro card_generic(link, thumbnail, title='', badge=None, pinned=False) -%}
4 <div class="card {{ "pinned" if pinned else "" }}">
5 <div class="card-main">
6 <a class="link-main" href="{{ link }}" title="{{ title | e }}">
7 <div class="thumb">
8 <img src="{{ thumbnail or fallback_img}}">
9 {% if badge is not none %}
10 <span class="badge">{{ badge | e }}</span>
11 {% endif %}
12 </div>
13 <div class="title">{{ title | e }}</div>
14 </a>
15 </div>
16 <div class="infobar">
17 {{ caller() }}
18 </div>
19 </div>
20 {%- endmacro %}
22 {% macro card(video_id, title='', advanced_text='', pinned="undefined", advanced_title='', post_url=None, badge=None, ts=None) -%}
23 {% set caller_ = caller %}
24 {% set pinned_ = False if pinned == "undefined" else pinned %}
25 {% set ts_ = '&t='~ts if ts else '' %}
26 {% call card_generic("/watch?v="~video_id~ts_, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/"~video_id~"/mqdefault.jpg", title, badge, pinned_) %}
27 {{ caller_() }}
28 <details class="advanced"><summary title="{{advanced_title}}">{{ advanced_text }}</summary>
29 <div class="details">
30 {% if post_url %}
31 {{ emoji_link("comments", post_url, False) }}
32 {%endif%}
33 {% if pinned != "undefined" %}
34 {{ emoji_button("pin", video_id, pinned, False) }}
35 {{ emoji_button("hide", video_id, False, False) }}
36 {%endif%}
37 {{ emoji_link("audio", video_id, False) }}
38 {{ emoji_link("raw", video_id, False) }}
39 {{ emoji_link("json", video_id, False) }}
40 </div></details>
41 {% endcall %}
42 {%- endmacro %}
44 {% macro typed_card(params) -%}
45 {% set c = params.content %}
46 {% if params.type == 'VIDEO' %}
47 {% set pinned = c.pinned if c.pinned is defined else "undefined" %}
48 {% set badge = 'LIVE' if c.live else c.length %}
49 {% call card(c.video_id, c.title, c.published, pinned=pinned, badge=badge) %}
50 {{ infobar_subscriptions(c.video_id, c.channel_id, c.author) }}
51 {% endcall %}
52 {% elif params.type == 'CHANNEL' %}
53 {% call card_generic("/channel/"~c.channel_id~"/", c.icons[c.icons.largest] if 'icons' in c else '', c.title) %}
54 <span class=channel>Channel</span>
55 <span class=advanced>{{ c.subscribers }}</span>
56 {% endcall %}
57 {% elif params.type == 'PLAYLIST' %}
58 {% call card_generic("/playlist?list="~c.playlist_id, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/"~c.video_id~"/mqdefault.jpg", c.title) %}
59 <span class=channel>{{ infobar_subscriptions(None, c.channel_id, c.author) }}</span>
60 <span class=advanced>{{ c.n_videos }} videos</span>
61 {% endcall %}
62 {% elif params.type == 'WEBSITE' %}
63 {% call card_generic(c.url, c.icons[c.icons.largest] if 'icons' in c else '', c.title) %}
64 <span class=channel>{{ c.domain }}</span>
65 {% endcall %}
66 {% endif %}
67 {%- endmacro %}
69 {% macro dummycard() -%}
70 {% for _ in range(4) %}
71 <div class="dummy card"></div>
72 {% endfor %}
73 {%- endmacro %}
75 {# TODO: remove video_id parameter (unused) #}
76 {% macro infobar_subscriptions(video_id, channel_id, author) -%}
77 {% if channel_id is defined and channel_id is not none %}
78 <a class="info-main" href="/channel/{{ channel_id }}/">{{ author | e }}</a>
79 {% else %}
80 <span class="info-main">{{ author | e }}</span>
81 {% endif %}
82 {%- endmacro %}
84 {% macro emoji_button(action, subject, reverse=False, text=False) -%}
85 {% set icons = {
86 'pin': ['&#x1f4cc;&#xFE0F;', '&#x1f4cc;&#xFE0F;&#8416;'],
87 'hide': ['&#x1f4a8;&#xFE0F;', ''],
88 'subscribe': ['&#128221;&#xFE0F;', '&#128465;&#xFE0F;'],
89 } %}
90 {% set texts = {
91 'pin': ['pin to subscription feed', 'unpin'],
92 'hide': ['hide video', ''],
93 'subscribe': ['subscribe', 'unsubscribe'],
94 } %}
95 {% set actions = {
96 'pin': 'youtube.feed_post',
97 'hide': 'youtube.feed_post',
98 'subscribe': 'youtube.manage_subscriptions',
99 } %}
100 <form method=post action="{{ url_for(actions[action]) }}" class="emoji-form">
101 <input type="hidden" name="{{ 'un' if reverse }}{{ action }}" value="{{ subject }}">
102 <label title="{{ texts[action][reverse] }}">
103 <input type="submit" hidden>
104 <span class="emoji">{{ icons[action][reverse] }}</span>{#
105 #}<span class="notemoji">{{ texts[action][reverse] if text }}</span>
106 </label>
107 </form>
108 {%- endmacro %}
109 {% macro emoji_link(action, subject, text=False) -%}
110 {% set icons = {
111 'raw': '&#x1F39E;&#xFE0F;',
112 'json': '&#x1f4a1;',
113 'meta': '&#x1F4DC',
114 'audio': '&#x1f3a7;',
115 'comments': '&#x1f4ac;',
116 'iv': '&#x1F53C;',
117 'yt': '&#x25B6;&#xFE0F;',
118 } %}
119 {% set texts = {
120 'raw': 'show raw video',
121 'json': 'view json metadata',
122 'meta': 'view additional metadata',
123 'audio': 'listen to audio only',
124 'comments': 'view comments',
125 'iv': 'watch on invidious',
126 'yt': 'youtu.be',
127 } %}
128 {% set actions = {
129 'raw': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=raw',
130 'json': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=json',
131 'meta': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=meta',
132 'audio': '/watch?v='~subject~'&show=audio',
133 'comments': 'https://old.reddit.com'~subject,
134 'iv': 'https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v='~subject,
135 'yt': 'https://youtu.be/'~subject,
136 } %}
137 <a href="{{ actions[action] }}" title="{{ texts[action] }}">{#
138 #}<span class="emoji">{{ icons[action] }}</span>{#
139 #}<span class="notemoji">{{ texts[action] if text }}</span>
140 </a>
141 {%- endmacro %}
143 {% macro more(fields) -%}
144 {% set request_args = dict(request.args) %}
145 {% set _nil = request_args.update(fields) %}
146 {% set new_qs = request_args|urlencode %}
147 <a href="?{{ new_qs }}" class="pagination next">more</a>
148 {%- endmacro %}
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