]> git.gir.st - subscriptionfeed.git/blob - app/youtube/__init__.py
allow (un)pinning and (un)subscribing on /watch
[subscriptionfeed.git] / app / youtube / __init__.py
1 import re
2 import time
3 import sqlite3
4 import requests
5 #from flask_login import current_user, login_required
6 from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, current_user, login_user, logout_user, login_required
7 from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, redirect, flash, url_for, jsonify, g
9 from ..common.common import *
11 frontend = Blueprint('youtube', __name__,
12 template_folder='templates',
13 static_folder='static',
14 static_url_path='/static/yt')
16 @frontend.route('/')
17 def index():
18 return redirect(url_for('.feed'), code=302)
20 @frontend.route('/feed/subscriptions')
21 # disabled for guest user: @login_required
22 def feed():
23 if current_user.is_anonymous:
24 token = 'guest'
25 if 'welcome_message' in cf['frontend']:
26 flash(cf['frontend']['welcome_message'], "info")
27 else:
28 token = current_user.token
29 page = int(request.args.get('page', 0))
30 with sqlite3.connect(cf['global']['database']) as conn:
31 c = conn.cursor()
32 c.execute("""
33 SELECT videos.id, channel_id, name, title, published, flags.display
34 FROM videos
35 JOIN channels ON videos.channel_id = channels.id
36 LEFT JOIN flags ON (videos.id = flags.video_id) AND (flags.user = ?)
37 WHERE (channel_id IN (SELECT channel_id FROM subscriptions WHERE user=?)
38 OR flags.display = 'pinned')
39 AND flags.display IS NOT 'hidden'
40 ORDER BY (display = 'pinned') DESC, crawled DESC
41 LIMIT 36
42 OFFSET 36*?""", (token, token, page))
43 rows = [{
44 'video_id': video_id,
45 'channel_id': channel_id,
46 'author': author,
47 'title': title,
48 'published': published,
49 'pinned': display == 'pinned',
50 } for (video_id, channel_id, author, title, published, display) in c.fetchall()]
51 return render_template('index.html.j2', rows=rows, page=page)
53 @frontend.route('/watch')
54 def watch():
55 if current_user.is_anonymous:
56 token = 'guest'
57 else:
58 token = current_user.token
60 if not 'v' in request.args:
61 return "missing video id", 400
63 plaintextheaders = {
64 'content-type': 'text/plain',
65 'Link': "<data:text/css,body%7Bcolor:%23eee;background:%23333%7D>; rel=stylesheet;"
66 }
68 video_id = request.args.get('v')
69 sts, algo = get_cipher()
70 muxed, metadata, error, errdetails = get_video_info(video_id, sts, algo)
72 extra = {'geolocked':'local=1', 'livestream':'raw=0'}.get(error,'')
73 invidious_url = f"https://invidio.us/watch?v={video_id}&{extra}&raw=1"
74 errdetails = {
75 'malformed': "Video ID is invalid.",
76 'geolocked': "This video is geolocked.",
77 'livestream': "Livestreams not yet supported.",
78 'exhausted': errdetails or "Couldn't extract video URLs.",
79 'player': errdetails,
80 }.get(error)
82 show = request.args.get("show")
83 if show == "raw":
84 if error:
85 msg = errdetails if error=='player' else f"{error.upper()}: {errdetails}"
86 return f"{msg}\n\nRedirecting to Invidious.", 502, {
87 'Refresh': f'2; URL={invidious_url}',
88 **plaintextheaders}
89 return redirect(muxed[0], code=307)
90 elif show == "json":
91 if error and not metadata:
92 return {'error': True, error: errdetails}, 400 # TODO: better (test _CpR4o81XQc)
93 return jsonify(metadata)
94 else:
95 if error and not metadata: # e.g. malformed, private/deleted video, ...
96 return errdetails,400 # TODO: nicer
97 meta = prepare_metadata(metadata)
98 with sqlite3.connect(cf['global']['database']) as conn:
99 c = conn.cursor()
100 c.execute("""
102 SELECT 1 FROM subscriptions WHERE channel_id = ? AND user = ?
103 )), COUNT((
104 SELECT 1 FROM flags WHERE video_id = ? AND display = 'pinned' AND user = ?
105 ))""", (meta['channel_id'], token, video_id, token))
106 (is_subscribed, is_pinned) = c.fetchone()
107 return render_template('watch.html.j2',
108 video_id=video_id, video_urls=muxed,
109 video_error=error, errdetails=errdetails, invidious_url=invidious_url,
110 is_pinned=is_pinned, is_subscribed=is_subscribed,
111 **meta)
113 @frontend.route('/channel/<channel_id>')
114 def channel(channel_id):
115 if not re.match(r"(UC[A-Za-z0-9_-]{22})", channel_id):
116 return "bad channel id", 400 # todo
118 xmlfeed = fetch_xml("channel_id", channel_id)
119 if not xmlfeed:
120 return "not found or something", 404 # XXX
121 title, author, videos = parse_xml(xmlfeed)
122 return render_template('xmlfeed.html.j2', title=author, rows=videos)
124 @frontend.route('/playlist')
125 def playlist():
126 playlist_id = request.args.get('list')
127 if not playlist_id:
128 return "bad list id", 400 # todo
130 xmlfeed = fetch_xml("playlist_id", playlist_id)
131 if not xmlfeed:
132 return "not found or something", 404 # XXX
133 title, author, videos = parse_xml(xmlfeed)
134 return render_template('xmlfeed.html.j2', title=f"{title} by {author}", rows=videos)
136 @frontend.route('/api/timedtext')
137 def timedtext():
138 r = requests.get("https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext", request.args.to_dict())
139 # Note: in srv1 format, xmlentities are double-encoded m( a smart quote is
140 # even worse: it's '&amp;39;<smartquote>' wtf!? (at least vvt seems ok)
141 if not r.ok:
142 return "error: {r.text}", 400 # TODO: better
143 retval = r.text
144 if request.args.get('fmt') == 'vtt' and request.args.get('kind') == 'asr':
145 # autocaptions are extremely confusing, and stuck in the lower-left corner. fix it up a bit
146 retval = re.sub(r"<.+?>", "", retval) # remove inline html-like markup that times each word/adds styles
147 retval = retval.replace("align:start position:0%", "") # let browser position the text itself
148 # each subtitle-line is repeated twice (first on the lower line, then
149 # on the next "frame" on the upper line). we want to remove the
150 # repetition, as that's confusing without word and line animations:
151 lines = retval.split('\n')
152 retval = '\n'.join([line for line, prev in zip(lines, ['']+lines) if not " --> " in prev])
153 return retval, {'Content-Type': r.headers.get("Content-Type")}
155 @frontend.route('/manage/subscriptions')
156 # disabled for guest user: @login_required
157 def subscription_manager():
158 if current_user.is_anonymous:
159 token = 'guest'
160 else:
161 token = current_user.token
162 with sqlite3.connect(cf['global']['database']) as conn:
163 #with conn.cursor() as c:
164 c = conn.cursor()
165 c.execute("""
166 SELECT subscriptions.channel_id, name,
167 (subscribed_until < datetime('now')) AS obsolete
168 FROM subscriptions
169 left JOIN channels ON channels.id = subscriptions.channel_id
170 left JOIN websub ON channels.id = websub.channel_id
171 WHERE user = ?
172 AND subscriptions.type IN ('channel', 'playlist')
173 ORDER BY obsolete=0, name COLLATE NOCASE ASC""", (token,))
174 rows = [{
175 'channel_id': channel_id,
176 'author': author or channel_id,
177 'subscribed_until': subscribed_until
178 } for (channel_id, author, subscribed_until) in c.fetchall()]
179 return render_template('subscription_manager.html.j2', rows=rows)
181 @frontend.route('/feed/subscriptions', methods=['POST'])
182 @login_required
183 def feed_post():
184 token = current_user.token
185 action = next(request.form.keys(), None)
186 if action in ['pin', 'unpin', 'hide']:
187 video_id = request.form.get(action)
188 display = {
189 'pin': 'pinned',
190 'unpin': None,
191 'hide': 'hidden',
192 }[action]
193 with sqlite3.connect(cf['global']['database']) as conn:
194 c = conn.cursor()
195 store_video_metadata(video_id) # only needed for pinning
196 c.execute("""
197 INSERT OR REPLACE INTO flags (user, video_id, display)
198 VALUES (?, ?, ?)
199 """, (token, video_id, display))
200 else:
201 flash("unsupported action", "error")
202 return redirect(request.url, code=303)
204 @frontend.route('/manage/subscriptions', methods=['POST'])
205 @login_required
206 def manage_subscriptions():
207 token = current_user.token
208 if 'subscribe' in request.form:
209 channel_id = request.form.get("subscribe")
210 match = re.search(r"(UC[A-Za-z0-9_-]{22})", channel_id)
211 if match:
212 channel_id = match.group(1)
213 else:
214 match = re.search(r"((?:PL|LL|EC|UU|FL|UL|OL)[A-Za-z0-9_-]{10,})", channel_id)
215 if match: # NOTE: PL-playlists are 32chars, others differ in length.
216 flash("playlists not (yet?) supported.", "error")
217 return redirect(request.url, code=303) # TODO: dedup redirection
218 else:
219 flash("not a valid/subscribable URI", "error")
220 return redirect(request.url, code=303) # TODO: dedup redirection
221 with sqlite3.connect(cf['global']['database']) as conn:
222 #with conn.cursor() as c:
223 c = conn.cursor()
224 c.execute("""
225 INSERT OR IGNORE INTO subscriptions (user, channel_id)
226 VALUES (?, ?)
227 """, (token, channel_id))
228 # TODO: sql-error-handling, asynchronically calling update-subs.pl
230 elif 'unsubscribe' in request.form:
231 channel_id = request.form.get("unsubscribe")
232 with sqlite3.connect(cf['global']['database']) as conn:
233 #with conn.cursor() as c:
234 c = conn.cursor()
235 c.execute("""
236 DELETE FROM subscriptions
237 WHERE user = ? AND channel_id = ?
238 """, (token, channel_id))
239 # TODO: sql-error-handling, report success
241 else:
242 flash("unsupported action", "error")
244 return redirect(request.url, code=303)
246 def get_cipher():
247 # reload cipher from database every 1 hour
248 if 'cipher' not in g or time.time() - g.get('cipher_updated', 0) > 1 * 60 * 60:
249 with sqlite3.connect(cf['global']['database']) as conn:
250 c = conn.cursor()
251 c.execute("SELECT sts, algorithm FROM cipher")
252 g.cipher = c.fetchone()
253 g.cipher_updated = time.time()
255 return g.cipher
257 #@frontend.teardown_appcontext
258 #def teardown_db():
259 # db = g.pop('db', None)
260 #
261 # if db is not None:
262 # db.close()
265 @frontend.app_template_filter('format_date')
266 def format_date(s):
267 (y,m,d) = (int(n) for n in s.split('T')[0].split(' ')[0].split('-')) # iso-dates can seperate date from time with space or 'T'
268 M = '_ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split()
269 return f"{d} {M[m]}"
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