]> git.gir.st - tmk_keyboard.git/blob - tmk_core/protocol/lufa/LUFA-git/LUFA/DoxygenPages/BuildSystem.txt
host_driver is only used if KEYBOARD_LOCK_ENABLE is defined
[tmk_keyboard.git] / tmk_core / protocol / lufa / LUFA-git / LUFA / DoxygenPages / BuildSystem.txt
1 /** \file
2 *
3 * This file contains special DoxyGen information for the generation of the main page and other special
4 * documentation pages. It is not a project source file.
5 */
7 /** \page Page_BuildSystem The LUFA Build System
8 *
9 * \section Sec_BuildSystem_Overview Overview of the LUFA Build System
10 * The LUFA build system is an attempt at making a set of re-usable, modular build make files which
11 * can be referenced in a LUFA powered project, to minimize the amount of code required in an
12 * application makefile. The system is written in GNU Make, and each module is independent of
13 * one-another.
14 *
15 * For details on the prerequisites needed for Linux and Windows machines to be able to use the LUFA
16 * build system, see \ref Sec_CompilingApps_Prerequisites.
17 *
18 * To use a LUFA build system module, simply add an include to your project makefile. All user projects
19 * should at a minimum include \ref Page_BuildModule_CORE for base functionality:
20 * \code
21 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_core.mk
22 * \endcode
23 *
24 * Once included in your project makefile, the associated build module targets will be added to your
25 * project's build makefile targets automatically. To call a build target, run <tt>make {TARGET_NAME}</tt>
26 * from the command line, substituting in the appropriate target name.
27 *
28 * \see \ref Sec_ConfiguringApps_AppMakefileParams for a copy of the sample LUFA project makefile.
29 *
30 * Each build module may have one or more mandatory parameters (GNU Make variables) which <i>must</i>
31 * be supplied in the project makefile for the module to work, and one or more optional parameters which
32 * may be defined and which will assume a sensible default if not.
33 *
34 * \section SSec_BuildSystem_Modules Available Modules
35 *
36 * The following modules are included in this LUFA release:
37 *
38 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM - Device Programming
39 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_AVRDUDE - Device Programming
40 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_BUILD - Compiling/Assembling/Linking
41 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_CORE - Core Build System Functions
42 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_CPPCHECK - Static Code Analysis
43 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_DFU - Device Programming
44 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_DOXYGEN - Automated Source Code Documentation
45 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_HID - Device Programming
46 * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_SOURCES - LUFA Module Source Code Variables
47 *
48 * If you have problems building using the LUFA build system, see \subpage Page_BuildTroubleshooting for resolution steps.
49 */
51 /** \page Page_BuildModule_BUILD The BUILD build module
52 *
53 * The BUILD LUFA build system module, providing targets for the compilation,
54 * assembling and linking of an application from source code into binary files
55 * suitable for programming into a target device, using the GCC compiler.
56 *
57 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
58 * \code
59 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_build.mk
60 * \endcode
61 *
62 * \section SSec_BuildModule_BUILD_Requirements Requirements
63 * This module requires the the architecture appropriate binaries of the GCC compiler are available in your
64 * system's <b>PATH</b> variable. The GCC compiler and associated toolchain is distributed in Atmel AVR Studio
65 * 5.x and Atmel Studio 6.x installation directories, as well as in many third party distribution packages.
66 *
67 * \section SSec_BuildModule_BUILD_Targets Targets
68 *
69 * <table>
70 * <tr>
71 * <td><tt>size</tt></td>
72 * <td>Display size of the compiled application FLASH and SRAM segments.</td>
73 * </tr>
74 * <tr>
75 * <td><tt>symbol-sizes</tt></td>
76 * <td>Display a size-sorted list of symbols from the compiled application, in decimal bytes.</td>
77 * </tr>
78 * <tr>
79 * <td><tt>lib</tt></td>
80 * <td>Build and archive all source files into a library A binary file.</td>
81 * </tr>
82 * <tr>
83 * <td><tt>all</tt></td>
84 * <td>Build and link the application into ELF debug and HEX binary files.</td>
85 * </tr>
86 * <tr>
87 * <td><tt>elf</tt></td>
88 * <td>Build and link the application into an ELF debug file.</td>
89 * </tr>
90 * <tr>
91 * <td><tt>bin</tt></td>
92 * <td>Build and link the application and produce a BIN binary file.</td>
93 * </tr>
94 * <tr>
95 * <td><tt>hex</tt></td>
96 * <td>Build and link the application and produce HEX and EEP binary files.</td>
97 * </tr>
98 * <tr>
99 * <td><tt>lss</tt></td>
100 * <td>Build and link the application and produce a LSS source code/assembly code mixed listing file.</td>
101 * </tr>
102 * <tr>
103 * <td><tt>clean</tt></td>
104 * <td>Remove all intermediary files and binary output files.</td>
105 * </tr>
106 * <tr>
107 * <td><tt>mostlyclean</tt></td>
108 * <td>Remove all intermediary files but preserve any binary output files.</td>
109 * </tr>
110 * <tr>
111 * <td><tt><i>&lt;filename&gt;</i>.s</tt></td>
112 * <td>Create an assembly listing of a given input C/C++ source file.</td>
113 * </tr>
114 * </table>
115 *
116 * \section SSec_BuildModule_BUILD_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
117 *
118 * <table>
119 * <tr>
120 * <td><tt>TARGET</tt></td>
121 * <td>Name of the application output file prefix (e.g. <tt>TestApplication</tt>).</td>
122 * </tr>
123 * <tr>
124 * <td><tt>ARCH</tt></td>
125 * <td>Architecture of the target processor (see \ref Page_DeviceSupport).</td>
126 * </tr>
127 * <tr>
128 * <td><tt>MCU</tt></td>
129 * <td>Name of the Atmel processor model (e.g. <tt>at90usb1287</tt>).</td>
130 * </tr>
131 * <tr>
132 * <td><tt>SRC</tt></td>
133 * <td>List of relative or absolute paths to the application C (.c), C++ (.cpp) and Assembly (.S) source files.</td>
134 * </tr>
135 * <tr>
136 * <td><tt>F_USB</tt></td>
137 * <td>Speed in Hz of the input clock frequency to the target's USB controller.</td>
138 * </tr>
139 * <tr>
140 * <td><tt>LUFA_PATH</tt></td>
141 * <td>Path to the LUFA library core, either relative or absolute (e.g. <tt>../LUFA-000000/LUFA/</tt>).</td>
142 * </tr>
143 * </table>
144 *
145 * \section SSec_BuildModule_BUILD_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
146 *
147 * <table>
148 * <tr>
149 * <td><tt>BOARD</tt></td>
150 * <td>LUFA board hardware drivers to use (see \ref Page_DeviceSupport).</td>
151 * </tr>
152 * <tr>
153 * <td><tt>OPTIMIZATION</tt></td>
154 * <td>Optimization level to use when compiling source files (see GCC manual).</td>
155 * </tr>
156 * <tr>
157 * <td><tt>C_STANDARD</tt></td>
158 * <td>Version of the C standard to apply when compiling C++ source files (see GCC manual).</td>
159 * </tr>
160 * <tr>
161 * <td><tt>CPP_STANDARD</tt></td>
162 * <td>Version of the C++ standard to apply when compiling C++ source files (see GCC manual).</td>
163 * </tr>
164 * <tr>
165 * <td><tt>DEBUG_FORMAT</tt></td>
166 * <td>Format of the debug information to embed in the generated object files (see GCC manual).</td>
167 * </tr>
168 * <tr>
169 * <td><tt>DEBUG_LEVEL</tt></td>
170 * <td>Level of the debugging information to embed in the generated object files (see GCC manual).</td>
171 * </tr>
172 * <tr>
173 * <td><tt>F_CPU</tt></td>
174 * <td>Speed of the processor CPU clock, in Hz.</td>
175 * </tr>
176 * <tr>
177 * <td><tt>C_FLAGS</tt></td>
178 * <td>Flags to pass to the C compiler only, after the automatically generated flags.</td>
179 * </tr>
180 * <tr>
181 * <td><tt>CPP_FLAGS</tt></td>
182 * <td>Flags to pass to the C++ compiler only, after the automatically generated flags.</td>
183 * </tr>
184 * <tr>
185 * <td><tt>ASM_FLAGS</tt></td>
186 * <td>Flags to pass to the assembler only, after the automatically generated flags.</td>
187 * </tr>
188 * <tr>
189 * <td><tt>CC_FLAGS</tt></td>
190 * <td>Common flags to pass to the C/C++ compiler and assembler, after the automatically generated flags.</td>
191 * </tr>
192 * <tr>
193 * <td><tt>COMPILER_PATH</tt></td>
194 * <td>Directory where the C/C++ toolchain is located, if not available in the system <tt>PATH</tt>.</td>
195 * </tr>
196 * <tr>
197 * <td><tt>LD_FLAGS</tt></td>
198 * <td>Flags to pass to the linker, after the automatically generated flags.</td>
199 * </tr>
200 * <tr>
201 * <td><tt>LINKER_RELAXATIONS</tt></td>
202 * <td>Enables or disables linker relaxations when linking the application binary. This can reduce the total size
203 * of the application by replacing full \c CALL instructions with smaller \c RCALL instructions where possible.
204 * \note On some unpatched versions of binutils, this can cause link failures in some circumstances. If you
205 * receive a link error <tt>relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL</tt>, disable this setting.</td>
206 * </tr>
207 * <tr>
208 * <td><tt>OBJDIR</tt></td>
209 * <td>Directory to place the generated object and dependency files. If set to "." the same folder as the source file will be used.
210 * \note When this option is enabled, all source filenames <b>must</b> be unique.</td>
211 * </tr>
212 * <tr>
213 * <td><tt>OBJECT_FILES</tt></td>
214 * <td>List of additional object files that should be linked into the resulting binary.</td>
215 * </tr>
216 * </table>
217 *
218 * \section SSec_BuildModule_BUILD_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
219 *
220 * <table>
221 * <tr>
222 * <td><i>None</i></td>
223 * </tr>
224 * </table>
225 *
226 * \section SSec_BuildModule_BUILD_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
227 *
228 * <table>
229 * <tr>
230 * <td><i>None</i></td>
231 * </tr>
232 * </table>
233 */
235 /** \page Page_BuildModule_CORE The CORE build module
236 *
237 * The core LUFA build system module, providing common build system help and information targets.
238 *
239 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
240 * \code
241 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_core.mk
242 * \endcode
243 *
244 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CORE_Requirements Requirements
245 * This module has no requirements outside a standard *nix shell like environment; the <tt>sh</tt>
246 * shell, GNU <tt>make</tt> and *nix CoreUtils (<tt>echo</tt>, <tt>printf</tt>, etc.).
247 *
248 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CORE_Targets Targets
249 *
250 * <table>
251 * <tr>
252 * <td><tt>help</tt></td>
253 * <td>Display build system help and configuration information.</td>
254 * </tr>
255 * <tr>
256 * <td><tt>list_targets</tt></td>
257 * <td>List all available build targets from the build system.</td>
258 * </tr>
259 * <tr>
260 * <td><tt>list_modules</tt></td>
261 * <td>List all available build modules from the build system.</td>
262 * </tr>
263 * <tr>
264 * <td><tt>list_mandatory</tt></td>
265 * <td>List all mandatory parameters required by the included modules.</td>
266 * </tr>
267 * <tr>
268 * <td><tt>list_optional</tt></td>
269 * <td>List all optional parameters required by the included modules.</td>
270 * </tr>
271 * <tr>
272 * <td><tt>list_provided</tt></td>
273 * <td>List all variables provided by the included modules.</td>
274 * </tr>
275 * <tr>
276 * <td><tt>list_macros</tt></td>
277 * <td>List all macros provided by the included modules.</td>
278 * </tr>
279 * </table>
280 *
281 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CORE_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
282 *
283 * <table>
284 * <tr>
285 * <td><i>None</i></td>
286 * </tr>
287 * </table>
288 *
289 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CORE_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
290 *
291 * <table>
292 * <tr>
293 * <td><i>None</i></td>
294 * </tr>
295 * </table>
296 *
297 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CORE_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
298 *
299 * <table>
300 * <tr>
301 * <td><i>None</i></td>
302 * </tr>
303 * </table>
304 *
305 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CORE_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
306 *
307 * <table>
308 * <tr>
309 * <td><i>None</i></td>
310 * </tr>
311 * </table>
312 */
314 /** \page Page_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM The ATPROGRAM build module
315 *
316 * The ATPROGRAM programming utility LUFA build system module, providing targets to reprogram an
317 * Atmel processor FLASH and EEPROM memories with a project's compiled binary output files.
318 *
319 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
320 * \code
321 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_atprogram.mk
322 * \endcode
323 *
324 * \section SSec_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM_Requirements Requirements
325 * This module requires the <tt>atprogram.exe</tt> utility to be available in your system's <b>PATH</b>
326 * variable. The <tt>atprogram.exe</tt> utility is distributed in Atmel AVR Studio 5.x and Atmel Studio 6.x
327 * inside the application install folder's "\atbackend" subdirectory.
328 *
329 * \section SSec_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM_Targets Targets
330 *
331 * <table>
332 * <tr>
333 * <td><tt>atprogram</tt></td>
334 * <td>Program the device FLASH memory with the application's executable data.</td>
335 * </tr>
336 * <tr>
337 * <td><tt>atprogram-ee</tt></td>
338 * <td>Program the device EEPROM memory with the application's EEPROM data.</td>
339 * </tr>
340 * </table>
341 *
342 * \section SSec_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
343 *
344 * <table>
345 * <tr>
346 * <td><tt>MCU</tt></td>
347 * <td>Name of the Atmel processor model (e.g. <tt>at90usb1287</tt>).</td>
348 * </tr>
349 * <tr>
350 * <td><tt>TARGET</tt></td>
351 * <td>Name of the application output file prefix (e.g. <tt>TestApplication</tt>).</td>
352 * </tr>
353 * </table>
354 *
355 * \section SSec_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
356 *
357 * <table>
358 * <tr>
359 * <td><tt>ATPROGRAM_PROGRAMMER</tt></td>
360 * <td>Name of the Atmel programmer or debugger tool to communicate with (e.g. <tt>jtagice3</tt>).</td>
361 * </tr>
362 * <tr>
363 * <td><tt>ATPROGRAM_INTERFACE</tt></td>
364 * <td>Name of the programming interface to use when programming the target (e.g. <tt>spi</tt>).</td>
365 * </tr>
366 * <tr>
367 * <td><tt>ATPROGRAM_PORT</tt></td>
368 * <td>Name of the communication port to use when when programming with a serially connected tool (e.g. <tt>COM2</tt>).</td>
369 * </tr>
370 * </table>
371 *
372 * \section SSec_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
373 *
374 * <table>
375 * <tr>
376 * <td><i>None</i></td>
377 * </tr>
378 * </table>
379 *
380 * \section SSec_BuildModule_ATPROGRAM_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
381 *
382 * <table>
383 * <tr>
384 * <td><i>None</i></td>
385 * </tr>
386 * </table>
387 */
389 /** \page Page_BuildModule_AVRDUDE The AVRDUDE build module
390 *
391 * The AVRDUDE programming utility LUFA build system module, providing targets to reprogram an
392 * Atmel processor FLASH and EEPROM memories with a project's compiled binary output files.
393 *
394 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
395 * \code
396 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_avrdude.mk
397 * \endcode
398 *
399 * \section SSec_BuildModule_AVRDUDE_Requirements Requirements
400 * This module requires the <tt>avrdude</tt> utility to be available in your system's <b>PATH</b>
401 * variable. The <tt>avrdude</tt> utility is distributed in the old WinAVR project releases for
402 * Windows (<a>http://winavr.sourceforge.net</a>) or can be installed on *nix systems via the project's
403 * source code (<a>https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/avrdude</a>) or through the package manager.
404 *
405 * \section SSec_BuildModule_AVRDUDE_Targets Targets
406 *
407 * <table>
408 * <tr>
409 * <td><tt>avrdude</tt></td>
410 * <td>Program the device FLASH memory with the application's executable data.</td>
411 * </tr>
412 * <tr>
413 * <td><tt>avrdude-ee</tt></td>
414 * <td>Program the device EEPROM memory with the application's EEPROM data.</td>
415 * </tr>
416 * </table>
417 *
418 * \section SSec_BuildModule_AVRDUDE_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
419 *
420 * <table>
421 * <tr>
422 * <td><tt>MCU</tt></td>
423 * <td>Name of the Atmel processor model (e.g. <tt>at90usb1287</tt>).</td>
424 * </tr>
425 * <tr>
426 * <td><tt>TARGET</tt></td>
427 * <td>Name of the application output file prefix (e.g. <tt>TestApplication</tt>).</td>
428 * </tr>
429 * </table>
430 *
431 * \section SSec_BuildModule_AVRDUDE_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
432 *
433 * <table>
434 * <tr>
435 * <td><tt>AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER</tt></td>
436 * <td>Name of the programmer or debugger tool to communicate with (e.g. <tt>jtagicemkii</tt>).</td>
437 * </tr>
438 * <tr>
439 * <td><tt>AVRDUDE_PORT</tt></td>
440 * <td>Name of the communication port to use when when programming with the connected tool (e.g. <tt>COM2</tt>, <tt>/dev/ttyUSB0</tt> or <tt>usb</tt>).</td>
441 * </tr>
442 * <tr>
443 * <td><tt>AVRDUDE_FLAGS</tt></td>
444 * <td>Additional flags to pass to avrdude when programming, applied after the automatically generated flags.</td>
445 * </tr>
446 * </table>
447 *
448 * \section SSec_BuildModule_AVRDUDE_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
449 *
450 * <table>
451 * <tr>
452 * <td><i>None</i></td>
453 * </tr>
454 * </table>
455 *
456 * \section SSec_BuildModule_AVRDUDE_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
457 *
458 * <table>
459 * <tr>
460 * <td><i>None</i></td>
461 * </tr>
462 * </table>
463 */
465 /** \page Page_BuildModule_CPPCHECK The CPPCHECK build module
466 *
467 * The CPPCHECK programming utility LUFA build system module, providing targets to statically
468 * analyze C and C++ source code for errors and performance/style issues.
469 *
470 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
471 * \code
472 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_cppcheck.mk
473 * \endcode
474 *
475 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CPPCHECK_Requirements Requirements
476 * This module requires the <tt>cppcheck</tt> utility to be available in your system's <b>PATH</b>
477 * variable. The <tt>cppcheck</tt> utility is distributed through the project's home page
478 * (<a>http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net</a>) for Windows, and can be installed on *nix systems via
479 * the project's source code or through the package manager.
480 *
481 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CPPCHECK_Targets Targets
482 *
483 * <table>
484 * <tr>
485 * <td><tt>cppcheck</tt></td>
486 * <td>Statically analyze the project source code for issues.</td>
487 * </tr>
488 * <tr>
489 * <td><tt>cppcheck-config</tt></td>
490 * <td>Check the <tt>cppcheck</tt> configuration - scan source code and warn about missing header files and other issues.</td>
491 * </tr>
492 * </table>
493 *
494 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CPPCHECK_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
495 *
496 * <table>
497 * <tr>
498 * <td><tt>SRC</tt></td>
499 * <td>List of source files to statically analyze.</td>
500 * </tr>
501 * </table>
502 *
503 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CPPCHECK_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
504 *
505 * <table>
506 * <tr>
507 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_INCLUDES</tt></td>
508 * <td>Path of extra directories to check when attemting to resolve C/C++ header file includes.</td>
509 * </tr>
510 * <tr>
511 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_EXCLUDES</tt></td>
512 * <td>Paths or path fragments to exclude when analyzing.</td>
513 * </tr>
514 * <tr>
515 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_MSG_TEMPLATE</tt></td>
516 * <td>Output message template to use when printing errors, warnings and information (see <tt>cppcheck</tt> documentation).</td>
517 * </tr>
518 * <tr>
519 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_ENABLE</tt></td>
520 * <td>Analysis rule categories to enable (see <tt>cppcheck</tt> documentation).</td>
521 * </tr>
522 * <tr>
523 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_SUPPRESS</tt></td>
524 * <td>Specific analysis rules to suppress (see <tt>cppcheck</tt> documentation).</td>
525 * </tr>
526 * <tr>
527 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_FAIL_ON_WARNING</tt></td>
528 * <td>Set to <b>Y</b> to fail the analysis job with an error exit code if warnings are found, <b>N</b> to continue without failing.</td>
529 * </tr>
530 * <tr>
531 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_QUIET</tt></td>
532 * <td>Set to <b>Y</b> to suppress all output except warnings and errors, <b>N</b> to show verbose output information.</td>
533 * </tr>
534 * <tr>
535 * <td><tt>CPPCHECK_FLAGS</tt></td>
536 * <td>Extra flags to pass to <tt>cppcheck</tt>, after the automatically generated flags.</td>
537 * </tr>
538 * </table>
539 *
540 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CPPCHECK_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
541 *
542 * <table>
543 * <tr>
544 * <td><i>None</i></td>
545 * </tr>
546 * </table>
547 *
548 * \section SSec_BuildModule_CPPCHECK_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
549 *
550 * <table>
551 * <tr>
552 * <td><i>None</i></td>
553 * </tr>
554 * </table>
555 */
557 /** \page Page_BuildModule_DFU The DFU build module
558 *
559 * The DFU programming utility LUFA build system module, providing targets to reprogram an
560 * Atmel processor FLASH and EEPROM memories with a project's compiled binary output files.
561 * This module requires a DFU class bootloader to be running in the target, compatible with
562 * the DFU bootloader protocol as published by Atmel.
563 *
564 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
565 * \code
566 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_dfu.mk
567 * \endcode
568 *
569 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DFU_Requirements Requirements
570 * This module requires either the <tt>batchisp</tt> utility from Atmel's FLIP utility, or the open
571 * source <tt>dfu-programmer</tt> utility (<a>http://dfu-programmer.sourceforge.net/</a>) to be
572 * available in your system's <b>PATH</b> variable. On *nix systems the <tt>dfu-programmer</tt> utility
573 * can be installed via the project's source code or through the package manager.
574 *
575 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DFU_Targets Targets
576 *
577 * <table>
578 * <tr>
579 * <td><tt>dfu</tt></td>
580 * <td>Program the device FLASH memory with the application's executable data using <tt>dfu-programmer</tt>.</td>
581 * </tr>
582 * <tr>
583 * <td><tt>dfu-ee</tt></td>
584 * <td>Program the device EEPROM memory with the application's EEPROM data using <tt>dfu-programmer</tt>.</td>
585 * </tr>
586 * <tr>
587 * <td><tt>flip</tt></td>
588 * <td>Program the device FLASH memory with the application's executable data using <tt>batchisp</tt>.</td>
589 * </tr>
590 * <tr>
591 * <td><tt>flip-ee</tt></td>
592 * <td>Program the device EEPROM memory with the application's EEPROM data using <tt>batchisp</tt>.</td>
593 * </tr>
594 * </table>
595 *
596 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DFU_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
597 *
598 * <table>
599 * <tr>
600 * <td><tt>MCU</tt></td>
601 * <td>Name of the Atmel processor model (e.g. <tt>at90usb1287</tt>).</td>
602 * </tr>
603 * <tr>
604 * <td><tt>TARGET</tt></td>
605 * <td>Name of the application output file prefix (e.g. <tt>TestApplication</tt>).</td>
606 * </tr>
607 * </table>
608 *
609 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DFU_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
610 *
611 * <table>
612 * <tr>
613 * <td><i>None</i></td>
614 * </tr>
615 * </table>
616 *
617 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DFU_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
618 *
619 * <table>
620 * <tr>
621 * <td><i>None</i></td>
622 * </tr>
623 * </table>
624 *
625 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DFU_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
626 *
627 * <table>
628 * <tr>
629 * <td><i>None</i></td>
630 * </tr>
631 * </table>
632 */
634 /** \page Page_BuildModule_DOXYGEN The DOXYGEN build module
635 *
636 * The DOXYGEN code documentation utility LUFA build system module, providing targets to generate
637 * project HTML and other format documentation from a set of source files that include special
638 * Doxygen comments.
639 *
640 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
641 * \code
642 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_doxygen.mk
643 * \endcode
644 *
645 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DOXYGEN_Requirements Requirements
646 * This module requires the <tt>doxygen</tt> utility from the Doxygen website
647 * (<a>http://www.doxygen.org/</a>) to be available in your system's <b>PATH</b> variable. On *nix
648 * systems the <tt>doxygen</tt> utility can be installed via the project's source code or through
649 * the package manager.
650 *
651 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DOXYGEN_Targets Targets
652 *
653 * <table>
654 * <tr>
655 * <td><tt>doxygen</tt></td>
656 * <td>Generate project documentation.</td>
657 * </tr>
658 * <tr>
659 * <td><tt>doxygen_create</tt></td>
660 * <td>Create a new Doxygen configuration file using the latest template.</td>
661 * </tr>
662 * <tr>
663 * <td><tt>doxygen_upgrade</tt></td>
664 * <td>Upgrade an existing Doxygen configuration file to the latest template</td>
665 * </tr>
666 * </table>
667 *
668 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DOXYGEN_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
669 *
670 * <table>
671 * <tr>
672 * <td><tt>LUFA_PATH</tt></td>
673 * <td>Path to the LUFA library core, either relative or absolute (e.g. <tt>../LUFA-000000/LUFA/</tt>).</td>
674 * </tr>
675 * </table>
676 *
677 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DOXYGEN_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
678 *
679 * <table>
680 * <tr>
681 * <td><tt>DOXYGEN_CONF</tt></td>
682 * <td>Name and path of the base Doxygen configuration file for the project.</td>
683 * </tr>
684 * <tr>
685 * <td><tt>DOXYGEN_FAIL_ON_WARNING</tt></td>
686 * <td>Set to <b>Y</b> to fail the generation with an error exit code if warnings are found other than unsupported configuration parameters, <b>N</b> to continue without failing.</td>
687 * </tr>
688 * <tr>
689 * <td><tt>DOXYGEN_OVERRIDE_PARAMS</tt></td>
690 * <td>Extra Doxygen configuration parameters to apply, overriding the corresponding config entry in the project's configuration file (e.g. <tt>QUIET=YES</tt>).</td>
691 * </tr>
692 * </table>
693 *
694 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DOXYGEN_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
695 *
696 * <table>
697 * <tr>
698 * <td><i>None</i></td>
699 * </tr>
700 * </table>
701 *
702 * \section SSec_BuildModule_DOXYGEN_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
703 *
704 * <table>
705 * <tr>
706 * <td><i>None</i></td>
707 * </tr>
708 * </table>
709 */
711 /** \page Page_BuildModule_HID The HID build module
712 *
713 * The HID programming utility LUFA build system module, providing targets to reprogram an
714 * Atmel processor's FLASH memory with a project's compiled binary output file. This module
715 * requires a HID class bootloader to be running in the target, using a protocol compatible
716 * with the PJRC "HalfKay" protocol (<a>http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/halfkay_protocol.html</a>).
717 *
718 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
719 * \code
720 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_hid.mk
721 * \endcode
722 *
723 * \section SSec_BuildModule_HID_Requirements Requirements
724 * This module requires either the <tt>hid_bootloader_cli</tt> utility from the included LUFA HID
725 * class bootloader API subdirectory, or the <tt>teensy_loader_cli</tt> utility from PJRC
726 * (<a>http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader_cli.html</a>) to be available in your system's <b>PATH</b>
727 * variable.
728 *
729 * \section SSec_BuildModule_HID_Targets Targets
730 *
731 * <table>
732 * <tr>
733 * <td><tt>hid</tt></td>
734 * <td>Program the device FLASH memory with the application's executable data using <tt>hid_bootloader_cli</tt>.</td>
735 * </tr>
736 * <tr>
737 * <td><tt>hid-ee</tt></td>
738 * <td>Program the device EEPROM memory with the application's EEPROM data using <tt>hid_bootloader_cli</tt> and
739 * a temporary AVR application programmed into the target's FLASH.
740 * \note This will erase the currently loaded application in the target.</td>
741 * </tr>
742 * <tr>
743 * <td><tt>teensy</tt></td>
744 * <td>Program the device FLASH memory with the application's executable data using <tt>teensy_loader_cli</tt>.</td>
745 * </tr>
746 * <tr>
747 * <td><tt>teensy-ee</tt></td>
748 * <td>Program the device EEPROM memory with the application's EEPROM data using <tt>teensy_loader_cli</tt> and
749 * a temporary AVR application programmed into the target's FLASH.
750 * \note This will erase the currently loaded application in the target.</td>
751 * </tr>
752 * </table>
753 *
754 * \section SSec_BuildModule_HID_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
755 *
756 * <table>
757 * <tr>
758 * <td><tt>MCU</tt></td>
759 * <td>Name of the Atmel processor model (e.g. <tt>at90usb1287</tt>).</td>
760 * </tr>
761 * <tr>
762 * <td><tt>TARGET</tt></td>
763 * <td>Name of the application output file prefix (e.g. <tt>TestApplication</tt>).</td>
764 * </tr>
765 * </table>
766 *
767 * \section SSec_BuildModule_HID_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
768 *
769 * <table>
770 * <tr>
771 * <td><i>None</i></td>
772 * </tr>
773 * </table>
774 *
775 * \section SSec_BuildModule_HID_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
776 *
777 * <table>
778 * <tr>
779 * <td><i>None</i></td>
780 * </tr>
781 * </table>
782 *
783 * \section SSec_BuildModule_HID_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
784 *
785 * <table>
786 * <tr>
787 * <td><i>None</i></td>
788 * </tr>
789 * </table>
790 */
792 /** \page Page_BuildModule_SOURCES The SOURCES build module
793 *
794 * The SOURCES LUFA build system module, providing variables listing the various LUFA source files
795 * required to be build by a project for a given LUFA module. This module gives a way to reference
796 * LUFA source files symbolically, so that changes to the library structure do not break the library
797 * makefile.
798 *
799 * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
800 * \code
801 * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/lufa_sources.mk
802 * \endcode
803 *
804 * \section SSec_BuildModule_SOURCES_Requirements Requirements
805 * None.
806 *
807 * \section SSec_BuildModule_SOURCES_Targets Targets
808 *
809 * <table>
810 * <tr>
811 * <td><i>None</i></td>
812 * </tr>
813 * </table>
814 *
815 * \section SSec_BuildModule_SOURCES_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
816 *
817 * <table>
818 * <tr>
819 * <td><tt>LUFA_PATH</tt></td>
820 * <td>Path to the LUFA library core, either relative or absolute (e.g. <tt>../LUFA-000000/LUFA/</tt>).</td>
821 * </tr>
822 * <tr>
823 * <td><tt>ARCH</tt></td>
824 * <td>Architecture of the target processor (see \ref Page_DeviceSupport).</td>
825 * </tr>
826 * </table>
827 *
828 * \section SSec_BuildModule_SOURCES_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
829 *
830 * <table>
831 * <tr>
832 * <td><i>None</i></td>
833 * </tr>
834 * </table>
835 *
836 * \section SSec_BuildModule_SOURCES_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
837 *
838 * <table>
839 * <tr>
840 * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_USB</tt></td>
841 * <td>List of LUFA USB driver source files.</td>
842 * </tr>
843 * <tr>
844 * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_USBCLASS</tt></td>
845 * <td>List of LUFA USB Class driver source files.</td>
846 * </tr>
847 * <tr>
848 * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_TEMPERATURE</tt></td>
849 * <td>List of LUFA temperature sensor driver source files.</td>
850 * </tr>
851 * <tr>
852 * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_SERIAL</tt></td>
853 * <td>List of LUFA Serial U(S)ART driver source files.</td>
854 * </tr>
855 * <tr>
856 * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_TWI</tt></td>
857 * <td>List of LUFA TWI driver source files.</td>
858 * </tr>
859 * <tr>
860 * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_PLATFORM</tt></td>
861 * <td>List of LUFA architecture specific platform management source files.</td>
862 * </tr>
863 * </table>
864 *
865 * \section SSec_BuildModule_SOURCES_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
866 *
867 * <table>
868 * <tr>
869 * <td><i>None</i></td>
870 * </tr>
871 * </table>
872 */
874 /** \page Page_BuildTroubleshooting Troubleshooting Information
875 *
876 * LUFA uses a lot of advanced features of the AVR-GCC compiler, linker, and surrounding binaries. This can sometimes lead to problems compiling applications if one of these
877 * features is buggy in the version of the tools used in a build environment. Missing utilities and incorrectly set makefile configuration options can also result in different
878 * errors being produced when compilation or other operations are attempted. The table below lists a set of commonly encountered errors and their resolutions.
879 *
880 * <table>
881 * <tr>
882 * <th>Problem</th>
883 * <th>Resolution</th>
884 * </tr>
885 * <tr>
886 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL against symbol <i>{X}</i></tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
887 * <td>Try compiling with the setting <tt>LINKER_RELAXATIONS=N</tt> in your LUFA Build System 2.0 makefile, or remove the line <tt>-Wl,--relax</tt>
888 * from other makefiles. Alternatively, make sure you have the latest version of the Atmel Toolchain installed for your system.</td>
889 * </tr>
890 * <tr>
891 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>error: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
892 * <td>Try compiling with the setting <tt>DEBUG_LEVEL=2</tt> in your LUFA Build System 2.0 makefile, or make sure you are using <tt>binutils</tt> version 2.22 or later.</td>
893 * </tr>
894 * <tr>
895 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>EMERGENCY ABORT: INFINITE RECURSION DETECTED</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
896 * <td>Make sure you are using an up to date version of GNU Make when compiling. This error is a safety system added to the mid-level makefiles, to prevent an issue with
897 * GNU make or other variants of Make causing an infinitely recursive build.</td>
898 * </tr>
899 * <tr>
900 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Unsupported architecture &quot;<i>{X}</i>&quot;</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
901 * <td>Ensure your makefile's <tt>ARCH</tt> setting is set to one of the architecture names (case-sensitive) supported by the version of LUFA you are compiling against.</td>
902 * </tr>
903 * <tr>
904 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Makefile <i>{X}</i> value not set</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
905 * <td>The specified Makefile value was not configured in your project's makefile or on the command line, and the nominated setting is required by one or more LUFA
906 * build system modules. Define the value in your project makefile and try again.</td>
907 * </tr>
908 * <tr>
909 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Makefile <i>{X}</i> option cannot be blank</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
910 * <td>The specified Makefile value was configured in your project's makefile or on the command line, but was set to an empty value. For the nominated configuration
911 * option, an empty value is not allowed. Define the nominated setting to a correct non-blank value and try again.</td>
912 * </tr>
913 * <tr>
914 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Makefile <i>{X}</i> option must be Y or N</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
915 * <td>The specified Makefile value was configured in your project's makefile or on the command line, but was set to a value other than a Y (for "Yes") or "N" (for "No").
916 * This configuration option is required to be one of the aforementioned boolean values, and other values are invalid. Set this option to either Y or N and try again.</td>
917 * </tr>
918 * <tr>
919 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Unknown input source file formats: <i>{X}</i></tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
920 * <td>The nominated source files, specified in your project's makefile in the <tt>SRC</tt> configuration option, has an extension that the LUFA build system does not
921 * recognise. The file extensions are case sensitive, and must be one of the supported formats (<tt>*.c</tt>, <tt>*.cpp</tt> or <tt>*.S</tt>).</td>
922 * </tr>
923 * <tr>
924 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Cannot build with OBJDIR parameter set - one or more object file name is not unique</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
925 * <td>When a project is built with a non-empty <tt>OBJDIR</tt> object directory name set, all input source files must have unique names, excluding extension and path.
926 * This means that input files that are named identically and differ only by their path or extension are invalid when this mode is used.</td>
927 * </tr>
928 * <tr>
929 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Source file does not exist: <i>{X}</i></tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
930 * <td>The nominated input source file, specified in the user project's <tt>SRC</tt> parameter, could not be found. Ensure the source file exists and the absolute or
931 * relative path given in the user project makefile is correct and try again.</td>
932 * </tr>
933 * <tr>
934 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Doxygen configuration file <i>{X}</i> does not exist</tt></b>&quot; shown when upgrading a Doxygen configuration file.</td>
935 * <td>The nominated Doxygen configuration file, specified in the user project's <tt>DOXYGEN_CONF</tt> parameter, could not be found. Ensure the configuration file exists
936 * and the absolute or relative path given in the user project makefile is correct and try again, or run the appropriate makefile target to generate a new configuration
937 * file.</td>
938 * </tr>
939 * <tr>
940 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>avr-gcc: error: unrecognized option '<i>{X}</i>'</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
941 * <td>An unrecognised option was supplied to the compiler, usually in the <tt>C_FLAGS</tt>, <tt>CPP_FLAGS</tt>, <tt>ASM_FLAGS</tt> or <tt>CC_FLAGS</tt> configuration
942 * options. The nominated compiler switch may be invalid, or unsupported by the version of AVR-GCC on the host system. Remove the unrecognised flag if invalid, or
943 * upgrade to the latest AVR-GCC. If the option is a valid linker option, use the prefix "-Wl," to ensure it is passed to the linker correctly.</td>
944 * </tr>
945 * <tr>
946 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>makefile:{X}: {Y}.mk: No such file or directory</tt></b>&quot; shown when make is invoked.</td>
947 * <td>The path to the nominated makefile module was incorrect. This usually indicates that the makefile <tt>LUFA_PATH</tt> option is not set to a valid relative or
948 * absolute path to the LUFA library core.</td>
949 * </tr>
950 * <tr>
951 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>fatal error: LUFAConfig.h: No such file or directory</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
952 * <td>The <tt>USE_LUFA_CONFIG_HEADER</tt> compile time option was set in the user project makefile, but the user supplied <tt>LUFAConfig.h</tt> header could not be
953 * found. Ensure that the directory that contains this configuration file is correctly passed to the compiler via the -I switch in the makefile <tt>CC_FLAGS</tt>
954 * parameter.</td>
955 * </tr>
956 * <tr>
957 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>ld.exe: section .apitable_trampolines loaded at <i>{X}</i> overlaps section .text</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling a bootloader.</td>
958 * <td>The bootloader is compiling too large for the given <tt>FLASH_SIZE_KB</tt> and <tt>BOOT_SECTION_SIZE_KB</tt> parameters set in the bootloader makefile. This
959 * usually indicates that these values are incorrect for the specified device the bootloader is targeting. If these values are correct, a newer version of the
960 * compiler may need to be used to ensure that the bootloader is built within the section size constraints of the target device.</td>
961 * </tr>
962 * <tr>
963 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>unknown MCU '<i>{X}</i>' specified</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
964 * <td>The specified microcontroller device model name set in the user application's makefile as the <tt>MCU</tt> parameter is incorrect, or unsupported by the
965 * version of the compiler being used. Make sure the model name is correct, or upgrade to the latest Atmel Toolchain to obtain newer device support.</td>
966 * </tr>
967 * <tr>
968 * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>undefined reference to `<i>{X}</i>'</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
969 * <td>This is usually caused by a missing source file in the user application's <tt>SRC</tt> configuration parameter. If the indicated symbol is one from the LUFA
970 * library, you may be missing a LUFA source makefile module (see \ref Page_BuildModule_SOURCES).</td>
971 * </tr>
972 * </table>
973 *
974 * For troubleshooting other errors you encounter, please see \ref Sec_ProjectHelp.
975 */
Imprint / Impressum