]> git.gir.st - tmk_keyboard.git/summary
descriptioncustom keymap for my minivan; forked from http://github.com/evangs/tmk_keyboard
last changeSat, 3 Feb 2018 09:58:51 +0000 (10:58 +0100)

girst's fork of evangs/tmk_keyboard

This repository contains my keymap for the Minivan (rev2) keyboard. After changing the layout to my pleasing, I've converted the layout to use actionmaps to support all my planned features. Then, I merged upstream fixes from tmk/tmk_keyboard, because I needed ba2883f. The version without merges from upstream is preserved at branch evangs_firmware.

Layer 0: Base Layer
|Esc|  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Z|  U|  I|  O|  P| BSp |
|Ctrl|  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L| ?/|Fn2 |
|Shift|  Y|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  -|Sft|
|Alt |Tab/Fn2|Fn1 |Enter| Space |Fn1 |Super|  Fn3 |

Layer 1: Movement and Miscellaneous
|Esc|   |wrd|   |End|   |   |PUp|   |Hom|Ins| Del |
|Ctrl|   |   |PDn|   |   |Lft| Up| Dn| Rt|   |    |
|Shift|PSc|   |   |   |bck|   |Pau|NUM|CAP|SCR|Sft|
|Alt |       |    |     |       |    |Super|      |

Layer 2: Numbers and ASCII-Symbols
|  ^|  !|  "|  '|  $|  %|  &|  @|  (|  )|  =| BSp |
|   `|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|Fn2 |
|    #|  <|  ||  >|  +|  *|  {|  [|  ]|  }|  \|  ~|
|Alt |Tab/Fn2|    |     |       |    |Super|      |

Layer 3: Function Keys and Unicode Symbols
| F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6| F7| F8| F9|F10|F11|  F12|
|Ctrl|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  Ä|  Ö|  Ü|    |
|Shift|  €|  §|  °|  ²|  ³|  µ|  ä|  ö|  ü|  ß|Sft|
|Alt |       |    |     |       |    |Super|  Fn3 |

TMK Keyboard Firmware Collection

This repository includes keyboard and converter firmware projects built with tmk_core keyboard library.

The latest source code is available here: http://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard



Changed action code for ACTION_LAYER_MODS and this may cause incompatibility with existent shared URL and downloaded firmwware of keymap editor. If you are using the action you just have to redefine it on keymap editor. Existent keymap code should not suffer.


Keymap framework was updated. fn_actions[] should be defined as action_t instead of uint16_t. And default code for keymap handling is now included in core you just need define uint8_t keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] and action_t fn_actions[].


Some projects were moved from converter and keyboard to orphan directory. Those might be removed in some future but you will be able to access them with orphans tag. See https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/issues/173


core: flabbergast's Chibios protocol was merged from https://github.com/flabbergast/tmk_keyboard/tree/chibios (@72b1668). See tmk_core/protocol/chibios/README.md. Chibios protocol supports Cortex-M such as STM32 and Kinetis.


Core library was separated to other branch core. https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/tree/core

In Makefile you need to set TMK_DIR to indicate core library location now.

TMK_DIR = ../../tmk_core


You can find some keyboard specific projects under converter and keyboard directory.



Projects based tmk_keyboard or tmk_core



GPLv2 or later. Some protocol files are under Modified BSD License.

Third party libraries like LUFA, PJRC and V-USB have their own license respectively.

Build Firmware and Program Controller

See tmk_core/doc/build.md.

Change your keymap

See tmk_core/doc/keymap.md.

Magic Commands

To see help press Magic + H.

Magic key combination is LShift + RShift in many projects, but Power key on ADB converter. Magic keybind can be vary on each project, check config.h in project directory.

Following commands can be also executed with Magic + key. In console mode Magic keybind is not needed.

----- Command Help -----
c:      enter console mode
d:      toggle debug enable
x:      toggle matrix debug
k:      toggle keyboard debug
m:      toggle mouse debug
v:      print device version & info
t:      print timer count
s:      print status
e:      print eeprom config
n:      toggle NKRO
0/F10:  switch to Layer0
1/F1:   switch to Layer1
2/F2:   switch to Layer2
3/F3:   switch to Layer3
4/F4:   switch to Layer4
PScr:   power down/remote wake-up
Caps:   Lock Keyboard(Child Proof)
Paus:   jump to bootloader

Boot Magic Configuration - Virtual DIP Switch

Boot Magic are executed during boot up time. Press Magic key below then plug in keyboard cable. Note that you must use keys of Layer 0 as Magic keys. These settings are stored in EEPROM so that retain your configure over power cycles.

To avoid configuring accidentally additive salt key KC_SPACE also needs to be pressed along with the following configuration keys. The salt key is configurable in config.h. See tmk_core/common/bootmagic.h.





Default Layer

Mechanical Locking support

This feature makes it possible for you to use mechanical locking switch for CapsLock, NumLock or ScrollLock. To enable this feature define these macros in config.h and use KC_LCAP, KC_LN UM or KC_LSCR in keymap for locking key instead of normal KC_CAPS, KC_NLCK or KC_SLCK. Res ync option tries to keep switch state consistent with keyboard LED state.


Start Your Own Project

  1. Add tmk_core into your repository using git submodule or git subtree.
  2. Copy files from tmk_keybaord or other project similar to yours
  3. Edit those files to support your keyboard.

See these as examples.


Use PJRC's hid_listen to see debug messages. You can use xprintf() to display debug info, see tmk_core/common/xprintf.h.

Files and Directories



Coding Style

Other Keyboard Firmware Projects

You can learn a lot about keyboard firmware from these. See Other Projects other than TMK.

2018-02-03 girstremove experimental return, cleanup slash_question key master github/master
2018-02-03 girstfix issue with stuck shift when not releasing slashques...
2018-02-02 girstsmall experimental changes (ctrl+tab, fn2+enter)
2018-02-02 girstdon't `make clean` everytime
2017-12-16 girstMerge remote-tracking branch 'upsteam/master'
2017-12-16 girstbranch current firmware in anticipation to upstream...
2017-12-14 girstadd insert key
2017-12-14 girstsmall semantic change in action_function
2017-12-14 girstfix SLASH_QUESTION key release bug
2017-12-14 girsttypo fixed
2017-12-14 girstmove cheatsheet to root dir
2017-12-14 girstadd left fn2
2017-12-14 girstworking: shift+slash=questionmark
2017-12-14 girstremove unnecessary fn3-space-enter-swappings, add painp...
2017-12-13 girstcheat sheet
2017-12-13 girstmake clean after ./make flash
6 years ago master
Imprint / Impressum